Friday, 2022-03-18

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opendevreviewMatthew Thode proposed openstack/releases master: Creating stable yoga for requirements
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Add release note links for cloudkitty project for Yoga
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Add release note links for cloudkitty projects for Yoga
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opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add release note links for Yoga (sahara, tacker, manila)
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opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: Add release note links for python-manilaclient for Yoga
* carloss abandons the change after realizing another change proposed 10 min ago covers the same thing13:08
carlossthanks elodilles :)13:08
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release manila-tempest-plugin for Yoga
iurygregoryhberaud, hey o/ I just checked bifrost and ironic-inspector release patches to cut stable/yoga, according to the list-unreleased-changes they have some commits that can be included so we can cut stable/yoga, if you want to update I can +1 the changes =)13:11
hberaudiurygregory: Can I rebase over the HEAD of these repos?13:12
iurygregoryhberaud, yeah =) they don't have any more patches we will add 13:13
hberaudok thanks13:14
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elodillescarloss: no worries :)13:45
elodillesreminder: weekly meeting will start in 15 mins13:46
elodilles14 :]13:46
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Mar 18 14:00:16 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: hberaud ttx armstrong damani 14:00
elodilleswe are @ line 35614:01
elodilleshi o/14:01
elodillesokay, let's start with the 1st topic14:05
elodilles#topic Process any standing RC1 deadline exceptions14:05
elodilleswe had one exception14:05
elodillesand it was merged on Monday14:06
elodillesso we are good with this \o/14:06
elodilles(and i messed up the topic title...)14:07
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:07
elodillesthis is the right topic14:07
elodillesand the 1st task was 'Process any standing RC1 deadline exceptions'14:08
elodillesand as I said, we are good with it \o/14:08
elodillesnext task was14:08
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Creating stable yoga for bifrost
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: release bifrost 13.1.0
elodilles"Gracefully release tempest plugins with latest changes available"14:08
elodilleshberaud proposed the patches:
hberaudoh sorry I missed the ping14:09
elodillesno problem :) we are just at your 1st task :)14:10
elodillesas i see half of them has merged14:10
elodilleswe have some -1s otherwise the rest is without review among the open patches,14:11
elodillesso we should review and froce-merge the ones without review after the meeting14:11
elodilleshberaud: anything else for this?14:12
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Creating stable yoga for ironic-inspector
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: release ironic-inspector 10.11.0
hberaudiurygregory: ^ (bifrost and ironic-inspector)14:13
hberaudelodilles: so sorry14:13
iurygregoryhberaud, ack o/ 14:13
hberaudiurygregory asked us to release those deliverbales again before cutting Y14:13
hberaud^ they are cwi deliverables without UC entries so let's go14:14
iurygregoryyeah =)14:14
hberaudElse we can force the ones without responses14:14
elodilleshberaud: ack, thanks!14:14
iurygregorywe should also be good with ipa-builder, ironic and ironic-python-agent we will probably release till Wed next week14:14
elodillesiurygregory just as a reminder: March 24th is the deadline for final Yoga release candidates14:15
iurygregoryelodilles, yup that's why I'm saying next wed XD14:16
elodillesand we should not cut requirements' stable/yoga until all the other stable/yoga branches have been cut14:16
iurygregoryhberaud, quick question any reason why the release + creation of stable/yoga can't be in the same patch?14:17
hberaudgood question14:17
iurygregoryI thought it would be only one patch XD14:17
iurygregory+1 on them 14:17
hberaudI prefered to split them without strong arguments :)14:18
elodillesso iurygregory , it would be good to cut stable/yoga for the rest of the ironic projects as soon as possible14:18
iurygregoryno worries =)14:18
elodillesspeaking of that, next task:14:19
iurygregoryelodilles, ack ironic-python-agent-builder I added some comments to the patch
elodilles"On the Monday, generate stable branches for all cycle deliverables that are still missing one. (hberaud)"14:19
iurygregoryironic-python-agent I'm checking if CI is ok now (before cutting the release)14:20
elodillesiurygregory: ack14:20
hberaudelodilles: ah sorry I inverted the topics, the comments above are related to this task14:20
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/releases master: Swift 2.29.1 release and cut branch for Yoga
hberaudSo concerning the tempest task, I don't have much things to add14:21
elodilleshberaud: so you mean that the still open patches without response, from these: , can be also force merged, right?14:22
elodillesand as I see it's valid only for the swift patch for now :)14:23
elodillesOK, then we will add ironic deliverables as 'remaining stable branching exception' for next week's task list then14:25
elodillescool, next task14:26
elodilles'After all the projects enabled in devstack by default have been branched, we can engage with the QA, I18n and Requirements PTLs to finalize the stable branch setup'14:26
elodillesthis was on me14:26
elodillesand prerequisite is to have all project branched14:27
hberaud(my laptop lag)14:27
elodillesyepp, mine too, no worries :D14:28
elodillesso actually, with this, we have the same situation :)14:28
elodillesI'll need to follow up this next week :)14:28
elodillesrequirements yoga branch cut should be merged last (and updated before)14:29
elodilles(this one: )14:29
elodillesnext task14:29
elodilles'Ensure that all projects that are publishing release notes have the notes link included in their deliverable file.'14:30
elodilleswe have proposed so far 3 patches:14:30
elodillesi think these can be merged ^^^14:31
fungipriteau spotted a release notes race earlier with cloudkitty-dashboard... looks like if you approve two changes on different branches at the same moment and one of them is the patch which creates the release notes for the new branch, you have a ~50% chance of "unpublishing" that file until the next time a release notes build is promoted14:32
fungibut more generally, merging things on different branches which alter release notes can race and end up publishing in the "wrong" order14:33
elodillesoh, sounds interesting14:33
fungiideally we can work out a solution to that, but i have a feeling it's related to how the release notes jobs always operate on the master branch even though they can be triggered from changes on any branch14:34
elodillesbut that doesn't affect our 3 patches as they are all changing things on master branch, right?14:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release manila-tempest-plugin for Yoga
fungiright, in this case the problem was that the yoga release notes addition change on master got approved at the same time as the constraints file bump patch for the stable/yoga branch (both autogenerated changes)14:36
elodillesI see, thanks14:37
fungithey both built release notes, but the stable/yoga constraints bump built release notes without the yoga file14:37
elodillesfungi: ack, thanks for the info!14:37
fungiand since it was promoted second, it removed the yoga release notes from the site until a new release notes change landed weeks later14:37
elodillesgood to remember to this then14:38
elodillesand let's hope we won't see this kind of issue14:39
elodillesthanks again for the info14:39
fungiwell, at least if we see it again we know a likely place to look for the explanation14:39
elodillesso back to the task, we still have missing release notes pages due to some generated patches are not yet merged:
elodillesbut most of the release note links are already there14:41
elodillesi'll do follow up on this task, too14:42
elodilles#action elod to check release notes links and push patch if necessary14:43
elodillesnext task was a general task:14:43
elodilles'Let cycle-with-rc projects iterate on RCs as needed'14:43
elodillesI think there is nothing to add here now14:44
elodilleswe should continue to do this, until next week's final rc deadline at least :)14:44
elodillesI had one more task, which is related to Extended Maintenance:14:45
elodilles'Send an email to inform teams that Victoria will be switched to EM in one month (2022-04-27)'14:45
hberaudthe ironic patches falls in this case14:45
elodilleshberaud: yepp, for example ironic :)14:46
elodillesabout the EM task: this is not done yet, i'll prepare the usual mail and generated etherpads with unreleased content hopefully today some time14:47
elodillesand we are done with the task review for this week14:47
elodillesanything else to add here?14:47
elodillesthen next topic14:48
elodilles#topic Assign R-1 week tasks14:48
elodillesactually I've added my name to all of the tasks,14:48
elodillesbut feel free to join if you want to help with any of the tasks14:49
hberaudI can help you if you want14:49
elodillesor simply just help with reviewing the release patches :)14:49
damanielodilles, i can help with something 14:49
damaniif you need 14:49
elodillesdamani hberaud : feel free to pick a task :)14:49
elodillesand thanks in advance!14:50
elodillesor you can even ping me during the week and we can share tasks maybe14:50
elodillescool, let's continue with the next topic:14:51
damanielodilles, yes i will ping you14:51
elodilles#topic Review countdown email contents14:51
elodillesdamani: ++14:51
elodillesplease review ^^^14:52
armstrongthe email LGTM!14:53
elodillescool, thx, will send after the meeting!14:54
elodilleslast topic then14:54
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:54
elodillesmaybe one thing here to mention14:55
elodilleswe have the PTG page already ( )14:55
elodillesand our PTG etherpad is linked:
elodillesbut it is empty so far :)14:56
elodillesi'll update with the pad draft14:56
elodillesfeel free to add there topics14:57
elodilles(i've created the 'topic' section right now, but will update the whole page soon :))14:58
elodillesso it's there, please add topics if you have any14:59
elodillesanything else before we reach the end of the meeting?14:59
elodilles#info Etherpad is open for RelMgmt PTG session:
elodillesgood, then thanks everyone for participating!15:00
elodillessee you next week!15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Mar 18 15:00:49 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
hberaudthanks elodilles 15:00
elodillesthanks too :)15:03
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gmannelodilles: ack about QA part after projects are branched, please ping me or kopecmartin when it is ready15:25
gmannelodilles: hberaud and on tag removal things, we are removing deprecation tag also, hope there is no dependency from release side?
elodillesgmann: OK, will ping you when all the projects have branched!15:28
elodillesgmann: i'm not aware of whether deprecation tag is used in relmgmt, but will check15:29
hberaudthe deprecation tag doesn't ring any bells for me from a relmgmt POV15:33
gmannelodilles: thanks15:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Add release note links for Yoga
elodillesyepp, i think I should have seen that when I looked for affected code due to '--tag' argument removal15:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release kuryr-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release zaqar-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release solum-tempest-plugin for Yoga
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release senlin-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release murano-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release mistral-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release keystone-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release freezer-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release heat-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release barbican-tempest-plugin for Yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release cinder-tempest-plugin for Yoga
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: release ironic-inspector 10.11.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Creating stable yoga for ironic-inspector
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Add release note links for cloudkitty projects for Yoga
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