Saturday, 2025-02-22

sean-k-mooneytechnially the final reales patch for os-traits has not been done yet... that may have been an oversite.00:01
mikalIf its too late its too late, but it does mean there's no chance of getting the USB stuff in and we should let know that.00:02
melwittdoes the os-traits have usefulness without the remaining spice patches? IMHO I'm not sure it's realistic to land those by the end of next week00:03
sean-k-mooneynot really00:04
sean-k-mooneythe vid series has some utility without the speice patches00:04
mikalNo, its only helpful if the usb and sound series lands as well. That said, that functionality has been trying to get in for two releases now from multiple proposers.00:04
sean-k-mooneybut the os-triats one doesnt have unitlyt with out the usb/sound changes00:04
sean-k-mooneyin either case i think there is a stong argument to try and land the usb/sound change after rc1 is cut early in 2025.200:06
sean-k-mooneyi.e. before the ptg00:06
mikalI am not currently passionate about writing the spec for that bit for a third time.00:07
sean-k-mooneyi was going to suggest a specless bluepirnt for the remaing part00:08
sean-k-mooneybut i dont know how others would feel about that00:08
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: only show standard image properties in server show.
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: mikal  i assume we wong get the tempest fix merged over the weekend.00:23
sean-k-mooneyin the unlikely event that happens ill check back sunday but we can revisity this on monday any hopefuly get everythin lined up00:24
mikalYeah cool. Fair enough. Once again I find myself thanking you for pulling a late night.00:24
sean-k-mooneywell i was actully just turning off my laptop after taking a nap and rememeber in left it streamign a game :)00:25
sean-k-mooneyso it was good? timing00:25
sean-k-mooneyi had litrally jsut sad down when melwitt push the patch00:26
mikalWell if OpenStack still did physical events, and if I ever went to one, both of which seem unlikely, I'd definitely owe you a drink.00:27
mikal(Also I think that sentence had too many commas)00:27
sean-k-mooneyif the foundation becomes aprt of the linux foundation you never knwo they could come back00:28
sean-k-mooneyits ok you can use my allocation of punctuation :) i rarely do00:28
sean-k-mooneymikal: by the way are you based out of austrialia or is my bring entrily miss rememebrign that00:30
sean-k-mooneythe reason i ask is i find it funny how often you melwitt  and i tend to be online at similar tiems even those we are goegraphically spread00:32
sean-k-mooneyalthogh i think as a programmer and irish person im geneitclly alergic to daylight and being awake before 11 am, that and the fact i fundemtly object to having to 7:30's in a day but am quite happy with two 4 o'clocks :)00:35
sean-k-mooneywith that said freya will be up early so i better go to bed  because she will wake me regarless of if i do or not o/00:36
mikalYeah, I'm in Canberra Australia (three hours drive south of Sydney). When I am talking to you in your early evening that's normally about 6am my time. That's why I disappear after a couple of hours to go to work.00:38
mikalI've always been a morning person which helps with overlapping with US people.00:38
melwitthaha, I tend to be up really late in general. gnight sean-k-mooney o/00:39
melwittI'm lucky our dog is also not a morning person so don't really have to get up early for him00:39
mikalYeah, it helps that you're on PST too -- overlapping with the US east coast is hard, especially in winter here. I might be a morning person, but 4am meetings are a bridge too far.00:40
gmannmelwitt: ack, will check once gate is finished 00:42
melwittthanks gmann 00:43
sean-k-mooneyim waiting for my local fucntional test to finish before i actuly leave but as an asseie the eventlet deprecaate messages add a lot of spam to the test output00:45
sean-k-mooneywe proably need to supress that message 00:45
melwittyeah. if I knew how to do it I would propose it 😛 00:46
sean-k-mooneywe need to install a python log filter like this in the tests00:48
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: only show standard image properties in server show.
sean-k-mooneyi did actuly have a bug but im not going to wait for ^ to reun again o/00:50
sean-k-mooneyi often forget the for key, val in {}00:51
sean-k-mooneydoesnt actully work because iter on dict gives you the keys00:51
sean-k-mooneyim a little upset that the unit test passed ant that only showed up in functional test00:52
melwittah yeah00:52
sean-k-mooneythat tells me i need more unit test coverage in my patch00:53
melwittgah, looks like tempest response schema is missing support for 2.96 for rebuild too. bleh what a mess01:05
mikalAlso, the way that each microversion just tweaks the previous schema makes it really hard to actually have a single view of the schema. I ended up importing the schema module and dumping it because its too hard to see in the code.01:08
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Add [libvirt]default_tpm_secret_security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Add [libvirt]supported_tpm_secret_security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Add hw_tpm_secret_security image property
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Add hw:tpm_secret_security extra spec validation
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: TPM: support instances with `host` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: [WIP] TPM: support live migration of `host` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: TPM: support instances with `deployment` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Allow vTPM live migration for `deployment` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: TPM: migrate legacy instances to new security policy
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: TPM: support booting instances with `user` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: [WIP] TPM: support live migration of `host` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: TPM: support instances with `deployment` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Allow vTPM live migration for `deployment` secret security
opendevreviewKaloyan Kotlarski proposed openstack/nova master: Consider using X-Forwarded-Proto only if initial validation fails
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update conductor and filters allowing migration with SR-IOV devices
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update driver to map the targeted address for SR-IOV PCI devices

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