Tuesday, 2012-02-14

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Kyle__ack wrong window00:15
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smoserKiall, ping00:46
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HugoKuo_around ?00:50
HugoKuo_does anyone playing with Swift now ?00:50
HugoKuo_I'm confusing about rebanalance the ring00:51
HugoKuo_do we need to restart service after rebalance ring ?00:51
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warikSaddam: any luck about this 412 error between Glance and Swift ?01:24
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uvirtbotNew bug: #931837 in keystone "update docs to talk about keystone-manage & cli" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93183701:41
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troyahi all03:23
troyaanyone know about https://github.com/woorea/openstack-java-sdk/ ?03:23
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troyaor about jclouds ?03:28
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notmynameHugoKuo_: no, if you change the ring file, the swift processes will detect it and reload it04:21
notmynamebodepd: what's up?04:21
HugoKuo_notmyname , thanks for your reply :>04:22
notmynameHugoKuo_: sorry for the delay. I've been traveling today04:22
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HugoKuo_have a good time :>04:23
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bodepdnotmyname: I am trying to understand the config files: /etc/swift/*-server/*.conf vs. /etc/swift/*-server.conf04:33
notmynamebodepd: I'm guessing you're looking at the SAIO docs vs the multiserver docs?04:34
bodepdnotmyname: I am assuming that in general, a node would manage multiple devices so you would tend to have multiple ports mapping to multiple devices of each type on each node04:34
bodepdnotmyname: yes04:34
bodepdI would prefer to have only /etc/swift/*-server/PORT.conf files and not have the global file04:35
notmynamebodepd: since the SAIO simulates 4 servers in one VM, it needs a way to store 4 different configs for one process, thus the *-server directory04:35
bodepdnotmyname: that wouldnt be the typical setup though? Since a single node would usually have multiple devices?04:36
notmynamebodepd: but the general way is that you'd only have one server running on one box so you'd only need one config04:36
notmynameno, you could run account + container + object, but you wouldn't want, say, 2 object servers04:36
bodepdnotmyname: and that one server maps to multiple endpoints?04:37
notmynameendpoints? as in storage volumes?04:37
bodepdnotmyname: or multiple devices?04:37
notmynameyes. one object server process handles all of the storage on that box for object storage (technically, every volume mounted under the "devices" directory)04:38
bodepdnotmyname: so from the perspective of the ring, it would not know if an endpoint managed 5 or 10 devices04:42
bodepdnotmyname: that would have to be expressed as weight?04:42
notmynamebodepd: the ring maps partitions to volumes. and the weight shows how many partitions that volume gets relative to the others04:44
bodepdnotmyname: ok, I understand now. thanks04:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #931880 in openstack-manuals "Misplaced paragraph about database config in install / deploy guide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93188004:51
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seifriedhi, is it possible to run openstack compute, swift and glance within VM's or do they need bare metal hardware?05:16
seifriedI'd like to test multiple server install/deployments without having to use a ton of systems05:17
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bodepdseifried: it is possible to use VMs05:55
seifriednice, for everything?05:56
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bodepdseifried: yes, but not all hypervisors will work. I am using VirtualBox with qemu and everything works fine05:57
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seifriedwill KVM/qemu work05:59
seifriedor RHEVM?05:59
seifriedI think I need to go buy some laptops or something for this. ugh.06:01
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bodepdseifried: I think for the hypervisors, it just matters if they support nested hypervisors06:05
seifriedat least machines are cheap now06:08
bodepdseifried: I have actually made it pretty far with only VMs on my laptop. It can be painfully slow at times06:08
seifriedyeah I've got a pair of 6core/16G systems and a bunch of 4core/8gig systems06:10
seifriedthank goodness ram is cheap06:10
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seifriedwhat I'd like to see is more laptops with 4 slots for ram. that'd be nice06:12
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bodepdnotmyname: one more question. In the upstart scripts, it actually wont start the services unless there is a file in the /etc/swift/*-server/ directory. I assume this is a mistake?06:31
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lxu_anyone awake?07:41
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journeemanIf I am running 2 VMs, server1 with all openstack components and server2 with nova-compute alone which get an IP each using NAT, do I need to follow the concept of private and public IP addresses?09:55
journeemanThe IPs from NAT worked till `euca-describe-availability-zones verbose'. The instances that get launched however don't get assigned IPs.09:57
journeemanIn spite of running `sudo nova-manage floating create --ip_range='09:58
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LarsErikPhi, when you modify quotas for a tenant, you can specify max metadata items. What does that mean?10:03
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kbringardhas anyone ever seen this… I'm using multi-host with project VLANs13:53
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kbringardwhen I assign a VM in a project a floating IP, it can no longer talk to other VMs in the same project which do not have a floating IP13:53
kbringardtraffic is going over the VLAN interface, but it's sourcing from the floating IP on the VM which has it assigned13:54
kbringardso it seems to be a routing issue13:54
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eglynn_annegentle: quick question?13:57
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kbringardeglynn_: not sure if I'll have the answer, but maybe I can help?14:00
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eglynn_kbringard: now that https://review.openstack.org/#change,4112 has landed, wondering about a permanent link to the compute API wadl ...14:07
eglynn_(so that https://review.openstack.org/#change,3421 can be unblocked)14:07
eglynn_previously discussed having a permanent link to the compute API WADL on docs.openstack.org, as opposed to serving it out from github14:08
phschwartzHow good is swift at handling large binary uploads? 600mb to 1gb in a single bucket14:08
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kbringardhmmm, yea, we'll need to talk to annegentle about it, she has a better handle on how everything interlinks14:08
Spirilisphschwartz: it can do it, bear in mind the internal architecture of swift is such that it typically only stores up to 5GB per file but the client app can "chunk" a file and swift will understand that the chunks are part of a bigger file14:09
kbringardI can approve and stuff, but I wouldn't want to since I don't entirely understand the issue ;-)14:09
heyhoHello, has anyone tried to install the essex dashboard on 2011.3.1 services? If so, are there particular instruction to follow..?14:09
Spirilislikewise, you can arbitrarily chunk files when uploading them, so a 600MB-1GB file could be split up 2 or 3 ways and each chunk uploaded simultaneously if the app you're using supports that...14:09
eglynn_kbringard: sure, understood, no problem ...14:09
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Spirilisso you can store a file of any size you want, so long as your client makes sure it chunks the file up into <=5GB chunks when uploading14:10
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phschwartzspirilis: I will have to setup a 1 node swift box to test it. But I wouldn't want the files chunked. I am looking to build a binary build deployment system for our OS automated build system with the builds stored in a swift instance.14:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #932070 in nova "nova-manage floating delete fails using --ip_range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93207014:11
Spirilisphschwartz: should work.  It'll have to chunk the files if they're >5GB but this should be transparent to you if you use the 'swift' cmdline client or another piece of software (like Cyberduck) that supports swift14:11
Spirilisit doesn't change anything about the file, when you request the file it'll give you the whole thing (recombining the chunks internally as it streams the file to you)14:12
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phschwartzSpirilis: good to know, but the files are below 5gb so shouldn't even hit the chunking.14:14
Spirilisphschwartz: sweet, yeah it should work.14:14
Spirilisphschwartz: are you customizing existing build systems to use swift, or using the 'swift' cmdline tool?  just curious14:14
Spirilis(or both, customizing an existing build system to use the 'swift' cmdline tool to do its work :-))14:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #932071 in nova "nova-manage floating list returns error if no floating IPs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93207114:16
phschwartzWe use Jenkins to build our OSS project. I have built an OpenStack compute cluster to house the instances for builds (7 os platforms). I current scp the files to a single staging server for people to grab and work with from a simple python django page that displays the files for each build. I want to place them in swift instead so I can have the app feed them to the user from there. That way we can expand the storage cluster as needed14:16
phschwartzfor build history.14:16
Spirilisahh gotcha14:17
Spirilisneat :)14:17
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phschwartzYeah, It gives us a lot of flexability. I will also be scripting auto instance launch for environment testing and regression testing. That way we can off load most of that work for each build so tests can focus on testing new features and I can keep working on my dev work as I hate having to stop to help test.14:18
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Spirilisthat's definitely a cool use case of the software14:19
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Spirilisthe only thing I can offer about swift installs, as I found with my own POC, is that swift prefers you present a server's disks bare rather than RAID'ed together (particularly in any kind of RAID5)14:20
Spiriliswhen I presented each of my swift servers' disks as big RAID5 volumes it was dog slow, had to increase a bunch of timeouts to upload anything >50MB14:21
phschwartzWe use it in production for large scale web deployments and such along with building our own cloud offering off of it, so why not use it for our builds. lol14:21
Spirilisah gotcha14:21
phschwartzhmm, that is good to know.14:21
phschwartzI will have to make sure I do it that way.14:21
Spirilisyeah when I broke down the RAID5 and presented them individually it was snappy14:21
phschwartzI was looking at a few things, large scale nass with lustre or something like swift.14:21
Spirilisthey even warn you about that in the docs but I'd love to see a more thorough description of why this is14:22
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Spirilisalso when deciding on names for the various disk devices, I started calling my disks "disk1", "disk2", etc. instead of sdb1, sdc1, etc14:24
Spirilissince if a disk dies and you reboot.... the dev names get reordered sometimes, and using abstracted names like disk1, disk2, etc. resolves that problem (especially if you set the FS label to disk1, disk2, etc. and use LABEL=disk<X> in /etc/fstab)14:25
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vlqHello, can anybody tell me how to get "nova zone-list" to work?14:36
vlqafter that command I get 404 and in logs there is only:  No route matched for GET /nnnnn/zones/detail14:36
vlqI also get n/a (HTTP 404) when I try nova zone-add or any nova zone command14:37
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annegentleeglynn_: hey, I've been super busy with api.openstack.org, and should have a WADL for you soon. Was still making edits to it14:58
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eglynn_annegentle: great, thanks!14:58
eglynn_(no mad rush, just wanted to unblock that review and get it merged ...)14:59
annegentleeglynn_: yeah I hate to block good work :)14:59
annegentleeglynn_: so, WADL is how we're making api.openstack.org14:59
annegentleeglynn_: so I'm debating a little bit on where they should live - as source and as published15:00
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eglynn_annegentle: cool, by where they live do you mean whether on docs.openstack.org or api.openstack.org, or just the path under the latter domain?15:01
annegentleeglynn_: right, which domain makes sense to people?15:02
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eglynn_annegentle: I would have thought docs.openstack.org was the natural home for it15:03
eglynn_but I guess there is a fundamental difference between the human-reader-oriented docs found there and something machine-readable like WADL15:03
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annegentleeglynn_: yeah, and api.openstack is brand new15:04
annegentleeglynn_: still working on launch today in fact :)15:04
eglynn_yep, true that15:05
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annegentleeglynn_: yeah I'll just put the WADL on docs.openstack15:07
annegentleeglynn_: enough being wishy washy :)15:08
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eglynn_annegentle: I like decisive! :)15:09
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smulcahyanyone know how to remove a compute node from the cluster?15:28
smulcahyi'm assuming I need to delete rows from db but not sure where15:28
smulcahynova.compute_node and nova.service?15:28
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AndrewWeisssmulcachy: I think you can remove the "nova-compute" service from the "nova" database15:30
AndrewWeisslocated in the "services" table15:30
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smulcahythanks Andrew, I'm concerned about only half deleting the node from the db though15:32
AndrewWeissyea, I was just going to mention that15:33
AndrewWeissi'm not sure where else the node might be located15:33
annegentleeglynn_: hm, ok, the file is now copied to http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-compute/1.1/wadl/os-compute-1.1.wadl15:33
annegentleeglynn_: but the entities won't resolve, is that a problem I can fix?15:33
AndrewWeissyou can trying removing the nova-compute package altogether and see where that leads15:33
eglynn_annegentle: excellent thanks! I'll update the links in https://review.openstack.org/#change,342115:34
eglynn_annegentle: re. the entity resolution, are the .xsds available there also?15:35
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annegentleeglynn_: yes, they are… I just submitted another change that puts the wadl at a root that should be correct for the xsd references15:36
annegentleeglynn_: so I think it should work correctly now… give Jenkins a few to build15:36
eglynn_annegentle: cool!15:36
annegentleeglynn_: I think I answered my own question, yes it's a problem I can fix. Hee.15:37
eglynn_annegentle: nice one ;)15:37
annegentleeglynn_: have to get to a meeting, but I'll be online later15:37
eglynn_thx much!15:37
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AndrewWeisshey I was wondering if anyone could help me with Keystone and Swift Integration15:37
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smulcahyAndrew, I'm afraid I can't but I'd love to hear how it goes for you - its on my todo list :)15:38
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AndrewWeisssmulcachy: Yea I've been working on it for a few days now….i'm really close to getting it to work…the problem is I've come across so many different ways to setup the config files and execute swift commands that I have yet to find which combination works lol15:40
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smulcahybest of luck with it anyway15:40
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jd___is anybody with gerrit admin access around?15:41
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chmouelAndrewWeiss: what kind of problem do you have?15:49
AndrewWeisshey chmouel, i'm having an issue authenticating swift with keystone15:50
AndrewWeissi can pastebin my proxy-server.conf, keystone endpointTemplates list, and other information if you would like15:50
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AndrewWeissi'm getting a EHOSTUNREACH when I execute the following command: swift -A http://<ipofkeystone>:5000/v2.0 -U tenant:username -K <password> status -v V 2.015:52
AndrewWeisswhen I pull up my keystone logs it shows that the token is authenticated successfully15:53
AndrewWeisshowever it seems that there is an issue when communicating back to swift15:53
chmouelis that the exact command you are typing?15:54
chmouel-V2.0 ?15:54
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lxuSpirilis: hey15:54
chmoueland yeah can you post your proxy-server.conf ?15:54
AndrewWeisssure hold on just a second…i'll disconnect and be right back15:54
Spirilislxu: mornin'15:55
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lxuSpirilis: I resolved the problem of my custom image, thank you for your help, now volume is being attached correctly15:56
Spirilislxu: awesome!15:56
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AndrewWeiss_chmouel: http://pastebin.com/q44g9w1b15:58
AndrewWeiss_that is the proxy-server.conf15:58
AndrewWeiss_my keystone server is located on a separate machine15:58
chmouelwhat version of keystone?15:58
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AndrewWeiss2011.3.1 i believe15:59
AndrewWeisswhen i execute a keystone --version command I get a hex value…some issue there16:00
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chmouelI am not sure if that version include the tokenauth change16:02
chmouelthere was multiple iteration of the swiftauth middleware for keystone16:02
AndrewWeissyea, that's what I've noticed16:02
AndrewWeissfrom which repository can I obtain the version that is compatible with swift16:02
chmouelwould it be a problem to copy the file somewhere so I can look?16:02
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chmouelall of them should be compatible :)16:02
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AndrewWeisslol figures16:02
chmouelbut they are configured in a different ways16:02
AndrewWeissyea, that's what i've noticed16:03
AndrewWeisssure, which file would you like copied16:03
chmouelso yeah if you can copy that version maybe i can help16:03
chmoueljust keystone.common.middleware.swift_auth.py16:03
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chmouelI'm actually working on the redux branch to make this working better and documented properly16:04
chmouelintegrated with s3 tokens validation16:04
AndrewWeissexcellent…bear with me just a moment16:05
AndrewWeissso I have three different copies of swift_auth.py16:06
AndrewWeissone in /pyshared/....16:06
AndrewWeissand the others in /python2.6/.… and /python2.7/.. respectively16:06
AndrewWeisswhich one is being used16:06
chmouelthat's a very good question :)16:06
smulcahycan I turn off quotas in openstack?16:06
smulcahytemporarily, for testing16:06
chmoueli would not be able to tell tbh16:07
zynzelAndrewWeiss: ubuntu 11.10?16:07
AndrewWeissyes 11.1016:07
lxucan someone explain to me, what exactly nova-scheduler does? it only choose where the instance will run?16:07
chmouelyou would need to do some digging16:07
zynzelAndrewWeiss: check with diff.16:07
zynzelthis is the same file ;)16:07
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zynzeland python2.7 is used.16:07
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AndrewWeissyep lol they are the same16:08
AndrewWeissthanks zynzel16:08
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AndrewWeisshere is the swift_auth.py file: http://pastebin.com/iCfGg26316:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #932137 in nova "Volume tests depend on logging for "tests"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93213716:11
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aleixdorcaI'm having problems authenticating users with glance and keystone... I'm using the keystone trunk version and the ubuntu 11.10 glance version (not trunk or ppa). When I issue a glance details I always get a KeyError: 'access' error. Any hints on this?16:14
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chmoueloh that's the old version16:14
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AndrewWeisschmouel: figures lol16:15
chmouelso what do you see in the logs of the proxy server ? anyting like keystone middleware authorization debug?16:16
chmouel(I want to check if debugging works on proxy-server for you)16:16
aleixdorcaThis would be the first thing I see on Keystone: DEBUG [keystone.frontends.legacy_token_auth] Entering AuthProtocol.__call__16:17
aleixdorcaWell Keystone seems to be working fine and answers to curl petitions correctly16:18
AndrewWeissi'm not finding anything in the proxy server logs16:18
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chmouelok so do a swift-init proxy stop16:19
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chmoueland from the command line with sudo16:19
chmouelswift-proxy-server /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf -v16:19
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AndrewWeissok, it says the proxy-server Keystone middleware started16:21
AndrewWeissproxy-server Started child 317216:21
AndrewWeissproxy-server Keystone middleware started16:21
chmouelso try that swift16:21
AndrewWeissand it is hung there16:21
chmouelcommeand again16:21
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AndrewWeissEHOSTUNREACH still16:22
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chmouelcan you curl ?16:23
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AndrewWeissyep, returns a token16:26
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AndrewWeisshey chmouel, i'll brb, need to run to the other lab16:29
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932154 in nova "076_remove_unique_constraints fails on Postgres" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93215416:31
AndrewWeiss_ok, so yea it seems like i have an issue connecting to swift16:31
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chmoueli'm not entirely sure tbh16:34
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chmouelcan you try run a script like that http://p.chmouel.com/ks16:35
chmouelyou'l see the argumetns16:35
chmouelbut if you can give the output16:35
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932156 in nova "No such option: use_deprecated_auth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93215616:36
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AndrewWeisschmouel: http://pastebin.com/8Xg5kfTy16:39
AndrewWeissoutput from your script16:39
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chmoueland I guess curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: 11121314151617181920'
chmouelerror out?16:39
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AndrewWeiss401 unauthorized16:41
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chmoueli don't see I would advise to put bunch of print around the token validation and see where it fails in the middleware16:42
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chmoueli haven't worked with the old swift middleware for  long time :(16:43
AndrewWeisslol so lets make things easier16:43
AndrewWeissthis is a test environment16:43
AndrewWeissi have no problem wiping my swift configurations and starting from scratch16:43
AndrewWeisswhich package should I use16:44
chmouelwell it's mostly have to do with the keystone version16:44
chmouelfor swift you should be fine with whatever you have now16:44
AndrewWeissso which keystone package should i use?16:44
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chmouelfor keystone i am not sure if there is some updated version of the packages16:44
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chmouelneed to check with the ubuntu guys16:46
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AndrewWeissok so the keystone package I currently have was from the managedit repository16:48
chmouelit's a much more functional version and has much more debugs info16:48
chmouelyeah so prob need to check with those guys16:48
AndrewWeissdo you know of a lot of people that have swift and keystone integration working?16:49
chmouelwell i do :)16:49
AndrewWeisswhich versions are you using16:49
chmouelbut yeah for the first version not many16:49
chmouelthe one from keystone latest16:50
chmouelit basically delegate authentication to tokenauth16:51
chmoueland have support for roles and acl16:51
AndrewWeissok, i'll probably reconfigure keystone and get this working16:51
AndrewWeissthanks of for your help chmouel16:51
chmouelno prob16:51
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cryptkso, does anyone know of any actual documentation on getting Nova and XenServer working together?16:56
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cryptknot a "here is the gist of it" kind of page, but some actual full docs?16:56
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hogepodgeHi. I'm in the last stages of setting up an Openstack Essex deployment.16:59
hogepodgeWorking on a complete integration, Keystone+Swift+Glance+Nova, all over SSL.16:59
hogepodgeLast error I'm getting is running the Nova client, connecting to Keystone. "Keystone is returning a Call without a version - returning 300. Path=/tokens" that the Nova client isn't handling.17:00
hogepodgeAny ideas as to how to correct this?17:01
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alogahi there17:03
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alogaanyone using libvirt + kvm can send me a dumxml of a domain?17:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932179 in nova "libvirt.connection.pre_block_migration() may pass wrong size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93217917:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #932180 in nova "Can't disable force raw images" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93218017:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932183 in glance "where pysendfile is unavailable, glance client sends small erratically-sized chunks" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93218317:16
zynzelchmouel: any chance that swiftauth will support 'anonymous' access? like tempauth '.r:*'?17:16
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hogepodgeOk, I updated my client, and that worked.17:20
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hogepodgeDoes Nova Essex support SSL yet?17:20
hogepodgeOn its endpoints. I'm not having any trouble connecting to Keystone, etc.17:20
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NashTrashHello Stackers17:21
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NashTrashA swift user is getting a 403 error that seems to be because of an odd key name.  He using boto (via S3 interface).  He is able to create the container but when he tries to write to the container he get 403.17:23
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NashTrashHis URL looks like this: PUT /vf_cloud_comet_log_d-r6gtoeeb_i-0000012c/2012-02-14%2011%3A16%3A17%2C784%20INFO17:23
NashTrashHas anyone come across this?17:23
chmouelzynzel: i'd think I do acl properly in there and it should works but i haven't tested it17:23
chmouelthat's my current version https://github.com/chmouel/keystone/blob/6c5c964ff4b43457f5baafbbb889fffeccf92fc7/keystone/middleware/swift_auth.py17:23
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NashTrashA PUT like this works fine: PUT /vf_cloud_comet_log_d-423k834g_i-00000129/Entry%203117:25
zynzelchmouel: yes, but if we send simple GET (without, login, key or token) we get allways forbidden (line 85-87 in swift_auth.py)17:25
cloudgeeki forword my openstack to static ip with port 80 but if i want that on port 8000 how to do that17:25
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zynzelmy simply workaround is to send token in get (http://something:8080/AUTH_account/container/file?token) and in tokenauth simply copy this to token variable.17:26
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Kyle__trudging through a setup (still learning here)17:29
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NashTrashDoes anyone have an idea why a users would get a 403 error on swift with the following PUT /vf_cloud_comet_log_d-r6gtoeeb_i-0000012c/2012-02-14%2011%3A16%3A17%2C784%20INFO17:29
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Kyle__if no networks have been defined, should nova-manage network list return "Command failed, please check log for more info"17:30
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chmouelzynzel: oh yeah i should get that fixed good point17:38
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chmoueli'm not sure how i missed that, really need to write that unit tests suite17:39
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zynzelchmouel: :)17:39
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uvirtbot`New bug: #932223 in keystone "tenant and user names should be present and unique" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93222318:10
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chmouelzynzel: should be working now here, https://github.com/chmouel/keystone/commit/c326024b7d46fb271404f7f7bb54e08410f33489 i still need to write tests before going to try to get in ksl/redux18:21
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chmouel(took me a while to rem that ACL works on objects only and on cont only if you have the rlistings ACL)18:22
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uvirtbotNew bug: #881019 in summit "Lp login is broken after account merge" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88101918:48
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wabathello all...is there anyone here that might be able to answer some questions in regards to nova-volume?  In particular, the questions are related to sizing and performance.19:09
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932253 in keystone "need to support "keystone discover" (dup-of: 932254)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93225319:11
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cloudgeekhow to uninstall  devstack script fro openstack19:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #932276 in keystone "add-user-role and remove-user-role only work when SERVICE_TOKEN is specified" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93227619:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932320 in tempest "Auth assumes the catalog name for the Nova deployment is "nova"" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93232020:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932341 in nova "nova.tests.test_libvirt.LibvirtConnTestCase fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93234121:25
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GlaceIs there a report API for slogging? If not, Would it be intresting merge it to the master branch if we build one?21:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932356 in nova "return code for "iscsiadm: No records found" is 21" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93235621:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932368 in nova "Diablo: Setting image metadata behaves strangely" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93236822:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932369 in keystone "remove pycli dependency" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93236922:11
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ayaatur name22:32
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manhleand yours ?22:33
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manhlehi ayaat22:33
ayaatiam muslim n u22:33
manhleno I'm not22:33
manhleI'm looking for information on Openstack22:33
ayaatru male22:34
manhlehow to get access to test machines, if any22:34
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manhleyes, and you ?22:34
ayaatiam female22:34
ayaatmujhe pakistani chat nai mil rahi22:34
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ayaatapp kuch help karoge22:34
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manhlesorry, I don't speak pakistani22:36
ayaatget out22:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932395 in nova "OS API issues when calling network API" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93239522:50
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932423 in nova "nova cli flavors commands do not use ephemeral_gb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93242323:30
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uvirtbotNew bug: #932427 in keystone "ec2 secret/access cli support" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93242723:36
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bladernr_is anyone around who can clarify something for me?23:37
mattraybladernr_: what's the question?23:37
bladernr_That says minimum recommended RAM for a Compute Node is 32GB but the notes say "With 2 GB RAM you can run one m1.small instance on a node or three m1.tiny instances without memory swapping, so 2 GB RAM would be a minimum for a test-environment compute node"23:37
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mattrayyeah, I've done that in testing23:38
bladernr_So I just wanted to confirm that for just test purposes, I can actually run a compute node on a machine with as little as 2GB physical ram23:38
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mattrayjust be careful what kind of VMs you launch on it23:38
bladernr_awesome! thanks a lot :)23:38
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bladernr_actually, I'm just writing a basic shell script to determine if a $SERVER can function as a compute-node in an openstack environment....23:39
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bladernr_so I guess technically, all I need are VT flags from the proc and 2GB of ram23:39
hogepodgeAnyone available to give some advice on a Horizon installation?23:39
magicaltrouthey guys i see this one pop up on various posts but i can't fathom it, using the packages in Ubuntu 11, euca- stuff fails, I get a 403 in nova api log, Access Key could not be found, but its certainly in the mysql database23:39
mattraybladernr_: afaik, yes23:39
bladernr_mattray:  thank you very much for clarifying.23:40
magicaltroutand the files are sourced in my user23:40
hogepodgeI'm running keystone on SSL with a self-signed key. Horizon is rejecting it. Is there a way to make the connection permissive, or to register our local CA with Horizon?23:41
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hogepodgePing for Dashboard/Horizon help if anyone is available for it. Thanks.23:56
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