Wednesday, 2022-09-07

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep  7 14:00:16 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
enriquetasooops lol14:00
geguileohi! o/14:01
whoami-rajathello everyone14:03
whoami-rajatgood turnout today14:03
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, oslo.db 12.1.0 issue14:04
whoami-rajatso there was an issue with oslo.db new release, due to which a lot of project jobs failed on the requirement gate14:04
whoami-rajatStephen worked on fixing all the gates and today everthing was fixed as I last checked14:05
whoami-rajatin any case, Cinder wasn't affected, probably because of Stephen's work on our db patches (Thanks to him)14:05
whoami-rajatso tl;dr we are going forward with oslo.db 12.1.0 release and not reverting anything there14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Operator hour14:06
whoami-rajatThere was an email regarding an operator hour to be included in our PTG14:07
whoami-rajatwhich seems like a very good idea14:07
whoami-rajatso every project has to book 1 hour slot for project-operator discussion14:07
whoami-rajatI think there are already placeholders in the PTG schedule page14:07
whoami-rajatso we will be having PTG from tuesday to friday, 1400-1700 UTC14:08
whoami-rajatsorry 1300-1700UTC14:08
geguileosounds a good idea14:08
geguileos/sounds/sounds like/14:08
whoami-rajatso we've a slot everyday at 1300 or 1400 UTC, but not sure which day would be best to discuss14:08
whoami-rajatshould we discuss it early in the PTG or towards the end?14:09
rosmaitapossibly early, so we can follow up if necessary14:09
whoami-rajatthat was my thought as well, also we can discuss topics with operator feedback in mind14:10
rosmaitaoperators appear to be very excited to be invited to join the project teams, by the way14:10
whoami-rajatthat's a good thing14:10
jungleboyjThat is good!14:11
simondodsleythey like to get into the light occasionally14:11
whoami-rajatso if everyone agrees early is good, I will try to book a slot on tuesday/wednesday14:11
geguileo+1 to early14:11
whoami-rajatgreat, will followup with infra team then14:12
jungleboyjMakes sense.14:12
whoami-rajat#action whoami-rajat to followup to book slot for operator hour early in the PTG14:13
whoami-rajatokay moving on then14:13
whoami-rajatnext, Feature freeze extended deadline this week - 09 September 202214:13
whoami-rajatso we extended the feature freeze deadline last week to this week14:13
whoami-rajatI will elaborate on this in the upcoming topic but this is just a reminder14:14
whoami-rajatso everyone can get to reviewing things and authors to work on quick feedback14:14
whoami-rajatnext, RC1 - 16 September 202214:14
whoami-rajatso after we have sorted the features, we will focus on bug fixes14:14
whoami-rajatthere are quite a few I've been procrastinating for the final week14:15
whoami-rajatbut yeah, bug fixes would be our focus for next week14:15
whoami-rajatso anything else anyone would like to share related to announcements?14:16
whoami-rajatguess not14:16
whoami-rajatso let's move to topics14:17
whoami-rajat#topic Features update14:17
whoami-rajatso wanted to quickly discuss the current status of all the features proposed14:17
whoami-rajatfirst, Reset state robustification14:17
whoami-rajatthe patches are ready for review14:18
whoami-rajathonestly I don't have much idea about the area of code and would take a lot of time to review those14:18
TusharTgiteyes base patch already merged as well14:18
whoami-rajatany takers that can help get this merged this week?14:19
whoami-rajatalso TusharTgite , if it's not critical for Zed, would you be OK to move it to next cycle?14:19
whoami-rajatwe can prioritize it that way early next cycle14:20
* whoami-rajat hears crickets14:21
eharneyi think it's useful work but not critical for zed14:21
TusharTgiteit definitely going to take lot of time to review14:21
eharneyreviewing this is supposed to be on my list, but i haven't looked at it in a bit14:21
TusharTgiteif other feature r on priority then ok but could yo please try before relase as we also merge small patches after freez as well14:22
whoami-rajatso this affects the core cinder code, other features are mostly driver features which doesn't require considering all cases that could cause problems in cinder14:23
whoami-rajatso I think it would be realistic to move it to next cycle and eharney is also interested in taking a look at these14:24
TusharTgiteok but can we make it a priority from start of next cycle then14:24
whoami-rajatyes, will do that14:24
enriquetasoshouldn't have a release note?14:25
whoami-rajatI've been dealing with deadlines since the beginning so it's my bad, will try to prioritize things better next cycle14:25
sfernandenriquetaso: I think so14:25
eharneyi'm not sure we want a release note in each of the patches14:26
eharneymaybe one at/after the last one merged during a release14:26
whoami-rajatI haven't looked at the whole series but one releasenote describing all the reset state changes should be good14:27
whoami-rajator as eharney said14:27
whoami-rajatcool, so we cna move to next feature14:28
whoami-rajatNetApp ONTAP: Implement support to ONTAP REST API14:28
whoami-rajatNetApp team is moving their driver->backend communication from ZAPI to REST14:29
whoami-rajatso there are a bunch of changes to support it14:29
whoami-rajatI've taken a look at first two patches and currently both have +2s14:29
whoami-rajatmostly it's addition of new interface and tests, haven't noticed any change in the driver as of now (but might be in later patches)14:29
whoami-rajatthey're quite big in terms of LOC but impact on cinder is minimal there so should be good for a quick look over the code14:30
sfernandwe tried to get changes separated in smaller patches so review attention can be splited, tho it will be a bit more difficult to merge since patches have a order14:30
felipe_rodriguesthank you for your reviews, whoami-rajat :)14:31
sfernandthanks whoami-rajat ! :D14:31
whoami-rajatsfernand, yeah i see one patch was abandoned and the order doesn't show up correctly, maybe rebase the top changes after the first two changes merge14:31
whoami-rajatno problem, thanks felipe_rodrigues sfernand for your reviews on other changes14:32
whoami-rajatthis was a very good example of you can do reviews on other patches to receive reviews14:32
whoami-rajatas originally stated by rosmaita :)14:33
sfernandwe are working on the comments provided, all changes will be submitted by the end of the day14:33
whoami-rajatnext is another feature by netapp, NetApp NFS: Clone image using copy file operation14:33
whoami-rajatI've left a -1 since we're not deprecating the config option in the patch14:34
whoami-rajatelse it looks good14:34
felipe_rodriguesactually, we are deprecating in a different patch:
felipe_rodriguesthey should be merged together during this release14:34
felipe_rodriguesthis patch that deprecates the old approach is pretty simple: just deprecate the config option14:34
sfernandshould we refer it in the commit message?14:35
whoami-rajathmm, yeah they should've been linked somehow by a dependency chain but mentioning in the commit message also sounds good14:35
whoami-rajatmoving on, IBM SVf: Support for volumegroup functioanlity14:36
whoami-rajatthe CI hasn't reported and author said they're working on getting it configured14:37
whoami-rajatelse the changes look reasonable14:37
whoami-rajatwill upgrade my vote once the CI is functioning again14:37
whoami-rajatnext, Infinidat: support for revert to snapshot operation and Infinidat: support for manage/unmanage API14:38
whoami-rajatthere are 2 features by Infinidat team but my issue currently is14:38
whoami-rajatthey've rebased them on top of a bunch of bug fixes14:38
whoami-rajatwhich is really not good if they want to merge their changes in time14:38
whoami-rajatI've blocked one bugfix on which rosmaita and geguileo also has shared their comments14:39
whoami-rajatis someone from Infinidat team here to discuss it?14:39
yuval__what is the balance between multiple patches and different features/bugs14:40
whoami-rajatwe've the feature deadline this week but bugs can merge next week as well14:40
yuval__I mean if I have 2 bugs - should I do a patch for each?14:41
yuval__or merge them at 1 patch14:41
sfernandyou should have 2 patches14:41
whoami-rajatyuval__, if they're related you can do it in one patch but for different issues different patches are good14:41
sfernandit is much easier to review and to revert if necessary14:42
sfernandwhoami-rajat: ++14:42
whoami-rajatlooks like noone is here from Inifinidat team so we can move on14:42
yuval__overall I agree, I reviewed some patches which were a mess and I was wondering if I should comment about it14:42
whoami-rajatI've left a comment for them to separate out the features, let's see if it gets updated14:43
whoami-rajatyuval__, would be good to leave comments there stating it14:43
whoami-rajatbut there's no proper rule about it, just convention we follow to make the process easier14:43
whoami-rajatnext, Remove legacyfacade14:44
whoami-rajatthere are still changes left for our DB work (they never end)14:45
whoami-rajatI'm not very positive about getting them in during the last minute, also since it affects DB14:45
whoami-rajatI would probably move and retarget them for next cycle14:45
jungleboyjThat sounds safest if they changes aren't urgent.14:46
sfernandis that really a feature? maybe we could try get them merged by the end of next week if not 14:46
whoami-rajatdoesn't look urgent since cinder is compatible with new oslo.db release, which was the biggest concern with the legacy engine facade thing IIRC14:46
whoami-rajatsfernand, can't really say a feature but I'm skeptical about getting them in so close to the releae14:47
sfernandgot it14:47
whoami-rajatrosmaita, what do you think about it? (you've already reviewed the last series)14:47
rosmaitai was hoping we could get this out of our lives14:48
rosmaitabut it is getting awful close14:48
rosmaitathose remaining changes look mostly harmless, though14:49
whoami-rajatokay, we can retrospect them after we're done with the features14:49
whoami-rajatand if not feasible, we can target them next cycle M-114:50
rosmaitasounds good14:50
whoami-rajatnext, DEMC PowerMax: Unisphere 10 support14:51
whoami-rajatit has 3 -1's and no update since 20 days14:51
whoami-rajatso thinking about deprioritizing this and moving to next cycle14:51
whoami-rajatand final one is New Quotas System14:51
whoami-rajatwhich geguileo being so busy throughout the cycle is OK to continue the work next cycle14:52
geguileowhoami-rajat: yeah, sorry about that, but with the latest spec changes14:52
geguileothe code got more complicated than I anticipated14:52
geguileoand the UT fixes delayed my work on quotas14:52
whoami-rajatgeguileo, no problem, you were already too occupied that this would've been impossible to complete14:53
whoami-rajatcan't even remember how many things geguileo worked on this cycle14:53
whoami-rajatand that's a reminder to the UT fixes proposed by geguileo14:53
whoami-rajatthis is one thing we need to target for next week14:53
whoami-rajatas everyone is seeing failures (me as well) in unit tests14:54
whoami-rajatsomething urgent to get fixed before the release14:54
whoami-rajatanyway, that's all from my side, sorry for taking the whole meeting time but this was kind of urgent14:55
whoami-rajatwe still have some time for open discussion14:55
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:55
rosmaitai've got something14:56
rosmaitathe everyone-must-use-openstackclient-cli is rearing its ugly head again14:56
rosmaitamay become a community goal for Antelope14:56
rosmaitahere is the latest situation, they've added a lot of support:14:56
rosmaitabut there are still some weirdnesses14:57
rosmaitai think mostly around volume/snapshot manage/unmanage14:57
rosmaitaand it's not clear how microversion support works14:57
whoami-rajatyeah we will need to prioritize that next cycle since everyone is headed that way and we might be the only ones left blocking the effort ...14:58
enriquetaso ++14:58
rosmaitayeah, apparently even glance is getting on the osc train14:58
whoami-rajatyeah, but looking at the glance gaps, the OSC support is mostly empty14:59
jungleboyjWow.  Well, I guess that is good we are all going that direction.14:59
whoami-rajatso might take them more than a cycle to get there14:59
rosmaitai guess my main ask here is if anyone is fundamentally philosophically opposed to osc replacing the cinder cli14:59
jungleboyjI think the main issue in the past was the lack of parity.  Looks like they are getting much closer.15:00
rosmaitathat's all from me15:01
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita for bringing this up15:01
whoami-rajatwe need a closer look at the OSC equivalent to find any issues15:01
sfernandtime check15:01
whoami-rajatbut something we should prioritize15:01
whoami-rajatand we're overtime15:01
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining15:01
whoami-rajatfocus on feature reviews!15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep  7 15:01:55 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!15:02
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