Wednesday, 2021-11-24

ttx#startmeeting large_scale_sig15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 24 15:00:38 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig'15:00
ttx#topic Rollcall15:00
ttxWho is here for the Large Scale SIG meeting?15:00
*** weechat1 is now known as amorin15:01
ttxping genekuo 15:01
ttxOur agenda for today is at:15:01
ttx#topic "Operators tricks and tools" Large Scale SIG show on Dec 9, 202115:01
ttxThe current abstract for it is:15:02
ttx<<This new episode of the “Large Scale OpenStack” show will discuss operators' tricks and tools. In a live and direct discussion, our guests will reveal tricks and homegrown tools that they use in the trenches to keep their OpenStack clusters ticking like clockwork.>>15:02
ttxLet me know if that works for you, as it should soon be posted and annuonced15:02
ttxWe have 5 confirmed guests:15:02
amorinworks for me15:02
genekuoSounds good to me15:02
ttx- belmoreira will speak for CERN and moderate the discussion15:02
ttx- amorin will speak for OVH15:03
ttx- genekuo will speak for LINE15:03
ttx- Shatadru Bandyopadhyay will speak for Workday15:03
ttx+ Someone from infomaniak (zigo or Axel)15:03
ttxcould even be zigo AND axel in a single window :)15:03
ttxSo we have a full set! 5 is our max, so that I can pop in with questions and not disrupt the layout too much.15:03
ttxIn terms of content, Infomaniak wants to demonstrate a Neutron tool...15:04
ttxAre you OK with making the show a bit more complex with live demos?15:04
ttxA bit scary but could be fun15:04
ttxNo obligation, you could just talk about the tools15:04
belmoreirattx the abstract is good. Thanks a lot15:04
ttxbut I feel like it might be a bit abstract so a few demos could be good15:04
amorinok, showing tools, why not, I can find something15:04
belmoreiraohh :)15:05
ttxStreamyard allows to share screens15:05
genekuoLet me confirm if live demo is possible from my side15:05
ttxAgain, a bit untested but I don;t object taking a bit of risk15:05
genekuoProbably need some PR review15:05
belmoreiraI think this needs to be very well planned to mix talk with demos15:05
ttxgenekuo: it's OK if you just talk about it, or use a couple of slides if you prefer15:05
amorinwe can still fallback on slides with gif/videos if live goes wrong15:06
ttxbelmoreira: I was thinking this could be done on the fly, like the person mentions the tool and proposes to demo it, and we switch to a layout that shows their window, etc15:06
ttxand if demo fails we just move on. So the show is not about the demos, but the demos just illustrate a point in the discussion15:07
belmoreirattx sure... I mean the moderator needs to have a good script to manage all these moving parts :)15:07
ttxyeah... and I should be traveling all week before so I can't really help beyond what I already did15:08
ttxSo maybe it is safer to keep it a discussion?15:08
ttxOr maybe we can start a thread between the participants at the end of the week, and you all discuss what's best15:09
belmoreiraI think demos will be cool. But we will need to know how long it will take each demo and who wnats to give the demo for each tool15:09
ttxI'll be mostly offline all next week until the day just before the show15:09
belmoreirathe thread would be great15:09
genekuoI agree with belmoreira that we should have an estimate of each speaker before it actual go live15:10
ttxOK I'll start that. If you want demos, the platform supports them, but if you prefer to avoid them that's cool too15:10
ttx#action ttx to start a thread between the guests of the show to work on potential inclusion of demos15:11
ttxany other question on this?15:11
genekuolooks good to me now, if there is any other question that pops up we can discuss it in the thread15:12
ttx#topic Large Scale Journey updates15:13
ttxAny progress to report?15:13
belmoreirawith demos or not, we will need what everyone wants to talk about to make a structured discussion. The thread will help15:14
belmoreirasorry, I'm to slow with the keyboard :)15:14
genekuono update from me, on a trip this week15:14
ttxok then15:15
ttx#topic Next meeting15:15
ttxSo in two weeks we'll have the live show15:15
ttxAfter that I propose to skip the IRC meeting on Dec 2215:15
ttxand have our next meeting on January 5, 202215:15
ttxDoes that work?15:15
genekuoWorks for me15:16
ttx#info Dec 9 - OpenInfra Live15:16
ttx#info Jan 5 - IRC meeting15:16
ttx#topic Open discussion15:16
ttxAnything else, anyone?15:16
belmoreiranot from me15:18
ttxAlright then15:18
ttxThanks everyone15:18
ttxWatch for the thread (probably tomorrow)15:18
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 24 15:18:48 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:18
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