Wednesday, 2024-09-18

opendevreviewMasahito Muroi proposed openstack/nova master: Use boot_roles_count and boot_role_<count> key for system_metadata
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opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/nova master: Imported Translations from Zanata
gibibauzas: it seems to me we are still blocked
* bauzas looks06:10
bauzaseek ok I see06:11
bauzasI'm lost now06:14
bauzaswe still send admin_password to evacuate06:14
bauzasoh, but that's to the sdk06:14
bauzasand I don't see 7.1.1 here
bauzaselodilles: ^06:18
bauzasoh fuck, I understand it06:22
bauzasthis is neither 'password' nor 'admin_password', but just 'admin_pass'06:23
bauzaswe lost 3 days basically and we need another fix and another release06:23
bauzasstephenfin: elodilles: frickler: ^06:23
* bauzas needs to drop06:25
bauzasthis is 8.47am and I already have headache06:48
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bauzasfrickler: elodilles: I'm in favor of exceptionnally rollbacking to OSC6.x for Dalmatian, we are always awfully late for Nova RC106:50
gibibauzas: quickly reproduced the osc issue in a fresh devstack, then applied your patch and now I have proof that it works07:00
gibithanks for quickly proposing the fix07:01
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gibibauzas: if you are interested in the microversion 2.95 evacuate issue I mentioned in my comment in the osc patch then This is probably just a cosmetic issue.07:30
fricklerthx, I commented on this yesterday already in the qa channel, I was under the impression that sean-k-mooney had tested my change, sorry for that. is this option also really named differently between this and what create and rebuild use? might be just an sdk thing, but certainly not helpful07:47
fricklerI'm also not really here this week, so try to ping other sdk, release and reqs people as needed07:48
bauzassorry folks, I was off the laptop last hour08:12
bauzasnow I'm back08:12
bauzasso, I'd prefer to rollback the u-c by OSC6 now08:14
bauzasgibi: elodilles ^08:16
bauzasstephenfin: too ^08:16
danfai_Quick question: In nova I saw that the name is sanitized to be used as a hostname. The hostname should then be maximum 63 characters long. In case you use a name that is longer, the last characters are truncated. If you now use the server create call to create multiple VMs, this length will be longer, since the -{index} is appended. Is this supposed to be like this?08:40
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gibibauzas: do you suggest to reopen ? I have no power to un-abandon it.09:30
sean-k-mooneyi can do that now09:37
sean-k-mooneyalthough it needs a rebase09:37
sean-k-mooneywill i do that now09:37
sean-k-mooneyand add 7.1.2?09:38
sean-k-mooneysorry 7.1.109:39
gibiyeah 7.1.1 is still broken09:40
sean-k-mooneyok updated
gibisean-k-mooney: thanks09:43
gibiI pinged the release channel as well09:44
sean-k-mooney looking back at my orgial comment i linked to the code to check the parmater was correct09:45
sean-k-mooneyand i misread admin_password as admin_pass09:45
bauzassorry, I was again off (I have a tech folk in my house for my optic fiber issue)09:51
bauzassean-k-mooney: stephenfin: I'm really sorry about breaking the OSC7 version, but we can't wait for a new release for like 2 days09:51
bauzasand given I'd prefer to have time for testing it09:52
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: [DNM] testing unreleased osc
sean-k-mooney that shoudl pull osc master10:17
sean-k-mooneyim going to push another dnm to instead use the pinned version of osc10:18
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: [DNM] testing pinning osc to 6.6.0
gibiproposed osc 7.1.2 so that if the decision is to roll forward then we can have a place to roll to
bauzassean-k-mooney: have you seen gibi's when testing evacuate with my patch ?11:41
sean-k-mooneyi saw it but didnt look at it in detail11:42
bauzasgibi: I'm not super happy with the move forward now, when trying to understand how OSC was calling the SDK, I wasn't sure my patch was the right thing to do11:42
sean-k-mooneythe issue is the sdk renames all the api field internally11:42
sean-k-mooneyand that mapping is really easy to get wrong11:42
gibibauzas: I'm not advocationg to roll forward any more. I just preparing for the chance that the decision is to roll forward11:43
gibialso 7.1.2 needed anyhow to get a working osc out to the users11:43
gibibauzas: also is not osc but nova11:44
bauzasI think we need time to test OSC711:44
bauzasthat's the point11:44
gibiand only cosmetic as far as I see11:44
sean-k-mooneyi have two sets of zuul jobs usin gnova gate with master osc and rolling back to 6.6.011:44
bauzaswhile RC1 is now super urgent11:44
sean-k-mooneyand we have the patches to requireemtn repo to go either direction11:44
gibibauzas: 7.1.1 is out there as we released it, so having a fixed 7.1.2 out there helps11:44
gibithe users11:44
sean-k-mooneyso we can use that to inform the decsion11:44
bauzasgibi: well, I wouldn't say that #2081023 is cosmetic11:45
bauzasas an admin, you either need to set older microversion or upgrade your computes in order to not get that failure, right?11:46
sean-k-mooneyare we sure this is a bug11:48
gibibauzas: it happens because all of the nodes are forced down in the deployment11:48
gibiand that results in min service version to be 011:48
sean-k-mooneythis is directly caused by osc using the latest microversion is it not?11:48
gibibut if all nodes are down then evacuation would fail anyhow11:48
gibisean-k-mooney: it is independent from osc changes11:49
bauzascorrect but we get that super weird exception11:49
gibiit is in nova since 2.9511:49
gibijepp the exception test needs the cosmetic surgery11:49
gibithat is all11:49
gibiI just noticed it during testing the 7.1.2 fix in a single node devstack11:50
gibiso I had to user <2.95 in the test hence mentioning why I needed that11:50
sean-k-mooneyok so this is not a blocker to rollforward to 7.1.2 then as its not related11:51
gibiit is not a blocker at all in RC1 and it is not related to osc at all11:51
sean-k-mooneyits just a bad error message11:51
gibias far as I see it is only a bad error message11:51
sean-k-mooneybauzas: for context people kept asking osc to make nova ues the latest microverion11:51
gibiand a bit hard to understand behavior around forced down nodes and service version11:52
sean-k-mooneythis is what happens when you do that with an older cloud it will use a microversoin that may not be supported11:52
bauzassean-k-mooney: yup, and I'm on the same path11:52
bauzasI prefer our users to call the latest11:52
sean-k-mooneywell i really dont think that was the right path11:52
bauzasonly CLI and scripts should pin11:52
sean-k-mooneyosc shoudl use the oldest microverison supproted by the current command11:53
bauzasfor stability reasons11:53
gibi(I saw another force down issue, with a force down / up I can force a not running compute to be reported as up but I had not time to file it. Probably not an RC regression either) 11:53
bauzas(when I say CLI, I mean programmatical usage of the CLI)11:53
sean-k-mooneywhihc is officaly not a supproted usecase of osc now11:53
sean-k-mooneyosc does not commit to providign a programable srcipting interface11:54
sean-k-mooneywhcih is explcitly why the puppet modules shoudl not use it oging forward11:54
bauzasthen, I'm definitely in favor of calling latest11:54
bauzasas a user, I shouldn't opt into new features11:54
* gibi goes back to typing in Jira instead of IR11:54
* bauzas should also go back to his internal work on vGPU11:55
bauzasman, the RC1 issue prevents me to put full attention on something 11:55
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opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Show finish_time field in instance action show
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Show finish_time field in instance action show
auniyaldansmith, Format inspector failed, aborting: Signature KDMV not found: b'QFI\xfb' it should be fixed by right 17:38
auniyalI am getting this from nova while creating a guest from new ubuntu image, from here
auniyaland I 17:39
dansmiththat error means something is trying to validate a vmdk but likely found a qcow file or something17:39
auniyalI downloaded .img and created glance image in qcow2 format with cmd: openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --file file.img ubuntu17:40
auniyalshould  I need to do something first, before image create ?17:41
dansmithis the file actually a qcow?17:41
auniyalI tried this, it says qcoe17:42
auniyalfile noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img 17:42
auniyalnoble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img: QEMU QCOW2 Image (v3), 3758096384 bytes17:42
auniyals/says qcow/qcoe17:43
auniyalis there any other way I should check ?17:43
dansmithno, that means it's really a qcow17:45
dansmithyou'll need to show me more of the logs around the error I guess17:45
auniyalack, also find this (sharing because I found and what to share this)17:46
auniyalack paste logs in sec17:46
auniyalcpu logs
auniyalthese are from spawn - terminate and only w.r.t req-id 17:49
dansmiththis is your problem:17:49
dansmithSep 18 17:33:02 amit-devstack nova-compute[1489235]: ERROR nova.compute.manager [None req-005d6727-7e99-45d9-b3b8-7046189878fc admin admin] [instance: 99886373-617e-4a99-9421-97bb23bab855] Instance failed to spawn: nova.exception.FlavorDiskSmallerThanImage: Flavor's disk is too small for requested image. Flavor disk17:49
dansmith is 1073741824 bytes, image is 3758096384 bytes. 17:49
dansmiththe error from format inspector is just it testing to see if the file is a VMDK17:49
dansmithI mean, it's not an error, it's a debug, but the thing you *think* is an errro17:49
auniyaloh I missed it, it was just it, I started from down, and thought of you , my bad 17:50
auniyalthanks for looking17:50
auniyalyes, I am able to create VM with bigger size18:01
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opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova master: Remove libvirt tunnelled migration
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: update description for live_migration_completion_timeout
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: set remaining to 0 when no disk to migrate
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Add functional repoducer for ephemeral disks
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: Update Nova bdm with updated swap info
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