Wednesday, 2022-11-09

fkrgood morning! Isn't now public cloud SIG?08:03
fkr(08:00 UTC)08:03
puckI believe so08:04
pucktobberydberg, ping08:04
tobberydbergAh, shit... Winter time...08:05
fkrindeed :)08:05
puckTimezones are hard.08:06
fkrI'm inclined to say: DST sucks.08:06
tobberydbergSomething urgent have come up for me and can make it today, super sorry for that! BUT, feel free to start the meeting and continue without me :-) 08:06
tobberydbergReally sorry for this!08:07
puckNo worries08:07
puckIs anyone else around for this meeting? If not, I propose we skip it.08:09
* frickler is kind of around, but won't mind skipping08:09
puckOkay, looks like it is only the 3 of us, how about we skip then.08:12
puckAlthough, out of interest, did anyone attend any PTG sessions that had interesting content for public clouds? All the timeslots were at bad times for me, so I wasn't able to attend any.08:13
puck(I can ask again at the next meeting08:14
fricklernothing that comes to my mind immediately. maybe the whole s-rbac story might be interesting, but I didn't follow that too closely, either08:16
frickleralso, yes, PTG scheduling isn't really APAC friendly mostly, if you give that feedback to the organisers, that might be helpful08:17
puckYup, we're vaguely watching s-rbac. Good suggestion, I'll provide some feedback.08:19
puckNormally I'd just get up during the night for things like that, but I had my kids that week, so had to be awake at the right times for them. :)08:19
*** slaweq_ is now known as slaweq14:09
ttx#startmeeting large_scale_sig15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov  9 15:00:11 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig'15:00
ttx#topic Rollcall15:00
ttxWho is here for the Large Scale SIG meeting?15:00
ttxbelmoreira sends his regards. He will confirm next week if he can join the next OpenInfra Live episode15:01
ttxpinging felixhuettner[m] frickler mdelavergne 15:01
ttxOur agenda for today is at:15:02
ttxI'd like to introduce kbarrientos to the group15:02
ttxKristin is a new OIF staffer.15:02
ttxShe will be collaborating closely with the Large Scale SIG, help running our OpenInfra Live episodes and promoting the output of the SIG15:02
ttxkbarrientos[m]: maybe you can quickly introduce yourself?15:03
kbarrientos[m]hi everyone! 15:03
mdelavergneHi and welcome!15:03
kbarrientos[m]I'm Kristin Barrientos, the marketing coordinator for OIF! 15:03
ttxok! Looks like it will be a small group and a short meeting for today. Let's get started15:04
ttx#topic Ops Deep Dive Episode on Dec 815:04
ttxWe need to find a good guest for our next Deep Dive15:04
ttxMy original thinking was to try to find someone in the financial sector, since we did public cloud, retail, media...15:05
ttxLike I could ask Societe Generale if they are interested15:05
amorinnice idea15:05
ttxBut their setup is not that huge soif you have other suggestions I'm all ears15:05
* frickler sneaks in late15:06
ttxhi frickler !15:06
ttxi could also ask Ubisoft, because we all love games15:06
ttxand while we featured Blizzard on some older shows, we haven't done a game shop in the deep dive format yet15:07
ttxany other suggestion?15:07
kbarrientos[m]I like the ubisoft idea 15:08
mdelavergneI'm not sure who else uses OS in "the gaming world", but Ubisoft seems like a good idea15:08
ttxok, I'll first try Societe Generale see if they are comfortable talking about large scale, and fall back on Ubisoft15:08
amorinboth ideas are good to me15:09
ttxwill keep y'all posted on how that goes15:09
amorinwe can eventually start with one, and the other for another deep dive15:09
ttx#action ttx to reach out to Societe Generale and Ubisoft for the Dec 8 deep dive15:09
ttxyeah, would definitely try to get both15:10
ttxanything else on that topic? any question?15:10
ttx#action belmoreira to confirm soon if he can make the Dec 8 episode15:10
ttxmnaser__: I assume you blocked your calendar :)15:11
ttxalright, next topic15:11
ttx#topic Large Scale doc15:11
ttxAnything new to report here?15:11
amorinwe did some recent change in the documentation with felixhuettner[m] 15:11
amorineverything has been merged already15:11
ttxoh and they landed15:12
amorinmost of it is in that page:
ttxwe can see recent proposed changes on
amorinI plan to add more, I am trying to understand how to compute correctly the number of needed SQL connections15:12
amorinfor each openstack services15:13
ttxnice to see some new stuff! Thanks for working on it15:13
amorinyup, small steps, but a step anyway :)15:13
amorinthats all from me15:13
ttxfirst significant changes we pushed since the conversion to doc format!15:14
ttxAlright, anything else on that topic?15:14
amorinthe doc format is great, the visibility is far better IMO15:14
amorinthan the wiki15:14
ttxI think it gives it a "serious" vibe15:15
ttx#topic Next meetings15:15
ttxWe'll have one more meeting to finalize the OpenInfra Live episode content on Nov 2315:15
ttxI hope by then we'll have a guest name15:15
ttxThen two weeks after that we'll have the episode itself15:16
ttx#info Next IRC meeting on Nov 2315:16
ttx#info Next OpenInfra Live scheduled on Dec 815:16
amorinI'll be travelling (train) on next meeting15:16
ttxthen we'll se if we keep the Dec 21 meeting on the agenda by I'd say it's unlikely15:16
amorinI'll try to connect, but not sure that will work correctly15:16
ttxamorin: noted! betting on the SNCF wifi15:17
ttx#topic Open discussion15:17
ttxAnything else, anyone?15:17
mdelavergnenothing on my side :)15:18
ttxIf nothing else, let's close early and all get back 40minutes of our times!15:19
ttxThanks everyone for joining15:19
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov  9 15:19:26 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:19
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mnaser__ttx: I should probably be ok :)15:19
felixhuettner[m]aaah sorry, i completely missed the slot due to DST :D15:56

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