Thursday, 2022-07-07

opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Updating the RBAC goal as per new direction in zed cycle
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knikollaDue to a power outage I won’t be able to attend the tc meeting.14:27
fungii'll be running the security sig meeting so will probably not be able to pay close attention to the tc meeting this week, but if you're interested in participating in the sync with the foundation board in august please don't forget to fill out the scheduling poll:
fungiit's open for another week still and looks like 5 tc members have added their preferences so far. i'll send a reminder to the ml too14:41
spotzfungi I'll probably attend wearing my Board hat so didn't fill it out14:51
spotzAnd the room is open14:51
jungleboyjI am feeling under the weather.  I won't be able to attend today.14:52
gmannknikolla: jungleboyj : ack14:53
jungleboyjI may be able to join.  We will see.  :-)14:55
gmanntc-members: TC meeting on
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul  7 15:00:24 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
jungleboyjo/  I am here.15:00
gmann#topic Roll call15:01
gmannlink to join video call #link
jungleboyjUgh, forgot this is on video.  I am in another conflicting meeting.  Will join when I can.15:01
gmannjungleboyj: ok15:02
gmanndansmith: diablo_rojo_phone arne_wiebalck ping about meeting in case you missed15:02
gmanntoday agenda ^^15:02
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:04
gmanngmann to add c9s testing collaboration topic in next meeting agenda and call c9s folks to help it to make stable distro to test in OpenStack15:04
gmann#topic Gate health check15:05
gmannrecheck stats #link
gmann#topic Checks on Zed cycle tracker15:09
gmann Renovate translation SIG i1815:16
gmann#action rosmaita to send the email on openstack-discuss and community (local user groups ML) about asking who need translation15:17
gmann#action gmann to ask about Adjutant maintainer on ML and start the next step of retirement or adding it in In-active project list.15:21
gmann#topic CentOS-stream-9 testing stability and collaboration with centos-stream maintainers15:22
gmannc9s have most of the latest version of deps like qemu or so and there might not be enough testing of those latest things for now15:34
apevec2#info example CS9 related issue discussed during the call for which Tempest workaround was need:15:34
gmannapevec2: thanks15:34
apevec2^ RCAed eventually to qemu by a Nova team member15:35
gmannOpenStack team to report bug on for any related bug t centos stream but initial level debugging of which component causing bug will be helpful 15:38
gmannwe can file bug in OpenStack and then after some triage and log the bug on bugzilla 15:40
gmannit will be helpful to setup the 3rd party CI on centos stream to have more monitoring on failure or any failure on new updates in centos stream side15:43
gmannapevec2 will be checking running some openstack tests(tempest) in c9s testing to merge the things in github but no commitment on this currently (idea was up but not started).15:49
gmannbut need some openstack expertise to debug the failure at initial level so just running the tests would not be much helpful 15:50
gmannwhat is stable version means in centos stream?15:53
gmannthere is no specific matrix saying what is stable or not but c9s will have the next things so testing them is useful 15:54
gmannalso use ML and IRC for communicate the things to centos team #link  #centos-devel and #centos-stream16:00
gmann#topic RBAC community-wide goal16:02
gmann#topic Create the Environmental Sustainability SIG16:04
gmann#action gmann to remove this from agenda and we will check feedback on review or ML16:09
gmann#topic Open Reviews16:10
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul  7 16:11:51 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:11
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
spotz_gmann I'll share when it's done processing16:13
gmannspotz_: thanks 16:13
spotz_gmann video is shared let me know if there's any issues19:20
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gmannspotz_: thanks, all good. I downloaded it. 21:46

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