Monday, 2025-01-27

opendevreviewMasanori Kuroha proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Allow only one custom trait with the same prefix in provider.yaml
opendevreviewMasanori Kuroha proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Allow only one custom trait with the same prefix in provider.yaml
opendevreviewMasanori Kuroha proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Allow only one custom trait with the same prefix in provider.yaml
priteauHello Nova team. Could another core approve this backport?
gibipriteau: done, thanks for backporting11:01
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/nova master: StorPool: Pass the instance UUID and device_name to os-brick
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/2024.2: libvirt: Wrap un-proxied listDevices() and listAllDevices()
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/nova stable/2024.1: libvirt: Wrap un-proxied listDevices() and listAllDevices()
priteauThank you gibi. The Caracal backport is also ready to review ^13:21
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/nova master: StorPool: Pass the instance UUID and device_name to os-brick
bauzassean-k-mooney: hrmmm, looks like system_metadata needs to be lazy-loaded
bauzassean-k-mooney: context being
sean-k-mooneybauzas: it depend where. its in the default filed so it should be loaded by default unless you change that14:45
bauzassean-k-mooney: I tested on the HostState.instances value14:45
sean-k-mooneymaybe we are not using that for what i tought we were14:47
sean-k-mooneyso it looks like we are building fake instance object wiht only the uuid set14:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: do you have track_instance_changes enabled14:52
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing image properties in server show response
bauzassean-k-mooney: yes indeed, but I'll doublecheck14:54
sean-k-mooneybauzas: what we likely need to do is repalce the call to just get the uuid and expiclty get the uuid and system metadata as teh only requested fieds14:54
sean-k-mooneyby calling
sean-k-mooneyalthough i migh tbe looking at the wrong place14:57
sean-k-mooneyi was looking at teh host manager. its fine for it to have just the id14:57
sean-k-mooneyits that we really care about14:57
sean-k-mooneyi suspect its also jsut a dict with the minimal object14:58
sean-k-mooneythey are consutcted here
sean-k-mooneyso the instnace info is populated by
sean-k-mooneyso unfortunetly it will have a minor db impact to lookup taht data instead of just the uuid15:02
artomUggla, since you mentioned doing the os-traits release, the TPM traits patch is pending:
bauzassean-k-mooney: you know what ? we could just say that it could have some db performance if we use the weigher, but fwiw, my change for moment doesn't default to use this weigher15:08
bauzasso let's discuss this on the review then15:08
sean-k-mooneysure, we have 2 options as far as i see, 1 lazy load if you enable the weigher, 2 perload the filed either based on the weigher multipler or a new config15:12
sean-k-mooneyin either case you are opting in to the schdulelr memory/db overhead15:13
sean-k-mooneyso there is no impact for existign deployment which wont use it by default15:13
sean-k-mooneyim happy to disscuss that more in the review, as long as we document the impact im not stongly pushed one way or another althgouh i would tend to prefer not lazyloading15:14
sean-k-mooneybauzas: what you could do is have a folloup patch POCing the preloading in the host_manager15:15
sean-k-mooneyat the end fo the day that is an indepented patch form my perspective as it does nto actully change the implemtion of the weigher15:15
bauzassean-k-mooney: we also call the scheduler RPC API when creating an instance 15:15
bauzassean-k-mooney: yes indeed a follow-up patch for that15:16
bauzasor a dependend one, whether other people have some performance concerns15:16
bauzasanyway, thanks15:16
bauzassean-k-mooney: fwiw, I'm wrapping my head around on how to compare ImageMetaProps fields against system_metadata dict 18:08
bauzasthis is like comparing apples vs. oranges since the keys are fucking different18:09
sean-k-mooneyya the image meta is sotred in system_metadata with a img_ prefix18:11
sean-k-mooneybtu we look at the request spec18:11
sean-k-mooneyfor the image properties18:11
sean-k-mooneynot the host state18:11
bauzasso I need to find a way to compare both 18:12
sean-k-mooneybauzas: we have a helper function to get the image props form the system_metadta table i belive 18:13
sean-k-mooneylet me see if i can find it18:13
sean-k-mooneyi think its defiend on the instnace object18:13
bauzaswe have a from_dict() helper18:13
bauzason the ImageMetaProps object18:13
bauzasbut some of the keys are not having an 'image_' prefix18:14
sean-k-mooneyso instnace.image_meta18:14
bauzasthat would work but that's still a lazy-load IIRC18:15
bauzasanyway, thnaks18:15
priteauCould Nova cores please approve this backport?
sean-k-mooneyah the 2024.2 version is merged18:17
bauzaspriteau: done18:17
sean-k-mooneypriteau: +2w18:18
priteauThank you both!18:18
sean-k-mooneypriteau: once thats merged feel free to ping us for the 2023.2 version18:18
priteauI deployed a downstream backport on 2023.1 today, for a customer that has been suffering from this issue (mostly on a couple of hypervisors that were hosting around 50 VMs each), it appears to be helping so far.18:20
mikalsean-k-mooney: if you're still around, are you ok with the plan to just drop everything except the two xhci USB controllers from that final SPICE patch? We can always add the others back if someone genuinely does need an ancient controller, although it would be a bit like someone asking for IDE support.18:34
sean-k-mooneyim ok with that yes. it just means limiting the allowed values of the image property18:38
sean-k-mooneyso we can alwyas extend the enuma if there is a reason to do so18:38
sean-k-mooneymikal: as your aware nova is nto a virtualisation plathform its ment to be a cloud computing serivice so we dont have to, and generally shoudl not expose every possibel value supproted by any given hypervior, we shoudl make an informed choice18:40
sean-k-mooneymikal: the usb over ip spec from shadow play also wanted to sue qemu-xhci18:42
mikalsean-k-mooney: yeah that's pretty much my take too -- adding enum entries is cheap, and the other controllers are inefficient and don't support USB3. I think we _should_ keep qemu-xhci and nec-xhci, just in case we encounter someone who can't install the qemu drivers (bootstrapping them on windows is sometimes fiddly). I'll make that change, limit the port count, and leave a comment in the enum explaining ho18:42
mikalw we got here.18:42
mikalsean-k-mooney: hmmm, that spec doesn't cover the maximum port count thing though. I guess it was only thought of later.18:48
mikalsean-k-mooney: also, the relevant qemu maintainer agrees with us:
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/2024.1: libvirt: Wrap un-proxied listDevices() and listAllDevices()
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/nova stable/2023.2: libvirt: Wrap un-proxied listDevices() and listAllDevices()
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