Wednesday, 2021-11-03

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov  3 14:00:30 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaitasorry about the late reminder ... my wall clock runs slow, but i don't want to replace it because where am i going to find another "Greetings from Grover's Mill New Jersey" clock?14:01
jungleboyj:-)  14:02
jungleboyjYou can reset it.  :-)14:02
rosmaitajungleboyj: yeah, that's what i do, but i only notice that it's slow when i'm late for something14:03
rosmaitaanyway, looks like a good turnout ... hello everyone14:03
rosmaita#topic announcements14:03
rosmaitaok, hopefully our European people remembered that today's meeting is an hour earlier than last week for htem14:04
rosmaitanow it's the USA's turn14:04
geguileodaylight savings fun14:05
rosmaitadaylight saving time ends this weekend, so if you are in a region that observes it, the meeting will still be at 1400 utc, but that will happen an hour earlier for you14:05
rosmaitanext up14:05
rosmaitayou may remember that we spent a large part of the last day of the PTG at the TC meeting14:05
jungleboyjThis week has been so confusing thanks to the change in Europe and not China.14:05
rosmaitaabout the secure rbac community goal14:06
rosmaitathere's a meeting about it immediately following this one14:06
rosmaitaconnection info in that email14:06
rosmaitaso if you are interested, feel free to attend14:06
rosmaitawe have a light agenda today, so maybe we can have the bug squad meeting early14:06
rosmaitafinal announcement is:14:07
jungleboyjrosmaita:  I wanted to attend but had another meeting scheduled over it.  So, will join if I am able to.14:07
enriquetasoi'm interested.. but we have the bug meeting, should we postpone it?14:07
enriquetasooh cool14:07
enriquetasosounds fine14:07
rosmaitai never finished my sentence14:08
rosmaitathe final announcement is that the final ussuri release is supposed to happen next week14:08
rosmaitawe have an etherpad tracking patches14:08
rosmaitaok, looks like we got the multipath/iscsi not initiated after reboot patch merged into ussuri14:10
rosmaitathe other 2 are still at master14:10
rosmaitai will review them this afternoon14:11
rosmaitabut will need other volunteers14:11
jungleboyjrosmaita:  I will look.14:11
rosmaitajungleboyj: ty14:11
rosmaitafor the cinderclient patch, someone other than jungleboyj needs to look14:12
enriquetasoI'll review it14:12
enriquetasooh, it's stable/ussuri of course14:12
rosmaitaenriquetaso: ty, but it will also need a stable core14:12
rosmaitaenriquetaso: could definitely use your opinion on whether it should go into ussuri or not, though14:13
rosmaitathis is probably a good reminder about stable branch patches14:13
rosmaitaa -1 on those saying why it's not an appropriate backport carries a lot of weight14:14
rosmaitaso don't leave those only to the stable core team, otherwise stuff occasionally slips through14:14
rosmaitabecause in addition to the code being good, it is also supposed to be an important fix, unlikely to destabilize the release14:15
rosmaitaok, so for the cinderclient patch, let's see what sofia thinks, and then a stable core who's not me or jay can follow up14:16
rosmaitabefore next week14:16
rosmaitaone last thing14:17
rosmaitayou probably saw the email, but i posted a summary of the ptg:
rosmaitaany other announcements?14:18
rosmaitaok, moving on then14:18
rosmaita#topic six and drivers14:18
rosmaitaso, our policy has been that it's ok for drivers to continue to use the six library, though we have removed it from most of main cinder14:19
rosmaitasomeone posted a patch to remove it from drivers14:19
rosmaitabut before we do that, we should probably revise the policy14:20
rosmaitaalso, simondodsley made the point on that review that maybe we should have the driver maintainers do it themselves14:20
rosmaitaas a check-in to make sure that drivers are actually being maintained14:21
rosmaitawhich i think is a good idea14:21
rosmaitaalso, i think someone said python 3.10 won't be compatible with six 14:21
rosmaitaso we should probably start moving in this direction anyway14:22
rosmaitaat this point, i will shut up and see if anyone has an opinion on this issue14:22
rosmaitaapparently not14:23
enriquetasoregarding python2 support, i found this yesterday
enriquetasomaybe we can do the six removed and that shutil as well 14:24
rosmaitagood find, you are right14:25
rosmaitawe should broaden this to remove any py 2.7 detrius remaining in the code14:25
jungleboyjrosmaita:  I think it would be an interesting exercise to see what driver maintainers do engage and remove six.14:25
jungleboyjWhat do we do for the maintainers that don't?14:26
rosmaitaprobably mark the drivers unsupported14:26
jungleboyjFair enough.  Hopefully that will then get some attention.14:26
rosmaitawe can make the change ourselves to keep the drivers in tree for now, but mark them as unsupported14:26
eharneyit's generally pretty easy for us to remove where we want to go ahead and do that14:26
rosmaitaok, i will put up a patch to revise our six statement, and then send something to the ML14:27
rosmaitato get comments on the patch, but also to float the idea that maintainers should do this14:28
jungleboyjOk  I think that makes sense.14:28
rosmaita#action rosmaita revise six-and-drivers statement14:28
rosmaitaok, that's all i had about that14:28
rosmaita#topic mypy patch of the week14:28
rosmaitai am happy to report that last week's patch merged!14:29
rosmaitathis week we have:
rosmaitawhich already has a +2 and a +114:29
rosmaitaso i will take this one14:29
rosmaitathanks to TusharTgite, he seems to have looked at a lot of these14:30
rosmaitabtw, eric has the patches stacked, so you can always find the next one and review it early, you don't have to wait for it to be announced14:31
rosmaitajust look at the "Relation chain" in the gerrit interface14:31
rosmaita#topic volume driver API 14:32
rosmaitageguileo has a few patches up addressing what we discussed at the ptg14:32
rosmaitathey all need reviews14:32
rosmaitaso rather than starting on a new function to document this week, i will request that people (including me) review them14:33
rosmaitathey are stacked, too, so please review from the bottom up in the "Relation chain"14:34
rosmaita(i'm not sure that i have the ordering correct above)14:34
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:34
rosmaitaok, i have something14:36
rosmaitai've got a patch that autogenerates a lower-constraints file and then runs our tests with it to make sure that the min in our requirements is actually valid14:37
rosmaitaproblem is, it uses 2 tox environments14:37
rosmaitaone to generate the file, and the second to use that file to run the tests14:37
rosmaitai know how to map 1 tox testenv to a zuul job, but am not sure how to make it run 2 back to back14:37
rosmaitaso if anyone knows how to do that, i am all ears14:38
rosmaitafeel free to ping me in irc14:39
rosmaitaok, sounds like nobody has any general discussion topics14:39
rosmaitai propose that we adjourn early so that people have time to review the volume driver API patches14:40
rosmaitaso, thanks for attending everyone, and let's start the bug squad meeting early14:40
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov  3 14:41:06 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:41
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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