Wednesday, 2024-10-16

jbernard#startmeeting cinder14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Oct 16 14:01:13 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jbernard. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:01
jbernard#topic roll call14:01
jbernardim seeing etherpad updates, ill wait a bit for those to settle14:04
jbernard#topic annoucements14:06
jbernardwelcome everyone14:06
jbernardthe PTG is next week14:06
jbernardfor us, we have 3 days:14:06
jbernardwed, thu, and fri14:06
jbernardthat is what I've booked and I think it will be sufficient based on the proposed topics14:07
jbernardfriday will likely be a code review collaborative14:07
jbernardbut we could repurpose it if needed14:07
jbernardthat "room" will be Ocata14:07
jbernardfrom 14 to 17 UTC14:08
jbernardwe'll likely use the google meet link as before, i think i remember there being issues with meetpad14:09
jbernardbut in general, it will be very much like our past virtual ptgs14:09
jbernardthings to note:14:09
jbernardon monday, there is the TC track14:09
jbernardthey will have a session for eventlet removal14:10
jbernardthis is relevant for me at least, I'm hoping to make some headway on that this cycle14:10
jbernardunlike glance (which mostly uses eventlet for their wsgi service), we use eventlet directly, so our transition is likely to look different14:11
jbernardif you have interest in that topic, the TC track on monday will be helpful14:11
rosmaitathere's more info about eventlet removal at the top of
jbernardyup, thank rosmaita 14:11
jbernardthe horizon team has asked us to participate in a 'feature gap' meeting on wednesday14:12
jbernardthey expect it will take ~30 minutes14:12
jbernardi proposed a start time of 14:30 - which gives us 30 minutes to say hello and get settled before we jump into that14:13
jbernardi will be sending out a mail with all of this information later today14:13
jbernardotherwise, what is in the etherpad is what we're working with14:14
jbernardah, i still need to merge them14:14
jbernardthat should all be fixed up today before I send the mail14:14
jbernardany questions or concerns about the PTG?14:14
jbernardanything i might have missed?14:14
whoami-rajatglance team is also planning a cross project14:15
whoami-rajatfor the new location API adoption they merged last cycle14:15
whoami-rajatit should be between nova-cinder-glance14:15
jbernardwhoami-rajat: yes, that's important. do we have a day/time for that?14:15
whoami-rajatI'm not sure, maybe we can sync with Pranali to coordinate14:16
jbernard#action reach out to glance about cross project coordination at ptg14:16
rosmaitalooks like thursday, both image encryption and location API14:17
whoami-rajatalso we need to update the etherpad, the ptg page still points to the old one14:18
jbernardyup, ill fix that today14:18
jbernardim also working on the cinder-specific milestones for the general release calendar14:20
jbernardim likely to follow close to what we had in the dalmatian cycle, but ill post what I'm thinking before anything is confirmed14:21
jbernardin case we want something different14:21
jbernardthat all from me14:22
jbernardnext on the list is rosmaita 14:22
jbernardnon wsgi deprecations14:22
jbernardrosmaita: take it away14:22
rosmaitayeah, this just came in on the mailing list this morning14:22
rosmaitanot sure it's a big deal for us14:22
rosmaitabut, please read the email14:22
rosmaitaand then review the patches14:23
rosmaitaif anyone sees a problem or has questions, we can discuss next week14:23
rosmaitathat's all14:23
jbernardantelope is become unmaintained14:25
rosmaitayeah, projected date for the end-of-maintenance tag is oct 3014:25
rosmaitaso, if there's anything we want in there, it needs to be merged as soon as possible14:25
rosmaitayou can use this handy dashboard to help in reviewing:14:26
rosmaitajust keep in mind that patches can't be merged into Antelope unless they are in all more recent branches14:26
rosmaitaany questions?14:27
jbernardin wondering about the rbd flattening results14:27
jbernardi don't think ganso is around at the moment14:27
rosmaitai think that one merged into master when it was 2024.1 (Caracal) development14:30
rosmaitaso it has never actually been backported14:30
jbernardtrue, i see proposals for A and B14:30
jbernardi think we were hoping could be fixed up to depend on those backports so there would be better test coverage to review14:31
rosmaita is kind of a big patch, which would argue against backporting14:33
rosmaitabut on the other hand, it only affects a single driver, so it's kind of low risk14:33
jbernardeharney: are you willing to weigh in on those backports?14:33
rosmaitamaybe if ganso could give us more info about how it's working -- i think he has applied the patch in his cloud14:34
jbernardwe have about 2 weeks before final release, but that time is going to fly, especially with the ptg next week14:34
jbernardi think this all for the adgenda today14:38
jbernard#topic open discussion14:38
* sp-bmilanov is trying to find any follow-ups on
whoami-rajatyeah we should rediscuss the driver documentation14:40
sp-bmilanovas I understand it, sometimes an entry point to OpenStack is starting work on a Cinder backend driver, and an overview article focused on this with pointers to the other relevant documentation might be useful14:41
rosmaitasp-bmilanov: don't think there has been any action on that, i think all our efforts were devoted to the driver-interface-docstring update14:41
whoami-rajatwith new expected driver proposals next cycle, this will be very useful14:41
jbernardi know several patches ot the interface docstrings landed14:42
jbernardbut there are still a few gaps remaining14:42
jbernardthat's not an overview though14:43
jbernardsp-bmilanov: is anyone working on this?14:43
sp-bmilanovno, I read through the drivers doc etherpad just now, with the feedback from yuval14:44
sp-bmilanovs/no/I don't know/14:44
whoami-rajatI remember Gorka and I created an etherpad that had all work items14:45
whoami-rajatlet me try to find it14:45
whoami-rajathere it is, took an eternity to find14:48
jbernardyep, we started the dalmatian cycle with that if i recall14:49
rosmaitathanks for finding that, i added it to the "spotlight links" at the top of the meeting agenda14:49
jbernardsp-bmilanov: is that helpful?14:50
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita , that would be easier to find next time14:50
whoami-rajatwe also have lesser owners now with Pete and Gorka not around14:52
sp-bmilanovjbernard: not sure, it seems too low-levew, my impression is that yuval is looking for a single overview that introduces OpenStack to a person just now starting with Cinder backend driver development14:53
jbernardsp-bmilanov: ahh, i understand.  i don't think we currently have such a thing14:54
jbernardsp-bmilanov: are you and/or yuval interested in driving that effort?14:54
sp-bmilanovI might give it some thought, I will get back to you with a draft if I can write something up14:55
jbernardsound good14:56
jbernardsounds, even14:57
jbernardok, last call14:57
jbernardthanks everyone, i look forward to next week's dicussions14:58
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Oct 16 14:58:40 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:58
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
whoami-rajatthanks everyone!14:58
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