*** diablo_rojo_phone is now known as Guest7964 | 00:30 | |
gouthamr | tc-members: gentle reminder that we will be meeting simultaneously on video (Zoom) and IRC today in ~58 minutes: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting | 17:02 |
gouthamr | #startmeeting tc | 18:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Feb 4 18:00:09 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 18:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 18:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'tc' | 18:00 |
gouthamr | #info Today's meeting is being held primarily via video call. Action items and meeting minutes will be documented in IRC but for a full replay of the meeting, please visit the OpenStack TC youtube channel, where the recording will be uploaded soon. | 18:00 |
gouthamr | #link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuGwBXOmWHydSE09RM84wQ | 18:00 |
* slaweq will be late 2 minutes | 18:00 | |
gouthamr | ack slaweq | 18:00 |
noonedeadpunk | sorry, won't be able to participate today - clean forgot about the conflict:( | 18:01 |
gouthamr | no prob noonedeadpunk | 18:01 |
* bauzas joins in a sec | 18:01 | |
gouthamr | #topic Roll Call | 18:01 |
gouthamr | ack bauzas | 18:01 |
gmann | o/ | 18:01 |
gmann | joining video call in 2min | 18:01 |
cardoe | o/ | 18:01 |
gouthamr | gtema is on the Zoom call | 18:01 |
gouthamr | noted absence: f r i c k l e r | 18:02 |
gouthamr | courtesy ping: spotz[m] | 18:02 |
gouthamr | ^ may be traveling | 18:02 |
gouthamr | Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. | 18:02 |
gouthamr | Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee | 18:02 |
gouthamr | #topic Last Week's AIs | 18:05 |
bauzas | if I disappear, don't be afraid, I'm trying to fix a ubiquiti device :) | 18:05 |
gouthamr | Follow up on openstackdocstheme review permissions (gtema / gouthamr) | 18:05 |
gouthamr | ^ not yet addressed, we're missing oslo folks atm | 18:05 |
gouthamr | oslo meetings haven't restarted yet | 18:07 |
gouthamr | slaweq notes that the PTL/TC nomination kick-off email will be going out tomorrow | 18:07 |
gouthamr | if we have a leadership issue with oslo, we'll need to resolve that soon | 18:07 |
gouthamr | we'll get to this in a little bit | 18:07 |
gouthamr | next AI: Review and approve late Freezer release resolution | 18:08 |
gouthamr | ^ this was done | 18:08 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939792 (Add resolution for late Freezer release) | 18:08 |
gouthamr | we need to let the release team know to include freezer and other related repos in this coordinated release | 18:08 |
gouthamr | #action: gouthamr will ping the release team and see if there's any code changes required to do this | 18:09 |
fungi | i let them know yesterday when it merged | 18:09 |
gouthamr | thank you fungi | 18:09 |
gouthamr | #undo | 18:09 |
opendevmeet | Removing item from minutes: #action : gouthamr will ping the release team and see if there's any code changes required to do this | 18:09 |
fungi | happy to bring it up again in their meeting on friday too | 18:09 |
gouthamr | thanks, that would be helpful | 18:09 |
gouthamr | next AI: Oslo project’s governance model | 18:10 |
gmann | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939485 | 18:10 |
gouthamr | the situation here is that some liaisons are more active than others | 18:10 |
gouthamr | the team needs to confirm if they'd like to continue with their DPL model | 18:11 |
gouthamr | some liaisons are volunteering part-time, so perhaps PTL model will work better | 18:11 |
gouthamr | gmann is the TaCT liaison and he's not got a preference | 18:11 |
gouthamr | but our process to reset the DPL model should be followed through because we don't have acks/nacks from existing liaisons | 18:12 |
gouthamr | per the process, we'll merge the patch to reset the leadership model | 18:12 |
gouthamr | and slaweq/ianychoi will need to vet any candidates for the PTL nominations | 18:13 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/940415 (Add 2025.2 election nomination dir for oslo) | 18:13 |
gouthamr | any disagreements here? | 18:13 |
gouthamr | sounds like none | 18:14 |
gouthamr | i'm looking for one or more TC members to RC+1 | 18:14 |
gouthamr | bauzas mentioned he'll be happy to see a new PTL candidate for OSLO | 18:14 |
gouthamr | gmann has spoken to damani in the past about this, and he sounded interested to step up | 18:15 |
gouthamr | the TC doesn't really have a preference between the leadership models | 18:15 |
fungi | "Once a project team has moved to the distributed leadership model, they can revert to the PTL model by creating a change to projects.yaml to remove the “leadership_type: distributed” line in the team’s configuration. This change should have at least a +1 from all the people currently serving as liaisons, including the | 18:15 |
fungi | https://opendev.org/openstack/releases/src/branch/master/data/release_liaisons.yaml for the project team, which might not be in the governance repo. It must also get a +1 from the future PTL, listed in the same change." https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/distributed-project-leadership.html#process-for-opting-in-to-distributed-leadership | 18:15 |
gouthamr | but, its possible the DPL model isn't helping resolve contentious issues that show up | 18:16 |
fungi | (just making sure the documented process the tc has is followed or gets corrected if not) | 18:16 |
gouthamr | fungi: +1 | 18:17 |
* gouthamr workflowed https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939485 | 18:17 | |
gouthamr | next up on our AIs | 18:18 |
gouthamr | Monitor Victoria EOL Transition Progress: | 18:18 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/937515 (Transition unmaintained/victoria to EOL) | 18:18 |
gouthamr | thanks to elodilles for having updated the change removing around 70 repos from this EOL transition change | 18:19 |
gouthamr | and to frickler for initiating this | 18:19 |
gouthamr | so excluding these repos, we can now kick off the EOL for Wallaby, Xena, Yoga branches | 18:19 |
gouthamr | #action check with the release team on the next steps here, likely wallaby | 18:20 |
gouthamr | the maintenance burden of the unmaintained/victoria branch will remain with the unmainted-core gerrit group | 18:22 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/4d728691952c04b8b2ec828eabc96b98dc124d69,members (Unmaintained Core Group) | 18:22 |
gouthamr | gmann says that we should check the pulse of this group during the upcoming PTG | 18:23 |
gouthamr | #action gouthamr will add this to the PTG etherpad that he'll set up | 18:23 |
fungi | you can also replace the hex value with the group name in urls for clarity | 18:23 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/openstack-unmaintained-core,members (Unmaintained Core Group) | 18:24 |
gouthamr | that's all for the AIs | 18:24 |
gouthamr | #topic DPL model reset (gmann) | 18:24 |
gouthamr | 18:24 | |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939484 (Freezer) | 18:25 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 (Watcher) | 18:25 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939486 (Release) | 18:25 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939487 (Requirement) | 18:25 |
gouthamr | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939485 (Oslo) | 18:25 |
gouthamr | tc-liaisons to each DPL team can initiate these reset patches before the election during each cycle | 18:26 |
gouthamr | we had a good outcome from these reset patches to have a dialog with each of the teams this cycle | 18:26 |
fungi | "TC liaison: the TC liaison is one of the TC members who will follow the project activities at regular intervals and make sure the DPL model is reset every cycle. Project team who is planning to adopt the DPL model can reach out to the TC to find the TC liaison for their project." https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/distributed-project-leadership.html#required-roles | 18:26 |
gouthamr | thank you gmann for these patches and for the clear communication around the process | 18:26 |
gouthamr | gmann says that other interested TC members can add themselves as liaisons for projects that they're interested to track | 18:27 |
gouthamr | the summary of this effort was that all teams except oslo will be continuing with the DPL model | 18:27 |
gouthamr | some of them reset their liaisons | 18:28 |
gouthamr | oslo may also continue with the DPL model | 18:28 |
gouthamr | we'll know when we conclude the elections | 18:28 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/governance master: Reset the DPL model for oslo project https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939485 | 18:28 |
gouthamr | #topic A check on gate health | 18:28 |
gouthamr | fungi notes that there may be a couple of possible impacts from the pbr release | 18:29 |
gouthamr | #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/release-announce@lists.openstack.org/thread/CNHDWEUGZU4F7Y2DWHR2QL5Y7VULGV2R/ (pbr 6.1.1 released!) | 18:29 |
gouthamr | project teams can notify #opendev in case they encounter any CI impacts with this | 18:29 |
cardoe | fungi: https://docs.openstack.org/pbr/latest/user/releasenotes.html the release notes aren't updated. | 18:30 |
gouthamr | fungi notes that some projects run a lot of CI jobs on every change | 18:30 |
gouthamr | some projects have consume lots of test nodes (50-60, if i heard that correctly, fungi?) | 18:30 |
gouthamr | this consumes a lot of bandwidth, and jobs remain queued for extended durations | 18:31 |
gouthamr | there's no list of projects we know | 18:31 |
gouthamr | that have a ton of jobs | 18:31 |
gouthamr | a kolla change was running 64 jobs, and that's possibly around a 100 nodes | 18:32 |
gouthamr | its possible project teams need to be reminded to rationalize their CI jobs | 18:32 |
gouthamr | we're three weeks to feature freeze | 18:33 |
gouthamr | and these weeks usually see a CI frenzy | 18:33 |
gouthamr | bauzas notes that this could be a lot of problems getting things into this release | 18:34 |
gouthamr | contributors probably lost track of how heavy project CI requirements became as a side effect of the new dashboard | 18:35 |
gouthamr | (the new dashboard compacts the job view) | 18:35 |
gouthamr | we don't want to encourage teams to not test adequately | 18:35 |
gouthamr | currently, we recommend people noticing CI jams to flag issues with job configuration | 18:37 |
gouthamr | prime things to look for: repos that have a ton of jobs, a lot of non-voting jobs, or perma-failing jobs | 18:37 |
gouthamr | gmann and bauzas are mentioning that nova and neutron teams regularly review their CI jobs | 18:38 |
gouthamr | we don't know if other teams are doing this sort of review | 18:38 |
gouthamr | other mitigation methods: combine jobs, move non-voting jobs and long running jobs to the periodic pipeline | 18:39 |
gouthamr | some more methods: queue and pipeline fairness - if there's a lot of demand to test a particular repo, slowness only affects taht repo or project team | 18:41 |
gouthamr | gmann suggests adding a topic to the TC- Project Leadership session at the upcoming PTG | 18:41 |
gouthamr | #action: gouthamr will add this to the etherpad ^ | 18:41 |
gmann | for kolla-ansible jobs | 18:41 |
gmann | #link https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/blob/9cb2e0db8965b35ff0dc872c5bd1ffe7d5124c0f/zuul.d/project.yaml#L11 | 18:41 |
gouthamr | slaweq will look up some CI scripts that dansmith used in the past to review the CI usage across project teams | 18:42 |
gouthamr | this might be good material to bring to the TC-Project Leadership meeting at the PTG | 18:42 |
bauzas | can someone remind me how to query all the openstack repos by one time ? | 18:43 |
gouthamr | anything else about the gate this week? | 18:43 |
gmann | thanks fungi for bringing it up. | 18:43 |
gouthamr | ++ | 18:43 |
bauzas | gotcha | 18:44 |
bauzas | codesearch.o.o | 18:44 |
gouthamr | #topic TC Tracker | 18:44 |
gouthamr | #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2025.1-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker - 2025.1) | 18:44 |
gouthamr | on ubuntu noble migration | 18:45 |
gouthamr | heat and devstack-plugin-container seem like the only ones concerning right now | 18:45 |
gouthamr | and the docs jobs* | 18:45 |
gouthamr | there are patches resolving issues in skyline | 18:46 |
gouthamr | tkajinam is aware of the issue with heat, and is working on it | 18:46 |
gouthamr | gmann pinged hongbin regarding devstack-plugin-container jobs | 18:46 |
gouthamr | RBAC goal | 18:46 |
gouthamr | blazar and cloudkitty made some progress here | 18:47 |
gouthamr | its slowly getting better :) | 18:47 |
gouthamr | we'll add updates to the etherpad/s and review this again next week | 18:47 |
gouthamr | #topic Open Discussion | 18:48 |
gouthamr | slaweq and spotz[m] were at FOSDEM! | 18:48 |
gouthamr | slaweq saw more people than he expected | 18:49 |
gouthamr | there were a lot of operators, and there was a good discussion for about an hour - lots of questions | 18:49 |
gouthamr | there was an OpenStack Birthday Party in the evening | 18:49 |
gouthamr | as part of the OpenInfra meetup | 18:49 |
gouthamr | there was beer :) a better version of cake, slaweq says | 18:50 |
gouthamr | many FOSDEM rooms were packed, overwhelming to new people - but its probably the biggest free software meetups there is | 18:52 |
gouthamr | so that's expected | 18:52 |
gouthamr | 1118 speakers spread over 1074 events and 78 tracks | 18:53 |
gouthamr | :O | 18:53 |
gouthamr | gtema notes that its a good thing many of these sessions are recorded, so you're probably missing the socializing | 18:54 |
gouthamr | fungi: mentions belgian fried potatoes | 18:54 |
gouthamr | we still have 5 mins | 18:55 |
bauzas | interesting fact : only english people mention the geography of fries, which is btw. wrong | 18:55 |
gouthamr | any other topics for open discussion | 18:55 |
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory | 18:55 | |
gouthamr | bauzas is starting a fire about fries before he logs off for the day | 18:55 |
gouthamr | alright we hopped off the video call | 18:56 |
gouthamr | i'll post the video recording to the YouTube channel soon, and summarize on the ML | 18:56 |
gouthamr | thank you all for attending! | 18:56 |
gouthamr | see you here next week | 18:56 |
gouthamr | #endmeeting | 18:57 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Feb 4 18:56:59 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 18:57 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-04-18.00.html | 18:57 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-04-18.00.txt | 18:57 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-04-18.00.log.html | 18:57 |
JayF | Everyone knows french fries were invented originally by Ronald McDonald in McDonaldLand back in the early 30s. Just ask Mayor McCheese. | 18:57 |
gouthamr | :D | 18:57 |
fungi | the hamburgler disagrees | 19:00 |
opendevreview | Ghanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Define 2025 upstream investment opportunities https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939507 | 20:52 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/election master: Add 2025.2 election nomination dir for oslo https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/940415 | 22:13 |
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