Monday, 2024-09-16

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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Drop SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/placement master: Drop SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Drop SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/placement master: Drop SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20
auniyalZuul UI updated, looks pretty good, ++ to who ever is responsible 06:40
gibiyeah nice UI rewamp07:31
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gibibauzas: do you aware that we have a blocked gate still even though the openstackclient evacuate fix is merged in ?10:04
gibido we need a new client release and a upper constraint bump?10:04
gibielodilles: maybe you have more context on this ^^10:06
bauzasgibi: yup, I was aware of the problem, hence my question in the #openstack-release channel11:53
sean-k-mooneybauzas: if your talking about th osc issue11:54
sean-k-mooneystephenfin just porposed a 7.1.1 release to adress it11:54
bauzasgibi: we need to be merged and then creating a new release11:54
bauzassean-k-mooney: okay11:54
gibihm 7.1.1 is released from master but we have a backport merged to 2024.211:56
gibiso I'm a bit confused which one to consume11:56
gibihm sorry 7.1.1 seems to point to the stable branch11:56
sean-k-mooneywe willl need to pull in 7.1.1 into 2024.2's uc11:57
sean-k-mooneyafter the release11:57
gibiyeah that is the next step after the release then11:57
sean-k-mooneyi just told stephen about the job failure and he is fixign the typo11:57
sean-k-mooneyah already done11:57
sean-k-mooneyi could make depends on work but i think its will take about the same amount of time to get resulst that way as waitign for the release11:59
sean-k-mooneythe reset of the stuff in this chain is more of an experiment but i would appricate if we could merge
sean-k-mooneyit took a while to figure out why activatign the docs ven and running sphinx-build worked but tox -e docs didnt but it was trivial in the end12:06
amorinhey nova team, is there any way to retrieve the nova instance az hints that were given during boot time other than looking in request_specs in DB? I can't find a way to retrieve that from the openstack/nova client/api12:24
bauzasamorin: you need to upgrade to Caracal :) 12:36
bauzasby microversion 2.95, it will tell you whether the instance was pinned or not to an AZ12:36
bauzass/2.95/2.96 sorry12:36
amorinbauzas, perfect! Will take a look13:03
amorindo you have, by chance, link to the commits related to that? Maybe I can hack my antelope :)13:04
amorinno worrie, found it :)13:09
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bauzaselodilles: frickler: so, about the OSC upgrade, I heard some good concerns15:26
bauzaswe haven't really tested the new OSC version and we're afraid to see *other* regressions15:28
bauzaswouldn't it be *less* risky to let nova 2024.2 pin at OSC 6.x like we had before ?15:29
bauzas(discussing it here and not in #openstack-release as I'd prefer nova folks to also discuss it)15:30
elodillesare you aware of any (potential) regression? :-o15:34
fricklerbauzas: well the thing is that you cannot pin osc just for nova. if you pin it for everyone, you miss out a lot of the new that has been added. so less risky, yes, but less progress, too. but essentially that's a discussion to take up with the sdk team mostly I'd think15:47
bauzaswell, I already got scars about late bumps15:47
bauzasand I have very little confidence of those kind of issues not to reproduce later15:48
bauzasclearly the uc jobs are not proven robust enought15:48
melwittwas there not a requirements freeze weeks ago?
fricklerreqs freeze is for external deps, it explicitly does not include openstack deliverables15:51
melwittok, I didn't see that mentioned in the link 15:53
melwittit seems really late to be opening upper-constraints to not yet tested versions, regardless. IMHO15:56
dansmithI missed that we're also discussing this here16:00
dansmithfrickler: it seems like anything that isn't being tested against master (i.e. nova's jobs uses cinder from master) then that's fine16:01
bauzasmost folks are now aware of the -release chat, let's move there16:01
dansmithfor things where development happens all cycle and then pops a release at the very end that everyone depends on, there needs to be an earlier deadline16:01
JayFFWIW, Ironic is a cycle-with-intermediary, and we were commenting in our meeting on how we're going to frontrun our deadline as to avoid stress for folks. We do not have to deliver a final release until sometime next week. Thinking about it, I'm not sure that significant misalignment in deadlines makes sense.16:14
* JayF knows it's not as significant of a case as we cross-test and are not a direct dependency, but another example of where our "normal practice" leads to projects the work together cutting releases weeks apart16:15
dansmithJayF: but we also test nova master against ironic master right?16:47
JayFYes, that's what I said, we cross-test 16:47
JayFbut this is still a gap in how we do planning, if other project are -with-intermeidary (tbh I don't know if they are)16:48
dansmithyeah, that's a much better place to be in than what we're discussing here, which is project that is coordinated-released but where nobody tests against its master until the last minute (apparently)16:48
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