Monday, 2024-07-15

*** sfinucan is now known as stephenfin09:01
amorinhey nova team, is there any way to not rely on cell_mappings (from db) but only read data from the config file?09:02
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_afk10:00
sean-k-mooneyamorin: no10:58
sean-k-mooneythere is a feature called templated cell db urls10:59
sean-k-mooneythat allwos the username and password for the cell to be stored in the config but that woudl require using the same username/password for all cells10:59
jlejeunehello, it seems that since the last patchs related to the bug #2059809, you have added a new dependency with qemu-utils package to be able tu run qemu-img binary, I have two failling tests related to that: nova.tests.unit.image.test_format_inspector.TestFormatInspectors.test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit and 11:28
jlejeunenova.tests.unit.image.test_format_inspector.TestFormatInspectors.test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit_stream_optimized. Are you aware of that ? Maybe a missing dependency in test-requirements.txt ?11:28
jlejeuneor maybe these tests are not correctly skipped if qemu-img is not present in PATH 11:34
jlejeunefor other tests11:34
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: [DNM] Test bumping guest ram
sean-k-mooneyjlejeune: this was a preexisting depency 11:43
sean-k-mooneyoh in the unit test11:43
sean-k-mooneyam we added some skip patches11:43
sean-k-mooneyto skip if qemu was not there11:44
sean-k-mooneyits posible that we have some paths that are still not skipped11:44
jlejeuneindeed, in self._create_allocated_vmdk() method in unit test11:44
jlejeunepatching if you want11:45
sean-k-mooneyyou can submit a patch for that if you have time11:45
jlejeunesure, doing11:45
sean-k-mooneyits not strictly speaking incorrect11:45
sean-k-mooneyit just nova tened to try and have depencies on external tools in our unit tests11:46
sean-k-mooneyglance however does not have that concept11:46
sean-k-mooneyso when we import the unit tests form glance we gained this depency and we have been trying to relax it to make it optional11:46
sean-k-mooneyeventurlaly these tests will be remove form nova and moved to oslo when the image inspector is moved11:46
jlejeuneok get it11:47
amorinsean-k-mooney, that's perfect, it will fit my needs11:54
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*** haleyb|out is now known as haleyb12:32
opendevreviewJulien LE JEUNE proposed openstack/nova master: Fix test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit and test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit_stream_optimized
amorinhey again, another question regarding BDM, when booting an instance with a BDM, I cannot find a way to specify the availability-zone field, while if I create the volume before using cinder API, it's available, is it missing on nova side on purpose?13:42
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, hello! If you have some mins, please check
ralonsohis that something you (nova team) discussed with the author?14:54
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: Test glance new location api
sean-k-mooneyso OVS_HYBRID_PLUG is not intented to be used with ovn15:04
sean-k-mooneyralonsoh: i have not read the patch properly but i wound not normally expect that to be set when using ovn15:05
sean-k-mooneywe wait for port binind events dirfferencly for ovn15:06
opendevreviewJulien Le Jeune proposed openstack/nova master: Fix test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit and test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit_stream_optimized
sean-k-mooneyamorin: yes its not in the api bdm because if the volume is created by nova it will have the same az as the instance and if its a prexisting volume form cinder then it will already be recored on the volume17:59
chris218Hi, does placement track usage of vcpu/pcpu cores on given node or it's done by nova-compute? I was wondering if it would be possible to run two nova-compute instances on one node with different drivers configured on them20:31
noonedeadpunknova-compute does report consumption data to the placement iirc20:33
noonedeadpunkwell, the tricky thing might be to make nova-compute service to register independently20:34
noonedeadpunkas it relies on hostnames. while in nova.conf you can set different `my_ip` and `host` vars per service, I'm not 100% sure you will be able to do the same trick for hypervisors... As there table is populated by what driver would report as a hostname...20:36
noonedeadpunkand then this will be pushed towards placement20:37
chris218so... yes but it's complicated21:07
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/nova master: Rebuild server: Add offset for iSCSI volumes
melwittamorin: if nova is creating the volume, it will create it in the same AZ as you specify you want to create the instance. it's mentioned here (and maybe also in other docs)

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