Wednesday, 2019-09-11

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lpetrutttx: Hi, I had a chat with my team and we'd like to keep the winstackers team, if this option is still available. A SIG would probably not be the best option for us, mostly because of the associated projects, which other teams may not be willing to adopt.12:46
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lpetrutttx: I'm interested in taking the PTL role, considering that Claudiu's time is limited these days as he's working on some other projects.12:48
lpetrutwe're really sorry for getting into this situation12:49
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asettlelpetrut, no problem. It would be best if you could firstly reply to Doug's email regarding the winstackers team13:16
asettleThen I am happy to propose you to become PTL for winstackers in the governance repo. I'll share the link with you shortly13:17
openstackgerritAlexandra Settle proposed openstack/governance master: Appointing Lucian Petrut as winstackers PTL
asettlelpetrut, ^^13:20
asettlelpetrut, I have also -1 on this patch:
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gmannlpetrut: thanks for stepping up.13:27
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gmannasettle: you need to put 681469 on top of 68050713:28
asettlegmann, ah nang, thanks13:32
lpetrutasettle: thanks!13:32
asettleconflicts abounds13:32
* asettle throws hands in the air13:32
asettlegmann, I have to finish something off, thanks for pointing this out. I will get back to it.13:33
asettle(deadlines deadlines)13:33
gmannsure, no hurry :)13:33
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/governance master: Add documentation owners investment opportunity for 2019
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ttxlpetrut: I agree that with the os-win corner case you are in the grey area, so happy to follow whatever you prefer13:58
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lpetrutthanks, we really appreciate the support we got from the openstack community14:10
asettleAllllllright time to fix thattttt14:13
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openstackgerritAlexandra Settle proposed openstack/governance master: Appointing Lucian Petrut as winstackers PTL
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asettlegmann, let me know if there's any issues14:18
gmannasettle: need to add  'appointed' also, commented14:21
openstackgerritAlexandra Settle proposed openstack/governance master: Appointing Lucian Petrut as winstackers PTL
mnaserwas there a recording for the meeting yesterday? i had to drop out halfway through14:39
mnaseror did the slides every make it the foundation ML?14:39
mnaseri dont see them here14:39
asettlemnaser, I was unable to attend so I'd like to see them too14:40
asettleBut haven't seen anything14:40
mugsiemnaser: there is not usually a recording - offically the meeting record is not public until the board votes on the minute at the next meeting14:41
smcginnismnaser: I don't believe it was recorded, but official meeting minutes are usually published within a day or two.14:41
mugsiesmcginnis: only to the board-private list afaik14:41
smcginnisWell, official recap, not actual minutes I guess.14:41
smcginnisI'll watch for anything public.14:42
mugsieI haven't seen a link to slides, but I doubt they will be published14:42
smcginnisI usually try to blog an update once the "stay quiet until it's official" period has passed.14:42
smcginnisThe slides were sent out to the private mailing list, but I don't think there really was anything sensitive in them. You could probably ask jbryce for a copy.14:43
mugsieyeah, I think they just wouldn't be widely published - if it was sensitive, all us onlookers would have been shown the door :)14:43
mnaseri just wanted to go through the slides for the stuff i missed out on14:44
mnaseri'll try to pester people for a copy sometime later :)14:44
mugsiemnaser: what point did you drop off?14:44
smcginnisWas just going to ask that. :)14:44
smcginnisIt wasn't a long slide deck, so possible you saw the majority of it.14:45
mnaserright after the smcginnis vote :)14:45
smcginnisThen you rage quit? :)14:45
mnaserstomach hungry quit :p14:45
asettlesmcginnis, vote went well, I hope?14:46
smcginnisasettle: Yes, thanks. Everyone was OK with me finishing out the term.14:46
fungiyeah, when jbryce said he sent the slides to "the board mailing list" i assumed he meant foundation-board@ which is public, but never saw them show up there. i guess he meant foundation-board-private@14:46
mugsieoh. you didn;'t really miss anything then - it was joining that other org as a affiliate, approving the refstack guidelines, and brief india "mini-summit" update14:46
smcginnisfungi: Yep, that's where they went.14:46
smcginnisVery, very brief India update.14:47
fungi(which is an unfortunate thing to refer to as "the board mailing list" especially in light of the work the transparency committee did to open things up years ago)14:47
asettlesmcginnis, fabulous news :D14:48
mnasermugsie: ok thanks, that's probably enough, i was wondering a little bit more about the events and if anything more came out of that14:50
smcginnisNot really. I think the purpose for now was to introduce the idea and make sure it wasn't a big surprise.14:51
asettleit's... not... fabulous... news?14:51
smcginnisasettle: All future summits will now be in Australia.14:51
asettleIt's currently on fire so provided it's still there, sounds good14:52
smcginnisOh really? Hadn't heard. More massive fires?14:52
asettleHuge :( up near where I live(d)14:52
asettleReally, really scary shit14:52
asettleYeah :(14:53
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mnasertc-members: i'm going to continue chair activites until we figure out the chair thing15:43
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mnaseri'd appreciate if y'all voted on the chair patches (or we setup an election or something) so we can move forward with that15:44
asettlemnaser, would be best to do it in the patches, I think. It's hard because we do have some newbies.15:46
asettlemnaser, I'd be happy to coordinate (as a third party) instructions on how to vote, why, and what this means15:46
asettleUnless you don't see that as necessary?15:46
asettleevrardjp ^^15:47
mugsietc-members: also remember - anyone can run for the chair, and if you are interested in running, time is rapidly running out :)15:52
mnaserright, that's also something i wanted to make sure that we didn't leave someone out of this15:54
mnasergenerally this has not happened before so it's about figuring out a cutoff deadline or so15:54
mnaserbut also given that i'm running i don't think i should be having much of a say in all of this :)15:54
asettlesmcginnis, actually fucking laughed hahahahahahah15:54
asettleDidn't expect. SURPRISE ending15:55
zanebdo we have a timeline documented for nominations?15:56
* zaneb is not running, for the record15:56
mugsiemnaser: lets say 23:59 UTC tomorrow? I can email the ML and highlight it now?15:56
asettlezaneb, GET AMONGST IT MAN15:56
asettleA chair for you, a chair for me, chair for everyone!15:56
asettlemugsie, for the newbies - might be worthwhile pointing to the chair stuff etc so they know exactly what they're voting for15:57
mugsieasettle: ++15:57
mugsiemnaser: sound OK for you?15:57
mugsiezaneb: I don't think we have a documented process15:57
zanebwe should probably have something documented, since leaving time for nominations is something we have to do after every election, not just when there are already multiple candidates15:58
mnaserthats the docs for chair15:58
zaneb(set a deadline, ~1 week)15:59
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asettleOkay mnaser but mugsie is asking about coordinating the votes and ensuring everyone is informed :)15:59
zanebwhoops, wrong section15:59
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mnaserright, but someone asked about "pointing to chair stuff so they know what they're voting for" :)15:59
asettlemnaser, indeedy that was I. But I was suggesting mugsie included that in his email, not requesting it :)16:00
mnaseri dont think it has to be a week unless zaneb meant to post that somewhere else16:00
mnaseri think the proposed timeline is ok16:00
evrardjpsmcginnis: haha on the gif16:00
zanebmnaser: yeah, my bad, I accidentally scrolled to the wrong section of the doc and saw that16:00
zanebso yes, there's no timeframe documented16:00
zanebthat doc seems like a good place to add one16:01
mnaseralso i assume everyone is cool with me carrying on these activities till the election time16:01
mnaserif not then i can leave those aside till we decide :)16:01
mugsieyeah, it makes sense16:01
mnaserTheJulia: mind giving a ptl+1 here?
zanebit does say we should vote using CIVS, so that answers a question I had yesterday :)16:02
mugsiemnaser: TheJuliais out on PTO, and delegated PTL to Dmitry16:03
mnaserOh sorry I missed that16:03
mugsieit is in the comments on the patch, the ML msg was linked16:04
asettlemnaser, chair-ing suggestion +116:06
ttxre: chair it will be easier to set up a vote... Gerrit is not that great to pick one of many options16:12
asettleWorks for me16:13
ttxI mean if its only two I guess we could count the +1s but at the end it's likely to result in a draw as everyone +1s both16:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Retire networking-generic-switch-tempest-plugin
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njohnstonNewbie question: Is there a good source of info on the TC-liaison-to-projects function and what it entails?  The documentation I have seen - like the initiative tracker - all point to which seems to be defunct.16:22
mugsienjohnston: not really16:23
mugsiethings have moved on a bit, and the liason is mainly just reaching out at the start of the cycle to say hello, and let them know they can come to you if there is issues16:25
mugsieor want to get a bit of advice16:25
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mugsiemnaser: email sent, with a timeline16:40
mugsieI am happy to run the poll, seen as you are running16:41
njohnstonthanks mugsie!16:42
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evrardjpthanks mugsie16:55
evrardjpour civs expert nowadays16:55
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mriedemfyi, following up on that university mentoring project thing i posted for closing osc feature gaps - the project didn't get staffed for whatever reason so it's a no-go17:43
mugsiemriedem: thanks for following up17:48
mugsieThat is unfortunate, but worth trying17:48
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fungisorry to hear that17:56
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