Wednesday, 2021-12-01

*** tbachman is now known as Guest725900:48
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Convert SYSTEM_ADMIN|READER to Admin and system scope
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*** akekane_ is now known as abhishekk07:32
luk4sGood morning all08:42
luk4sWe enabled tenant isolation with placement and have two aggregates: one for private tenants and one for generic use.08:44
luk4sFor private tenants we want the allocations to happened first on the private aggregate and when that is full we want to move on to the generic one once the private one is full.08:45
luk4sIs this possible?08:46
luk4sI have added the relevant project id to both aggregates, but the allocation is a little bit random. Can priority/weight be assigned to prioritise one over other, i.e. always prioritise the private over generic one.08:48
bauzasluk4s: hola09:46
bauzasluk4s: so you want to stack first for one aggregate and then another one ?09:46
luk4sbauzas, yes.09:49
luk4si.e. always fill up private aggregate first before moving on to the generic one.09:51
bauzasfor this tenant ?09:51
bauzasif so, you need a weigher09:51
luk4sI have already looked at that but it looks like existing weighters may not do what I want - I presume I would have to write a new one?09:52
luk4swould like to avoid writing one if possible :) 09:53
bauzasluk4s: AFAIK, there are no ways to tell Nova to do this for the moment09:57
luk4sbauzas, cheers and thank you for the information09:58
luk4sI mean thank you for the information :)09:59
bauzascores, a documentation change simple
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stephenfingibi: care to send on its way12:59
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: has you mock to unittest.mock patch merged yet13:07
brinzhang_gmann: hi, would you like to review the series of remove tenant_id patches
sean-k-mooneyhum no oh takashi thing its causing nova.tests.unit.api.openstack.test_wsgi_app.WSGIAppTest.test_init_application_called_twice to fail13:08
gibibauzas, stephenfin: on itr13:36
bauzasgibi: t13:49
bauzasta even13:49
artomAm I the only one for whom `git review -d` appears to timeout?14:16
sean-k-mooneywhich review14:16
sean-k-mooneyill try it14:16
artomsean-k-mooney,, but presumably if it's a gerrit issue it would be all reviews14:16
sean-k-mooneyjust worked14:17
artomJust me then? That's annoying14:18
artomThe hell, it's as though all Python IO is b0rk14:19
sean-k-mooneyi assume you have the corfrect url14:19
sean-k-mooneygerrit  ssh:// 14:19
artompip install --upgrade --user git-review does the same thing14:19
sean-k-mooneywith your user name14:19
sean-k-mooneyare you out of disk space14:19
artomOr just... super slow14:19
* artom tries rebooting14:20
artomSo that worked, though I had to disable IPv6 after rebooting to be able to connect here14:34
sean-k-mooneyipv6 might have been the issue14:54
sean-k-mooneyif you dont have native ipv614:54
pslestangHey all, what's the next step once we created a blueprint? 15:02
sean-k-mooneypslestang: in this case since its requesting a config option not a api change it can be added to the team meeting adgenda and you can request this to be done as a specless blueprint15:08
sean-k-mooneypslestang: if that is approved then you just submit a patch referince the bluepirnt in the commit and topic "bp/delete-instance-actions" with a release note and docs for the new feature15:09
sean-k-mooneypslestang: if its determined that we have upgrade conscerns or other topics that need detailed discussion then we would ask for a spec to discuss the desgin but i dont think that will be required in this case15:10
pslestangsean-k-mooney: thanks for your answer, how can I add it to the meeting agenda?15:11
sean-k-mooneyedit and add it to the open discussion section15:17
pslestangsean-k-mooney: ok I just edited I guess that the way to add it to the agenda 15:17
sean-k-mooneyi see it there now15:17
sean-k-mooneyby the way my summary is correct yes? you want a new config option to automitcally fully delete instance actions on instance delete instead of soft deleteing them or vis versa depending on if its true or false15:18
pslestangI want a config option to soft delete instance action on instance delete15:19
pslestangnot a hard delete15:19
sean-k-mooneyack can you sate that expcitly in the bz15:21
sean-k-mooneyactully i just updated the whiteboard with it
pslestangI thougth that my first line in BP description was explicit "The goal is to add an option in nova that allow the operator to choose if he wants the instance actions to be soft-deleted when an instance is soft-deleted or not." but I may miss something 15:23
sean-k-mooneywhat was not clear was what is the currnt behavior and if you wanted that to be an api option or config15:25
sean-k-mooneybut i think we understnad the request15:25
sean-k-mooneypart of me feel like this is a bug15:25
sean-k-mooneye.g. we shoudl not delete the instance actions if we have only soft deleted the instnace15:26
sean-k-mooneythey shoudl only be deleted form the table when we archive the deleted rows15:26
pslestangwhat you describe is actually how it works: when an instance is soft deleted, instance action are not to let the operator retrieve actions done on a soft deleted instance15:29
sean-k-mooneypslestang: so instance is deleted and both instance and instnace actions are marked as deleted but not actully deleted today correct?15:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: docs: Add notes about IoOpsWeigher, BuildFailureWeigher
sean-k-mooneyand you want the ablity to special case instance action so that it can be deleted before the isntance is archived?15:32
sean-k-mooneypslestang: if so this is sounding less like something we actully should do15:33
sean-k-mooneysince it would break the ablity to undelete an instnace using restore15:34
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Revert project-specific APIs for servers
gmannbrinzhang_: ack. will check those15:51
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Remove broken tempest-full-py3-opensuse15 job
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/nova master: Allow remaining in in DELETING for ironic cleaning

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