Wednesday, 2021-09-22

opendevreviewjinyuanliu proposed openstack/kolla master: venus: add log management system
jinyuanliuwho can help me review06:12
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Unify curl use (customisation options)
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add way to change weight of haproxy backend per service
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opendevreviewGaël THEROND proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add missing cloudkitty documentation.
Fl1ntGood morning chat!07:52
jingvarI have an issue with kolla repo, git clone , git  ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/stable/victoria - it hungs , some times works07:58
jingvargit clone works07:58
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mnasiadkajingvar: does not hang for me (10 successes out of 10 tries), so it's not an issue with repository.08:14
jingvarthanks, I've cheked it on my home pc, got the same. now it works08:30
kevkomorning \o/08:32
opendevreviewPiotr Parczewski proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use friendly target names in Prometheus
opendevreviewPiotr Parczewski proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use friendly target names in Prometheus
kevkosome weird intermittent errros in ci :/ ->
kevkodifferent reviews different jobs, same error , after recheck sometimes working sometimes not ... upper constraints not changed upstream, so i don't know why .. is it known issue or is it something new ? 10:45
kevkoyoctozepto, mnasiadka ^^ ? 10:45
priteauI am seeing the same thing in cloudkitty, so it's not just a kolla thing10:46
yoctozeptokevko: random11:27
yoctozeptopypi proxy/mirror issue11:27
yoctozeptopip bad at reporting11:27
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/victoria: Fix typo in IP allocation filename
mnasiadkayoctozepto: made it13:52
mnasiadkamgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi bbezak parallax Fl1nt - meeting in 813:52
hrwnot 1:08?13:52
mnasiadkaseems I changed timezones :D14:00
mnasiadkayes, in an hour.14:00
yoctozeptomnasiadka: but you will be there for the meeting, right? :P14:23
mnasiadkayoctozepto: yes, unfortunately ;)14:23
mnasiadkamgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi bbezak parallax Fl1nt - meeting in 10 (now really) ;)14:49
mnasiadka#startmeeting kolla15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 22 15:01:11 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'15:01
mnasiadka#topic Roll-call15:01
mnasiadka#topic Agenda15:04
mnasiadka* Announcements15:04
mnasiadka* Review action items from the last meeting15:04
mnasiadka* CI status15:04
mnasiadka* Discuss "Transition Keystone admin user to system scope"
mnasiadka* Should we switch CentOS to upstream MariaDB as well? And should we try to sync version for all in Xena? And which one?
mnasiadka* Should we support Rocky in images?15:04
mnasiadka* Release tasks15:04
mnasiadka* Xena cycle planning15:04
mnasiadka* Yoga PTG planning15:04
mnasiadka* Open discussion15:04
mnasiadka#topic Announcements15:05
mnasiadkaI have none, let's move on.15:06
mnasiadka#topic Review action items from the last meeting15:06
mnasiadkamnasiadka to update docs encouraging to build your own containers and run your own registry15:06
mnasiadkamnasiadka to create pull-retag-push blueprint based on kayobe RFE:!/story/200773115:06
mnasiadkayoctozepto to fix multinode docs after defaulting to secure registry15:06
mnasiadkamnasiadka to send a mail to ML about Kolla PTG15:06
mnasiadkahaven't done mine - yoctozepto ?15:06
yoctozeptomnasiadka: fixed in the change15:07
yoctozeptoneed to merge it15:07
mnasiadkafair enough :)15:08
mnasiadka#topic CI status15:08
mnasiadkaGreen, but I see a note about Train failing?15:08
yoctozeptosomeone cares about train then15:10
yoctozepto(not me)15:10
mnasiadkaWell, let's see if somebody has the will to fix it then.15:10
mnasiadka#topic  Discuss "Transition Keystone admin user to system scope"
mnasiadkaheadphoneJames - so what's the current status?15:11
headphoneJames I scaled the patch back to the proposed scope15:12
mnasiadkaI saw that, seems CI hasn't broken - I think we're waiting for mgoddard to review next week.15:13
headphoneJames it got an initial review from mgoddard - it should now reflect all requested changes15:13
headphoneJames and I agree - now it needs mgoddard stamp of approval15:13
headphoneJamesof course open to any other comments/feedback15:14
mnasiadkaOk, are there any other chunks we want to try to squeeze in for Xena?15:15
headphoneJames I assume not if the door is closing15:15
mnasiadkaOk, situation is clear.15:16
mnasiadkaNext topic15:16
mnasiadka#topic Should we switch CentOS to upstream MariaDB as well? And should we try to sync version for all in Xena? And which one?
mnasiadkayoctozepto: from my perspective - if all other distros use upstream MariaDB - it would be a bit weird if we would keep CentOS using distro MariaDB rpms?15:16
yoctozeptomnasiadka: same here15:17
yoctozeptoswitch only on master15:17
yoctozeptoor everywhere15:17
mnasiadkaDo we have any bugs opened/issues around MariaDB in stable branches?15:18
yoctozeptoyes, for debian15:18
hrwvictoria and below15:18
mnasiadkaok, so we need to sync up Debian with Ubuntu, right?15:18
yoctozeptothat's what I'm doing already15:18
yoctozeptowant to continue that down to affected ussuri15:19
yoctozeptothen do the other switches15:19
yoctozeptolet's plan the other ones15:19
mnasiadkaSo we have no reason to switch CentOS anywhere else than master - so probably let's not do this - unless I'm mistaken.15:20
yoctozeptodefinitely works for me15:20
yoctozeptoso #agreed ?15:20
mnasiadka#agreed to switch CentOS and Debian to MariaDB upstream repo, and only backport Debian change to stable branches to sync up with Ubuntu and close existing bug.15:21
mnasiadkaIf I haven't mixed up anything, I guess this is what we agreed to :)15:21
yoctozeptothere are two more questions there15:21
yoctozeptothe next q is15:21
yoctozepto"And should we try to sync version for all in Xena?"15:21
yoctozeptonow we have debian 10.5 and others 10.315:21
yoctozeptowe can't go down obviously15:22
yoctozeptothe current stable is 10.615:22
yoctozeptoeither do not sync or sync to 10.5 or 10.615:22
mnasiadkaseems OSA reverted their jump to 10.6 a month ago15:23
mnasiadkadue to some upgrade problems15:23
hrwwallaby was 10.5 in Debian at least so what about sync all to 10.5 now and higher in Y?15:23
mnasiadkaI think since it's close to feature freeze and other fantastic events in X release - we should just bump everything to 10.515:24
yoctozeptomakes sense to me15:24
mnasiadka#agreed to sync MariaDB on all distros to 10.5 and pursue 10.6 in next cycle15:25
mnasiadkaany more questions for that topic?15:25
yoctozeptomnasiadka: re osa - they rely on deb to upgrade so... you know ;-)15:25
yoctozeptonot from me15:25
mnasiadkagalera_repo_host: "" in their role defaults/15:26
mnasiadkaah, you meant something else15:26
yoctozeptomnasiadka: I mean, they upgrade it with apt/dpkg15:26
mnasiadkanow I get it :)15:26
mnasiadka#topic Should we support Rocky in images?15:26
yoctozeptoI'm not sure there are clear benefits15:26
yoctozeptowhat's wrong with stream images on rocky?15:26
yoctozeptodrivers go on host anyway15:27
mnasiadkaI don't know if I would feel safe in running that combination, but maybe it would work.15:27
yoctozeptothen run debian (-:15:27
hrwWasn't Rocky EOL already?15:27
mnasiadkaOpenStack Rocky? Maybe :)15:27
yoctozeptoit seems we are unsure on the decision to make15:29
mnasiadkai think we should also have mgoddard for the discussion, and hrw seems to have no opinion ;-)15:30
hrwI think that it wwe should rather concentrate on Rocky Linux as host in k-a15:30
hrwif RL at all15:30
yoctozeptothen hrw sounds like me15:31
hrwnote that for images you need also to convince infra to mirror RockyLinux repos15:31
hrwotherwise you eat lot of bandwidth on CI15:31
mnasiadkaTrue, I was not thinking of merging it this cycle, easy.15:31
mnasiadkaLet's just maybe add this as a PTG topic, maybe we'll have more opinions then.15:32
yoctozeptook, then we can postpone this discussion15:32
hrwit does not matter which cycle15:32
mnasiadkaFor now DIB/bindep/etc don't support Rocky Linux15:32
hrwlot of work for nearly no gain15:32
hrwas you want source images only 15:32
yoctozeptohrw sounds like a harsher version of me15:32
yoctozeptobut true that15:33
hrwwe have like 2-4 developers, 3 distros, 2 build types...15:33
hrwI would rather drop binary images than add another distro15:33
mnasiadkaI was thinking about that the other day ;-)15:33
yoctozeptoI know kevko might be unhappy about that15:34
yoctozeptoneed to persuade him15:34
mnasiadkaOk, let's postpone this discussion to the PTG.15:34
yoctozeptoI'm all in to drop everything and leave one distro and source only ;p15:34
hrwhe always can apply for core membership. 15:34
yoctozeptoI mean, for images15:34
hrwRocky/Alma are good candidates for host distro15:34
yoctozeptoyeah, host is fine15:34
yoctozeptoas long as it has decent kernel15:35
yoctozeptoand runs docker15:35
yoctozeptowe should be good15:35
hrwand that's k-a job. where it will be mostly s/centos/any-rhel-clone/15:35
mnasiadkaThat's not complicated, question what happens with CentOS Stream 9 and Yoga - will we be able to run Stream9 images on RHEL 8 compatible operating systems.15:35
hrwwith small "shit, rocky" or "meh, centos stream"15:35
yoctozeptomnasiadka: test with debian images only15:36
yoctozeptowhat's the need for stream in images? ;d15:36
mnasiadkaI would ask who needs Stream at all :)15:36
yoctozeptoI would say we should change a bit our scope15:36
yoctozeptomnasiadka: that too! lol15:36
hrw*if* we do binary images then we need Stream15:37
yoctozeptoyeah, I assume source-only for any further discussion15:37
hrwunless you want to drop rhel family15:37
hrwgood topic for PTG then: Should we drop binary images?15:38
mnasiadkaI'll add a couple of related topics to the PTG etherpad, like dropping binary, using one distro as base, etc15:38
hrwmnasiadka: #action?15:38
mnasiadka#action mnasiadka to add topics to PTG around dropping binary, using one distro as base, etc15:38
mnasiadkaand let's close this pandora box15:38
mnasiadka#topic Release tasks15:39
mnasiadkahrw: I saw a change around adding binary packages to Debian in Xena?15:39
mnasiadkaOk, I guess it would be nice to get that merged as part of release tasks.15:40
yoctozeptoalso correct15:40
mnasiadka#topic Xena cycle planning15:40
mnasiadkaI need to update the last of Ansible bump up changes15:40
mnasiadkakevko seems to have updated some of his changes, I'll try to review tomorrow15:41
mnasiadkayoctozepto: what about the Swift role remodeling? Can we stick to one change? Whiteboard mentions two :)15:41
yoctozeptomnasiadka: not following that one atm15:42
mnasiadkaok, so unlikely to get merged I guess15:42
yoctozeptowe can always try15:42
yoctozeptoit does not change the interface for the users15:42
yoctozeptoand shouldn't change experience so15:43
yoctozeptofor me it's a bugfix really15:43
yoctozeptofixing the ugliness of the role (-:15:43
mnasiadkayoctozepto: seems to be waiting for you15:43
yoctozeptooh boy15:43
yoctozeptowhy am I not in "reviewers" then? :D15:44
yoctozeptoleaving it in a tab to review at some point15:44
mnasiadkaok, good15:44
mnasiadkaseems we've got covered most of the Xena items in kolla/kolla-ansible15:45
mnasiadkathe rest is Kayobe, and we've got no representation from them today...15:45
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mnasiadka#topic Yoga PTG planning15:45
mnasiadkaThere's an action on me to send email, populate etherpad with some ideas15:45
mnasiadkaIf anybody has any ideas for topics - please add them as well15:46
yoctozeptois mnasiadka not a representation of kayobe?15:46
mnasiadkaI am :)15:46
yoctozeptothen mnasiadka is a little liar :-)15:47
mnasiadkaBut I'll update the status of the changes after the meeting and chase reviewers using a different medium ;-)15:47
mnasiadkaok then, last but not least15:48
mnasiadka#topic Open discussion15:48
mnasiadka12 minutes left in the meeting, incredible.15:48
yoctozeptoperhaps we skipped some important topic and did not notice15:48
hrwdo we have any potential candidates for core?15:49
yoctozeptoafaik kevko is trying15:49
mnasiadkaI think it's good he's trying, but he needs to at least double his review numbers...15:50
hrwalso outside of his interests15:51
mnasiadkaOk, seems no other topics15:53
mnasiadkaOr maybe I'll start one - regarding Monasca CI - I don't want to be rude, but I feel we're trying to keep it alive, but one of the components is failing - one that calculates thresholds and alerts on those thresholds (like cpu busy).15:54
yoctozeptojust propose to drop the job15:54
yoctozeptoI'll accept that15:54
yoctozeptoI mean +215:55
mnasiadkaI'm not into deprecating it now, but let's drop the job and ensure there's a bug raised claiming Monasca does not work in Y or even W (maybe even reflect that in Support Matrix)15:55
mnasiadkaOk, I'll do that.15:55
yoctozeptogood thinking15:55
yoctozeptoI'm also working on that15:56
yoctozepto"ugly projects"15:56
yoctozeptoto document and hide behind a var barrier15:56
yoctozeptowill propose later this week or next one15:56
mnasiadkaso let's end this fine meeting15:57
mnasiadka#endmeeting kolla15:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 22 15:57:05 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:57
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mnasiadkathanks for attending15:57
hrwfor chairing15:57
yoctozeptothanks mnasiadka15:58
sorin-mihaimaybe it's just my half broken environment, but in 2 different all-in-one deployments, ussuri and wallaby, i didn't manage to get the monitoring part actually work... never got the time to actually figure what is missing/broken15:59
yoctozeptoyou mean monitoring with monasca?16:00
sorin-mihaii have a lot of things enabled, tbh i'm not sure if it's just monasca or maybe there's something else missing16:01
yoctozeptobut you have some monitoring in mind if you claim it does not work ;p16:01
sorin-mihaii had when i made the deployments. lol16:03
yoctozeptoI appreciate the honesty16:04
sorin-mihaii did manage to connect to kibana web interface, but that was about it16:05
mnasiadkaWell, we have two flavors of monitoring - monasca and prometheus16:28
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted in order to address a performance regression related to event processing; any changes pushed or approved between roughly 17:00 and 18:30 UTC should be rechecked if they're not already enqueued according to the Zuul status page18:36

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