Friday, 2024-09-06

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opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/releases master: Add Glance Dalmatian cycle highlights
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opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-zaqarclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-zaqarclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-adjutantclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-watcherclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [kuryr] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [designate] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Add Blazar cycle highlights (Dalmatian release)
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release octavia for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release octavia-lib for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release octavia-dashboard for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release keystoneauth for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release keystone for stable/2023.1
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opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [trove] Release version 8.6.0 for dalmatian and create 2024.2 branch
elodillesreminder: weekly meeting will start in 30 mins12:30
fricklerelodilles: did you intentionally not override the ptl-approved flag for the remaining branching patches you +2d?12:45
fricklerI tried running the script again to create the reviews that are still missing, but it looks like it wants to recreate all the existing patches, too, so it'll likely be easier to get those merged first12:46
fricklerI'm also wondering whether I should keep the "without response the patch will be merged ... today" part of the commit message12:47
elodillesfrickler: about ptl-approved: kind of yes, we only need that for the merge o:) so the second reviewer will have the honor o:) but if you want i can add PTL-Approved+112:50
elodillesfrickler: i think that part can be left out. let's branch them ASAP :X12:51
elodilles(meeting in 8 mins)12:52
fricklerok, I'll try to approve some of those in these 7 mins, then ;)12:53
elodillesthanks o:)12:53
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Sep  6 13:00:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:00
elodillesPing list: release-team elod armstrong 13:00
elodilleswe are way down at L35313:01
ttx(very jetlagged but here)13:01
elodilleslet's start!13:02
elodilles#topic     Review task completion13:02
elodilles    Process any remaining client library freeze exception. (all)13:02
elodilles1 patch left ^^^13:03
elodillesI've updated it a couple of hours ago13:03
elodillesi'd appreciate some review on that, and i think we can override PTL-Approved+113:03
elodillesas Hao was OK with the release13:03
fricklerdo we want to amend and add the stable branch creation right away?13:04
elodillesthis is empty \o/13:04
elodillesfrickler: that's an option :)13:04
elodilleslet me add that13:05
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [nova] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [ironic] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-zaqarclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
elodillesthere it is ^^^13:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [vitrage] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [keystone] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [Telemetry] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [mistral] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [glance] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesjust a note, that we had some client libs that had release this week, officially we should have RFE requests for them, but as far as i see their versions are bumped in upperc-constraints.txt o:)13:09
elodillesi might drop an email with RFE's just for the record :X 13:10
fricklerI think this is a bit of unclear distribution of responsibilities, the reqs team will likely approve anything bot-generated based on release team approvals13:11
elodillesfrickler: hence we send the notification of '-2 all open patches [..]' o:)13:12
elodillesbut yes, these are some formal stuff and we had more 'late releases' recently13:13
elodillesso we should have RFE mails for those anyways and we should have merged the version bumping patches anyways :X13:13
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: [manila] Add 2024.2/Dalmatian cycle highlights
fricklerelodilles: that notification explicitly ends with "... but do approve changes for new OpenStack deliverable releases."13:14
elodillesnote2: i saw that openstacksdk and oslo.policy's 'new-release' patches succeeded on zuul and they were merged last weekend \o/13:14
elodillesfrickler: ah, you are right13:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [barbican] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesnevertheless, the important thing is that we have the releases and they are bumped (except zaqarclient) already in upper-constraints \o/13:15
fricklersdk is fine, osc isn't afaict13:15
elodillesfrickler: oh, so we still have one that is pending?13:16
ttxapproved last one in topic:dalmatian-milestone-313:16
elodillesttx: thanks o/13:16
fricklerelodilles: as mentioned last week, the u-c bump was abandoned. it needs fixes merged in osc and a new release made13:16
elodillesfrickler: ah, i see13:17
elodillesi mismatched it with openstacksdk13:17
elodillesso we still have one thing to keep an eye on :/13:18
elodillesfrickler: by osc you mean python-openstackclient, right?13:19
frickler is the remaining fix iiuc (cc gtema)13:19
elodilles#action release-team: keep an eye on python-openstackclient as it still needs a release and it's upper constraint bump as soon as possible13:20
elodillesthis ^^^13:20
elodillesmove on then13:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [tacker] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesnext task was:13:21
elodilles    Early in the week, email openstack-discuss list to remind PTLs that cycle-highlights are due this week so that they can be included in release marketing preparations. (elod)13:21
elodillesmail sent ^^^13:21
elodillesand we got some cycle highlights patches \o/13:21
elodillesand some promises as well :)13:21
elodilleshope we will have more as i guess marketing folks are eagerly waiting for them13:22
elodilles    Freeze all cycle-based library releases except for release-critical bugs. Independently-released libraries may still be released, but constraint or requirement changes will be held until after the freeze period. (all)13:23
elodilleswell, this was just a reminder && guideline for us ^^^13:23
elodilles    Propose stable/2024.2 branch creation for all client and non-client libraries that had not requested it at freeze time. (frickler)13:23
fricklerah, that answers the question I had on the docstheme release, though13:24
fricklersome branch patches still missing because late releases were made13:24
fricklerI'll send those after the meeting13:24
elodillesfrickler: ACK, thanks, i'll be around to review and +W them 13:25
elodillesand thanks too for generating all the branching patches o/13:25
elodilles    List cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not been refreshed in the last 2 months and send email to them (see process for template). (elod)13:26
elodillesi've sent it before the meeting13:26
ttxlooks good13:27
elodillesit's not a big list, hopefully we'll get releases soon13:27
fricklertempest is already proposed13:27
elodilles(note that our script listed some ironic deliverables that were released quite recently, but i've checked those repos and removed from the list)13:29
elodilles(but it maybe only because of my env, i'll check)13:29
elodillesfrickler: yepp, and that won't even be their last release :)13:29
elodillesthese were all the tasks for this week, i think we are pretty covered13:30
elodillessay if you have anything to raise regarding the tasks13:30
elodillesthen next topic:13:31
elodilles#topic     Assign R-3 week tasks13:31
elodillesthanks ttx for chairing the next meeting o/13:32
elodillesi've added my name to the only task that is not for everyone, or taken13:32
elodilles#topic     Review countdown email for week R-313:33
elodillesplease review ^^^13:33
elodillesthanks armstrong 13:35
ttxlooks good13:35
elodillesthen i'll send it later on today, as usual13:35
elodilles#topic     Open Discussion13:35
elodillesanything to discuss?13:36
fungiopendev is bringing a new cloud provider on line, so just keep an eye out for unusual job failures13:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-zaqarclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
elodillesoh, good news \o/ thanks for the heads up fungi 13:37
fungiwe're watching it closely as well, but can dial it back/off if something goes wrong13:38
elodilleswhen is that expected to happen?13:39
fungiit's in progress already13:39
elodillesoh, good 13:39
fungiwe started with one node at a time late utc yesterday and ramped it up to 20 nodes an hour ago13:39
fungichances are we'll increase it more next week if it's looking okay13:40
elodilleswe'll ping you then if we see any issue13:40
fungiplease do!13:40
frickleralthough it is not a completely new provider, just a new variant of rackspace, so I don't really expect anything to go wrong13:40
elodillescool \o/13:40
fungiit's a ground-up redesign of their public cloud on entirely different versions, hypervisor, etc13:41
fungiand in a new region13:41
fungion all new hardware13:41
fungiso it might as well be a completely different provider, aside from the people involved in building and running it13:41
fungialso it uses skyline for the webui, first time i've gotten to really poke at a production deployment of that13:42
elodillesthanks again, for the heads up, we'll keep an eye on our jobs then :)13:44
elodillesanything else to discuss before we close the meeting?13:45
ttxmothing from me13:47
elodillesif nothing else, then thanks everyone for joining the meeting and let's end now o/13:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Sep  6 13:47:13 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:47
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fricklerthx all o/13:47
ttxThanks elodilles and frickler !13:48
elodillesthx everyone o/13:48
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [zun] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [trove] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [Telemetry] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesbtw we had a release job failure:
elodillesfrickler: fyi ^^^13:56
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [watcher] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [masakari] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [adjutant] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: [venus] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [cinder] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
fricklertrove was a duplicate, sorry, abandoning that one13:57
elodillespropose-update-constraints job failed with "No package matching 'python-all-dev' is available" - ubuntu noble13:57
fricklerthat's an old bindep file that needs updating13:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [swift] Create 2024.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesfrickler: ah, yes, that's a release on antelope / stable/2023.1 14:01
elodilleson master it is removed already14:01
elodillesthough it's still there on all stable branches :S14:02
elodilleswhich means we probably will have such failures in the future for stable releases :/14:03
frickleroh. hmm. maybe we want to pin that job to jammy then after all.14:04
* frickler needs to do some shopping now, bbl14:05
elodillesrelease-team: btw, i got a question yesterday (saw it today only) about string freeze, and to be honest i'm not fully have all the details about string freeze + there was a discussion as well there later on whether we should/could drop it as it might be outdated:
elodillesso if anyone has any information about that one, then let me know ^^^ (maybe it's really outdated and we could update the process)14:11
ttxyes those rules were written back when we had a lot more translations activity. Would be good to sync with i18n to see if that actually still helps them14:31
ttxMaybe a PTG topic if they meet there14:32
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ttxAdded a note about that at the bottom of the etherpad16:00
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opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/releases master: Release Tempest 40.0.0
gmannelodilles: frickler ^^18:07
opendevreviewYasufumi Ogawa proposed openstack/releases master: Add tacker dalmatian cycle highlights
elodillesthanks, +2'd o/18:44
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opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/releases master: Add Horizon 2024.2/Dalmatian cycle highlights
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