Wednesday, 2022-06-08

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun  8 14:00:13 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
simondodsleyhi from Berlinb14:01
whoami-rajatI think Fernando is also in Berlin and was asking if someone else was there too from cinder team simondodsley 14:02
simondodsleyYuval from LightBits is also here14:02
whoami-rajatoh cool14:02
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whoami-rajatwe've a good amount of people and a long agenda today so let's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatfirst, Cinder midcycle-1 summary14:05
whoami-rajatI've prepared a summary of our first mid cycle held last week, it is quite a short one but has links to the recordings14:06
whoami-rajatsecond, Release name change after Zed14:06
whoami-rajatso the new release naming is official14:06
whoami-rajatI've taken an example from the above doc14:06
whoami-rajat__hope I'm back14:08
whoami-rajat__internet issue14:08
geguileowhoami-rajat__: you are back14:08
whoami-rajat__so we were on the release naming14:09
whoami-rajat__ I've taken an example from the above doc14:09
whoami-rajat__the first release after Zed will be named in this format -- OpenStack 2023.1 Axxxx14:09
whoami-rajat__Where “2023” is the year of the release, “1” represents the first release of the year and “Axxxx” is the release name.14:09
whoami-rajat__and this will continue for subsequent releases14:10
whoami-rajat__more info is in the governance doc14:10
whoami-rajat__next announcement, RBAC new design discussion14:10
geguileohaving the date there is nice14:10
whoami-rajat__yeah would be easy to track releases14:10
rosmaitathe big change is that the stable branch will use the date version, so stable/2023.1 for the Axxxxx release14:10
whoami-rajat__^^ everyone14:11
whoami-rajat__so TC is rethinking the design of RBAC and there will be a discussion in summit in the ops meetup to get operators feedback14:12
geguileorosmaita: I don't like that :-(14:12
whoami-rajat__we might see some changes after that so better to hold any RBAC related work but rosmaita is already aware14:12
geguileonew changes on the SRBAC work?  I can't believe it!   };-)14:13
rosmaitaand so early in the cycle :D14:13
rosmaitaluckily, i have prepared for such a contingency by not working on it yet14:14
whoami-rajat__no surprises there14:14
whoami-rajat__rosmaita, :D14:14
whoami-rajat__moving on to the final announcement14:14
geguileocan we add something to the RBAC operator feedback?14:14
whoami-rajat__Register blueprint for your new driver14:14
geguileoor did that meeting already happen?14:14
rosmaitameeting happens friday14:15
whoami-rajat__it will happen on 16 or 17 june i guess14:15
rosmaitaas long as you say scope is a bad idea, feel free to leave comments :P14:15
whoami-rajat__oh friday 10t14:15
rosmaitasorry, Rajat, we are having an interleaved discussion14:15
geguileowhoami-rajat__: yeah, sorry14:15
whoami-rajat__no issues, good to have things cleared out14:16
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whoami-rajatfinally able to change IRC nick!14:17
whoami-rajatso last announcement14:17
whoami-rajatI sent out a mail to the ML addressing driver vendors to register blueprints for the new drivers proposed to Zed14:17
whoami-rajatfor better tracking14:17
whoami-rajatI've mentioned the drivers we discussed during midcycle there, if there are more we will get a response on the thread which is good14:18
whoami-rajatand request to the reviewers to focus on driver reviews as we've a bunch of drivers which will probably consume a lot of time to review14:19
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: ++14:19
whoami-rajatand we might miss deadline otherwise14:19
whoami-rajatthat's all for announcements, anyone has anything else?14:20
rosmaitaabout the drivers14:20
whoami-rajatrosmaita, yes14:20
rosmaitawe should prioritize the YADRO driver, since it's been posted since the day before the yoga deadline14:20
rosmaitalooks like it is passing tests now (or the last time i looked)14:21
whoami-rajatack, sounds good14:21
whoami-rajattests I assume third party CI and not only Zuul?14:21
geguileoshould take this opportunity to take notes on mistakes people do when developing their new drivers to improve our docs?14:21
rosmaitayuval had a bunch of suggestions from his driver whose name escapes me14:22
whoami-rajatgeguileo, +1 but I've seen mistakes that are already documented :( but good practice14:22
rosmaita(he is at the summit, not here)14:22
whoami-rajatlightbits lightos driver?14:22
geguileowhoami-rajat: in that case the comment is just adding a link to the doc  ;-)14:22
rosmaitathat's it14:22
whoami-rajatgeguileo, yes!14:23
geguileorosmaita: the suggestions was for our docs or for our driver interface?14:23
whoami-rajatgood suggestions, I will prepare an etherpad with the BP links and driver patches to prioritize better14:23
rosmaitageguileo: mostly docs, but possibly some interface suggestions too14:23
rosmaitawe can gather suggestions there and then put up a big patch ^^14:24
whoami-rajatgood idea14:25
simondodsleyI think the major miss is the Software Factory stuff14:26
simondodsleythere is nothing out there and yet it is the preferred method now (supposedly)14:26
geguileoyeah, looks like the big pain is still the CI14:26
simondodsleyyep -also look slike the latest Zull is not consistent in the way it is assigning interfaces to vms14:27
simondodsleyso one day the iSCSI ports on on one interface and the next day they are on another.14:27
simondodsleyThat causes all sorts of failures14:27
rosmaitasomehow datacore is running their CI jobs in 18 minutes14:27
geguileorosmaita: how????14:28
simondodsleyphysically impossible14:28
whoami-rajatdevstack installation takes more time than that :D14:28
rosmaitayes, we need to look more closely14:28
geguileowhoami-rajat: that's what I was thinking14:28
rosmaitaone result i saw was runnning tests in 40 cores14:28
geguileosimondodsley: the interfaces issue sounds like a nightmare14:28
* geguileo wants 40 cores14:28
simondodsleyyes it is, especially when I have multiple card types for different data planes14:29
rosmaitacinder could use 40 cores! think of the review bandwidth14:29
whoami-rajatokay, so we can continue discussion on this later (in open discussion or cinder channel) and move on to topics (we've a bunch of them)14:29
whoami-rajat#topic Opinion on low attendance at mid cycle and how we can improve it in future14:30
whoami-rajatSo i was thinking about this and I've mentioned some possible reasons on the etherpad14:30
whoami-rajatwhat i wanted to ask is, if the notifications are not clear (IRC, mail) and we should add additional things like a calendar invite?14:31
simondodsleyan invite would be good, but could the ML deal with that?14:31
rosmaitai think the notificaions were clear, and it was listed on the openstack release schedule14:32
simondodsleyI think it was just too close to the summit IMHO14:32
rosmaitacalendar invite wouldn't hurt (don't know about simondodsley's email question, though)14:32
geguileothe calendar invite could be like the ping14:32
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, yeah i mentioned that as a reason (people might be traveling to summit)14:32
geguileowe have a list of  people who want the invite and we just create the invite for those instead of the mailing list...14:33
whoami-rajatgeguileo +1, we could create a special list of people who would like to receive a calendar invite14:33
simondodsleymaybe not travelling exactly, but prepping for the sumit and clearing backlog14:33
rosmaitai think simondodsley is right though, people preparing for summit were probably distracted from participating14:33
whoami-rajatyeah that too could be a reason14:34
rosmaitai don't know how they pick the summit dates anymore14:34
whoami-rajatso if this was a one time thing then we can continue with our current reminder system but if people are interested in getting calendar invites, they can provide their emails14:35
geguileowhoami-rajat: I'd like the calendar invite, since I always create it myself14:36
geguileoif it's not in my calendar, it's not happening. I even have this meeting in my calendar14:36
whoami-rajatrosmaita, me neither, last time i attended it was summit + PTG ...14:36
simondodsleyspeakng of PTG, do you all know its in Columbus in October?14:37
zaitcevNews to me.14:37
rosmaitaFabulous Columbus, Ohio14:37
simondodsleyAnnounced at Summit14:37
rosmaitamiddle of the week because Ohio State plays at home at the end of the week14:37
simondodsleyI think 17-1914:38
simondodsleyclashes with an international trip for me sadly14:38
whoami-rajatgeguileo, cool, I've created this etherpad so people can write their emails and i will send a calendar invite from next time
whoami-rajateveryone ^^14:38
whoami-rajatThere's an email also about the PTG with subject "Save the Date: PTG October 2022"14:39
geguileosimondodsley: thanks for the heads up on the PTG14:39
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, thanks for providing summit announcements to us! 14:40
whoami-rajatthis topic seems sorted so moving on to the next one14:41
whoami-rajat#topic cinderlib status14:41
simondodsleyits why im here14:41
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's you14:41
rosmaitaok, we have cinderlib release coming up14:41
geguileosimondodsley: I thought you were here to talk about nvmeof over FC14:41
rosmaitaso was looking at the repo to see that everything is working correctly14:41
simondodsleyno - just for the beer14:42
rosmaitathere are a few problems14:42
geguileosimondodsley: lol14:42
geguileorosmaita: :-(14:42
rosmaitafirst one is we are supposed to be running requirements-check, but we can't run the normal one because of our trailing deliverable status14:42
rosmaitathink i have that partially fixed14:42
rosmaitaproblem now is that we have cinder in requirements.txt14:43
whoami-rajatrosmaita, don't we have a template for projects that are cycle trailing ?14:43
rosmaitadon't think so14:43
rosmaitai don't think there are enough of them14:43
rosmaitaanyway, what i want to ask geguileo is what would happen if we remove cinder from requirements.txt14:44
rosmaitacinderlib tox doesn't use cinder from there, installs it from git14:44
geguileorosmaita: yes, but if cinder's not there then the pypi package won't have it as a dependency, right?14:45
rosmaitai think we probably need it14:45
geguileothat's kind of a BIG THING14:45
rosmaitajust wanted to verify before i go talk to the requirements team14:45
rosmaitawe will need an exception to get cinder into global-requirements, i think14:46
rosmaita#action rosmaita work out cinder in requirements.txt with requirements team14:46
rosmaitaok, next item is weird cinderlib-tox-py36 job failures14:46
geguileorosmaita: thanks!14:47
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:47
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rosmaita"Task Install any sibling python packages  failed"14:47
rosmaitai have no idea, seems to be happening for cinderlib-lvm-functional job too14:47
rosmaitaalso seems to be happening on ubuntu and centos14:47
geguileorosmaita: you may need to add the required-projects part14:48
rosmaitai was hoping tosky might have some ideas14:48
rosmaitaok, i will take a look and see if that's an easy fix14:48
rosmaitabecause the cinderlib-ceph-functional job is great!14:48
rosmaitaok, last thing is cinderlib-tox-py3914:49
rosmaitawhich i cannot reproduce locally14:49
rosmaitabut here's an example if someone wants to look14:49
geguileorosmaita: me should look14:49
rosmaitageguileo: ty14:50
rosmaitaok, i lied14:50
rosmaitahere is the actual last item14:50
rosmaitawe don't seem to be using upper-constraints14:50
rosmaitapossibly i am missing something though14:50
geguileorosmaita: those are all related to the cinderlib database metadata plugin14:51
rosmaitai was hoping the py39 failure was using a too new library or something (though not being able to reproduce it locally kind of nixes that idea)14:51
geguileowhich probably points to what you thought of the library14:51
geguileorosmaita: I'll look into it tomorrow, ping me again tomorrow end of day if I haven't gotten back to you14:52
rosmaitageguileo: great!14:52
rosmaitageguileo: should i try a patch changing the pip install command to use constraints?14:52
rosmaita(independently of the db metadata plugin problem)14:53
geguileorosmaita: that's a good question14:54
geguileorosmaita: doesn't cinderlib use constraints?14:54
rosmaitai don't think so14:54
geguileorosmaita: mmmm, only for reno and docs, that's unconventional14:54
rosmaitaok, let me see if the trick you came up with for cinder works for cinderlib14:55
geguileoyeah, I think we should add it14:55
rosmaitaok, i'll put up a patch after the meeting and let's see what happens14:56
whoami-rajatcool, thanks rosmaita and geguileo 14:56
rosmaitaok, that's all, other than to remember that release must happen on or before 23 June14:56
whoami-rajatlet's quickly get over the last topic14:57
whoami-rajat#topic Add some information file about how tempest works14:57
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, that's you14:57
rosmaitathis sounds like a good idea, even before hearing enriquetaso's ideas!14:57
enriquetasoMy original question was how do we track dependencies between tempest and the plugins? I know the CI uses the Tempest master branch to run tests, but maybe some users are using an old version of Tempest. 14:57
enriquetasoAnd tosky kindly answered me that you just assume that you always use tempest and all plugins from master. 14:58
enriquetasoSo eharney  suggested I  add some kind of info that explains how this works. 14:58
eharneywhat's proposed there doesn't answer the question that i had in this area, i think14:58
eharneyit's not clear what the correct process is when we are adding tests to cinder-tempest-plugin that require newly landed changes in tempest14:58
eharneyjust saying "assume it's all running master" means that people who want to install tempest and our plugin themselves from pip will just break14:59
toskyI'm not sure14:59
rosmaitamaybe we can invite gmann to the next meeting to talk us through this14:59
geguileoeharney: oh, right!14:59
eharneythis has come up twice recently w/ new test work, i think we need to understand it14:59
whoami-rajatthat's a good question for the QA team, maybe we can ask gmann and kopecmartin14:59
toskythat's up the releasing process, usually tempest and the plugins are tagged together14:59
enriquetasogood idea rosmaita 14:59
eharneytosky: and requirements.txt etc... which we are currently ignoring15:00
toskythe answer from the QA team will be "use master"15:00
eharneyif the answer is "only the gate runs matter" we need to document that that is the case15:00
gmannhi, i am in another meeting but I can check after meeting15:00
whoami-rajatthanks gmann 15:00
whoami-rajatand we're out of time15:00
eharneybut i think this is supposed to be installable and used in other contexts15:00
enriquetasoi've proposed a patch already but based on this conversation 15:00
gmannsure, we can discuss here after meeting15:01
rosmaitagmann: actually, in #openstack-cinder15:01
whoami-rajatwe can continue discussion in cinder channel15:01
enriquetasosounds good to me!15:01
whoami-rajatas rosmaita said15:01
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun  8 15:01:46 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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