Wednesday, 2012-11-07

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kieppieanyone still online?00:10
kieppieI'm seeing this in my logs & stdout: "backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'> from (pid=28053) __get_backend /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/"00:10
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kieppiehow concerned should I be? is this just a noisy log, or is something broken?00:11
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contextthats not enough of anything to see whats actually going on00:12
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kieppiemy concern too - messages out don't give enough contextual info00:12
contextup your logging level00:12
kieppieI'm concerned that something is borked somewhre - possibly auth00:12
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contextif its that important you should see something00:12
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kieppieverbose=True is /etc/nov/nova.conf00:13
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bavariaHi folks, hope y'all are well.  I'm having a bit of a problem maybe someone can help me with.  I'm following the instructions on for CentOS and I'm on this stage but the keystone client is giving me errors00:14
bavariaI've tried it manually and using the .sh script recommend in the docs00:15
kieppiein nova-volume.log I'm seeing "SQL connection failed. 10 attempts left"00:15
bavariaThe script returns a ton of "keystone: error: unrecognized arguments: --os_tenant_id= --os_user_id=" type errors00:15
kieppiebavaria - I've found typo's in the docco's00:15
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bavariaoh before it was "--tenant-id" errors etc but I changed the parameters in the script because keystone --help says they are --xxxx_xxxx_xxx format00:16
kieppiein new vers, some args should be —arg & not —os-arg00:16
kieppiebavaria - check the —help of the CLI command00:16
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bavariaoh that's what I've done and I'm using the format in the --help output but still get errors from the script saying unexpected or unrecognized argument etc00:17
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bavariathat's what's so frustrating I think - I'm attempting to fix the .sh script with what the --help output says but its still not working00:17
kieppieyea- I had that too00:17
bavariaok I'll reread the --help output and see if I'm still doing something wrong I guess00:18
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kieppieanyway… context - can/should I reset all auth across the board, including mysql?00:19
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bavariainteresting...  one of the lines in the .sh script says "keystone user-role-add --os_user_id $ADMIN_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE --os_tenant_id $ADMIN_TENANT" but there's no such parameter as --role-id according to --help00:20
contextkieppie: like i said there is nothing in what you posted to say whether its good or bad00:20
kieppieif so, how is it done? when I try to test creds, such as mysql, the passwords/token in the confs mysql connect string does not allow for connectivity from the CLI - even when I reset it00:20
uvirtbot`New bug: #1075790 in nova "Useless error message when adding a network to a project without VLAN support" [Undecided,New]
kieppiecontext - OK. what information could I provide?00:21
bavariakieppie: do you reload mysql?00:21
kieppieI have, yes. able to access -u root OK00:21
bavariaspecificially flush the auth tables00:21
kieppiebut -u nova (etc) fails00:22
contextthen update mysql password for nova and update config file[s]00:22
bavariais it a case of using DNS or something where the user cannot access because of the hostname its connecting from?00:22
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kieppieGRANT ALL ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '[YOUR_NOVADB_PASSWORD]';00:24
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kieppieI'll reset the password there to the same value/token @ the .conf00:24
bavariakieppie how did you even get users into the database with the keystone client being all screwed up?00:25
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kieppiebavaria - excersised a bit of discression. the command would usually indicate the bad arg, & the —help would indicate the new flavour - more-or-less00:26
kieppieI'm on day-4 of my setup00:26
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kieppieproblem is that between all  the typo's & red-herrings I cannot be 110% certain that I've not made mistakes00:27
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kieppieseems operational now for the most part, but as you can see I'm starting to get tripped up.00:27
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kieppiethe up-side of this hard yards is that I have a better understanding of what's going on (I think)00:28
kieppieI suggest you make use of keepass to keep stack of OS & SQL auth & tokens00:28
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ev0ldavekieppie:  use a script to source for user/pass00:29
kieppieyea − I'm scripting one now to run as a batch00:30
ev0ldavethen add . myfile to your bash_login00:30
contextor use devops stack00:30
contextor whatever00:30
kieppiereset keystone, glance, nova users00:30
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contextthe rackspace easy-cloud00:30
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kieppiecontext - once I've worked though the process - so that I have a keen understanding of the setup, in case I need to troubleshoot when something breaks - I'll provision my next box using the RackSpace private cloud ISO (downloaded)00:31
contextyeah thats what i did00:32
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kieppiecontext - but need to just work through this excersise 1st - so close to the end00:32
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kieppiecontext, ev0ldave - that would deal with mysql password (running soon), but what about service/applicatio/API passwords/tokens? where/how are those reset?00:37
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contextif you hosed your db start from scratch00:39
contextthats my recommendation00:40
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kieppiecontext - ouch!00:40
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kieppiemeaning I'll loose my nova, keystone, etc data00:41
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kieppieok…. I think I'm missing something pretty fundamental here.00:47
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kieppieI've executed: `GRANT ALL ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'SOMEHASH';` , expecting to be able to log in from CLI with `mysql -u nova -p SOMEHASH`00:48
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danblackkieppie: cli - no space after -p00:50
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TheZekeI've been banging my head against this wall off and on for an hour now...00:59
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TheZekeI do this....01:00
TheZeke[root@osc ~]# keystone --token 54186393979f66bc8e4f --endpoint user-createusage: keystone user-create --name <user-name> [--tenant_id <tenant-id>]01:00
TheZeke                            [--pass <pass>] [--email <email>]01:00
TheZeke                            [--enabled <true|false>]01:00
TheZekekeystone user-create: error: argument --name is required01:00
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TheZekeThen I try this (note the error):01:00
TheZeke[root@osc ~]# keystone --token 54186393979f66bc8e4f --endpoint user-create --name admin --pass SecretPass --tenand_id 2619c0fc455844a29b74078c6d3cca0601:00
TheZekeusage: keystone [--os_username <auth-user-name>]01:00
TheZeke                [--os_password <auth-password>]01:00
TheZeke                [--os_tenant_name <auth-tenant-name>]01:00
TheZeke                [--os_tenant_id <tenant-id>] [--os_auth_url <auth-url>]01:00
TheZeke                [--os_region_name <region-name>]01:00
TheZeke                [--os_identity_api_version <identity-api-version>]01:00
TheZeke                [--token <service-token>] [--endpoint <service-endpoint>]01:00
TheZeke                [--username <auth-user-name>] [--password <auth-password>]01:00
TheZeke                [--tenant_name <tenant-name>] [--auth_url <auth-url>]01:00
TheZeke                [--region_name <region-name>]01:00
TheZeke                <subcommand> ...01:00
TheZekekeystone: error: unrecognized arguments: --tenand_id 2619c0fc455844a29b74078c6d3cca0601:00
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kieppiedanblack, context - I've reset my SQL users with the auth in the config files & able to log into mysql accordingly. I've run the db sync & bouncing the box now01:18
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danblackkieppie: ack. saw on #mysql :-)01:19
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kieppiehi danblack - I've inched forward now :)01:38
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kieppiedanblack - I've manually (scripted) reset passwords to values in configs & flushed priv's. able to log into mysql with those creds :)01:39
kieppieI'm now @
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kieppiekeystone's fine, but I get an auth error @ `nova --debug image-list` : "ERROR: ConnectionRefused: '[Errno 111] Connection refused"01:41
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kieppieany idea what auth is failing & when needs to be reset & where? I'm guessing there's probably some DB value & possibly a config file01:43
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kieppiecontext - any ideas, please? ^^^01:44
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kieppieI think most of these issues stem from that dodgy-ass nova.conf file!01:50
kieppiethe docco's are *extremely* ambiguous as to what it should be01:51
kieppie(running Folsom on Ubuntu 12.04)01:51
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kieppieeveryone gone to bed, or just watching elections?02:13
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danblackpreparing server changes because everyone else is gone to bed or watching elections. :-)02:14
kieppiefigured as much....02:14
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kieppiedanblack - know where I can get a decent copy of the nova.conf file? the duccumentation @ install is extremely vague/contradictory. I'd like to get the nova.conf *right* & then use the convert/migrate function to generate the api-paste.ini02:17
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danblacki've never installed openstack so I'm probably not the person to ask sorry.02:17
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kieppieis there an openstack forum?02:29
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075811 in openstack-ci " doesn't include quantum api samples" [Undecided,New]
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themadcanudist1for swift, aside from: and, is there anything else I can do to speed up reads/writes… what speeds should I expect on a 1 gig network.. 4 storage nodes and 1 proxy, 4cpus each.02:56
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notmynamethemadcanudist1: what speeds are you seeing? and where are you seeing bottlenecks?03:06
themadcanudist1one sec… just gonna try to run swift-bench03:06
themadcanudist1to get a more scientific set of data03:06
notmynamethemadcanudist1: with a 1g internal network, you will be limited to 1g for GETs and 1/3g for PUTs03:06
notmynamealso, if you have a large number of PUTs to one container or a large number of GETs to one object, you will see contention on the 3 spindles that have the container or object, respectively03:07
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TheBeastI'm trying to get openstack-horizon to work (dashboard) and from what I understand it needs to first populate the db and create the schemas. Is there any easy way todo this? my vendor doesn't supply the script03:12
TheBeastie. i installed openstack-horizon via python install03:12
TheBeastthis is what I have in /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py03:14
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kieppieis there aq guide to the OpenStack networking terminology, public vs flat vs fixed vs etc. some of this is counterintuitive03:15
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075824 in ceilometer "accessing nova db error in compute agent" [Undecided,New]
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themadcanudist1actually, anyone, do those look like stats within reason?03:58
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themadcanudist1this is on the slow test cluster… ie. RAID'd (the final system will not have RAID and have much faster hardware)04:01
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075838 in cinder "devstack gate tests fail intermittently with 401 error" [Undecided,New]
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075843 in glance "simple db api timestamp handling" [Undecided,New]
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kieppieknuckle-cracking time...04:58
kieppieanyone up here, or is everyone exhausted & in bed because of elections?04:59
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075859 in nova "use_single_default_gateway does not function correctly" [Undecided,New]
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kieppieanyone online?05:15
kieppieI'm having an auth issue05:15
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kieppiehow can I reset allocation password - in particular the nova auth token?05:33
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kieppieanyone online yet?07:39
openstacklifeless: Error: "ask" is not a valid command.07:39
lifelesskieppie: yes, lots of people, it is after all 8:40 at night07:40
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kieppieburning midnight oil then, eh?07:40
lifeless[on the internet, time zones and when folk are around, are ... different ] :)07:40
lifelesswaiting for baby to get to slep07:41
lifelessshe's upset by something :(07:41
kieppieNZ might as well be on Mars - latency is less anyway :p07:41
kieppielittle one? how old>07:41
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lifeless14 months07:41
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kieppiegets better. mine is just over 2 now07:41
kieppiestay-at-home daddy-daycare for the better part of week = 0 productivity07:42
lifelessheh, yeah. I work from home, and its not an issue... but evenings are shot07:43
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kieppiethat's nice07:45
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kieppienot doing the NZOSA's tonight, I'm guessing07:45
lifelessindeed ;)07:46
kieppiemaybe KiwiCon or NetSui south?07:46
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lifelessI think they all conflict with stuff07:48
lifelessI will be doing OSDC and LCA07:48
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kieppiemkay - time for some multitasking08:05
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One-Man-Bucketgood morning08:05
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One-Man-Bucketso we've installed another switch in our little test cloud08:08
One-Man-Bucketand now i want to run the "internal" openstack network on this new network, on eth108:09
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One-Man-Bucketis it enough to change it so that the bridge interface is connected to eth1 (instead of eth0, which is connected to the office network)08:09
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One-Man-Bucketand i assume to set flat_interface=eth1 in each nodes nova.conf08:10
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kieppieOne-Man-Bucket - sorry; don't quite know enough myself to help atm08:17
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kieppieanyone online able to assist with an auth issue in nova, please. detailed @ (from comment #7)08:18
One-Man-Bucketi guess i'll give it atry :)08:18
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One-Man-Buckethmm, something is not right08:26
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Mopshi, any ideas regarding X-Object-Manifest objects not being public readable? detailed @
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kieppieOSA'a are done08:45
kieppieanyone still about?08:45
kieppielifeless - you knocked off yet?08:46
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lifelesskieppie: not entirely ;)08:46
kieppiepretty knackered myself .....08:46
kieppieyou know OS pretty well? I'm having what I think is an auth issue08:47
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cloudyHi do everybody08:47
kieppieI've detailed as much as I can in the comments 7+ of
cloudyanyone can help me ? i have some questions about cloudstack topology08:48
kieppiebasically, when I run `nova $args`, I get a 401 auth issue. I've reset pwd's on SQL & services, but the problem persists08:48
kieppieservices are running OK, but I'm unable to complete my install beyond
kieppie`nova image-list` fails08:50
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cloudyanyone can help me ?08:51
kieppiecloudy - i can try. not promising much atm08:51
cloudythanks kieppie, just a simple HELP08:51
kieppie(also, some of the terminology is counter-intuitive)08:51
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cloudyi did not understand if compute node can share a storage, to have a single VM in HA mode and for delivery live migration from 1 node to another.08:52
kieppiecloudy - not sure, but I doubt it. you may be able to share data between node OS over something like NFS, but I'm not sure you can share block devices, like iSCSI LVM disks08:53
kieppiefor live migration I would think that instances are separate, the migration triggers a sync & then a switch happens08:54
cloudyso cloudstack born to have single compute node that have his own VM. if a node fails, all the VMs fails.. and require manual workout08:54
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* kieppie guessing08:54
cooljcloudstack != openstack08:54
cloudyopenstack sorry08:55
kieppieI really can't say with absolute certainty. I'm still trying to get my own hosts up, so that I can start my own lab tests08:55
cooljopenstack has a volume service called cinder (formerly nova-volume). it provides shared block storage to instances and can hook into a number of backend devices / services08:55
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kieppiecoolj - good to know. thnaks08:57
kieppiecoolj - are you able to help me out with my auth issue, please?08:58
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cooljkieppie: be glad to try anyway. sec, reading bug report08:59
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kieppiecoolj - cheers. my own commend frollow from comment #709:00
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One-Man-Bucketthis is weird. arp entries are listed as incomplete on one machine, but works on the other09:13
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cooljkieppie: the DEBUG like about sqlalchemy is normal. make sure in nova.conf you have auth_strategy=keystone and under [keystone_authtoken], make sure admin_password is right09:17
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kieppiecoolj - cheeer. was wondering about that verbose/stdout message.09:17
kieppieas for the auth, I have set that in the config. how can I test it?09:18
kieppieI've reset all the system/services password & tried to ensure an uniform application, but unfortunately them into fed back does not tell me what has failed where, & I'm a little lost as to how to go about troubleshooting/addressing the issue09:19
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cooljdid you set it manually in nova.conf? the `keystone user-password-update` only changes the keystone database09:20
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kieppiehmmm - I thought that keystone is like the auch backend09:21
kieppiehow & where can I update the other data?09:22
kieppie(what am I failing to comprehend?)09:22
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kieppieor, at the very least, is `nova` the only way to run a command with the nova auth credentials? I know that I can run glance & keystone with certain user identidying env vars....09:24
* kieppie thinks I might've broken something somewhere & really don't wanna start from scratch09:25
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cooljdo you have auth_strategy=keystone in /etc/nova/nova.conf?09:25
cooljkieppie: hmmm, this seems like a familiar problem with an easy fix, but I don't recall it atm. 3:30am here and having a company dodgeball tournament tomorrow (later today!), so I'm signing off. hope you find the solution!09:28
kieppiemy nova.conf -
cooljlemme look09:29
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kieppiemy api-paste.ini  (pretty bog-standard)-
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kieppiecoolj - cool dude. I totally understand. just frustrating, as it seems to be a tiny, trivial thing that's tripping me up09:31
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kieppieunfortunately there does not seem to be concise docs on resetting thise passwords - something that would be absolutely crucial in the event of a compromise09:32
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kieppiegetting pretty late here too. I'll leave my IRC channel open - please port something or comment on the bug report if anything occurs to you09:33
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cooljkieppie: in our folsom lab, we don't have a [keystone_authtoken] in nova.conf at all, and in api-paste.ini we have auth_uri as http://x.x.x.x:5000/v2.0/ in [filter:authtoken]09:38
* coolj goes to sleep09:38
cooljgood luck :)09:38
kieppieI'll look into that09:39
One-Man-Buckethmm, ok nova-networks sets up a bridge that doesn't work09:41
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One-Man-Bucketinstances get stuck with cloud-init-nonet waiting 120 seconds for a network device.09:44
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One-Man-Bucketand if i stop the nova services, manually assign an ip address to eth1 and try to ping between machines it doesn't work until i brctl delif br100 eth109:45
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: is it a separate network on eth1 or connected with an already existing one? and what do you ping?09:48
One-Man-Bucketeth0 is the office network, eth1 is a private network on a separate switch with only the openstack machines connecte09:49
One-Man-Bucketthe pastebin shows two machines (controller and a compute node)09:49
One-Man-Bucketif i stop the openstack services and manually assign an ip-address to eth1 on both nodes they cannot access eachother UNTIL i drop the bridge09:50
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balboahwhat if you assign the ip to the bridge and not the interface itself?09:53
balboahjust a manual test of the bridging part09:53
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One-Man-Bucketthey already have an ip assigned, right?09:54
One-Man-Bucketif you check the pastebin09:54
One-Man-Bucketi should be able to ping from
One-Man-Bucketit doesn't work09:55
One-Man-Bucketbalboah: do i need to add eth1 to my /etc/network/interfaces or something?09:55
One-Man-Bucketthis is on ubuntu 12.0409:55
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One-Man-Bucketbalboah: this is what it looks like on the controller node:
kieppieoff to bed09:57
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: yeah it sure looks like it.10:00
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One-Man-Bucketwhat do you mean?10:03
One-Man-Bucketit loosk like i should add eth1?10:03
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One-Man-Bucketbalboah: hey, i think it worked!10:05
balboahOne-Man-Bucket: try adding bridge_ports eth1 in the interfaces config10:05
zykes-eyy One-Man-Bucket ;p10:05
One-Man-Bucketauto eth110:05
One-Man-Bucketiface eth1 inet dhcp10:05
One-Man-Bucketto network/interfaces10:05
One-Man-Bucketseems to do the trick10:05
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balboahaha. I'm doing my first multi-machine setup soon as well. Adding a compute node, let's see if it's as smooth10:06
One-Man-Bucketis it ok to set the bridge address in etc/network/interfaces outside the private network? i.e. something like
zykes-what you setting up One-Man-Bucket ?10:08
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: moving from single-interface setup to dual10:09
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: good thing you can help me later when I get stuck then ;)10:09
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: dual like bonded or ?10:10
One-Man-Bucketzykes-: nope, private isolated network on eth1, public on eth010:11
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: what you using for isolation ? GRE ?10:11
balboahwouldn't it be possible to have auto suspend when the host reboots and resume on start?10:11
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One-Man-BucketGRE? i don't think i'm l33t enough ;)10:11
One-Man-Bucketi'm using flat_dhcp networking10:12
One-Man-Bucketand the private network is completely isolated.. only openstack ndoes on it10:12
One-Man-Bucketseparate switch10:13
zykes-tunneling One-Man-Bucket :)10:13
balboahOne-Man-Bucket: so you have all cool stuff in one machine, and then one additional nova-compute?10:13
balboahit's exactly whan I'm doing now10:13
One-Man-Bucketactually 2 compute nodes atm10:13
One-Man-Bucketwe have 15 nodes in an euacluptus cloud which i'm going to start migrating once everything runs smoothly10:13
One-Man-Bucketwe're already running our windows tests and a fraction of linux tests on openstack though10:14
cooljOne-Man-Bucket: are you wanting eth0 to go to the physical hosts, and eth1 to be a private network for instances to talk on?10:14
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One-Man-Bucketcoolj: right now we're not using multi_host, so all traffic is routed through the controller i suppose10:14
zykes-how does windows work One-Man-Bucket ?10:14
balboahI've just migrated my old manual Xen based guests. It was a pain to do for having them on persistent volumes and since they lacked virtio and boot manager10:15
One-Man-Bucketi had some problems setting up internet access when using multi host10:15
One-Man-Bucketzykes-: after i figured this out it worked nicely:
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zykes-do you use local storage for vm's One-Man-Bucket or shared ?10:16
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: what do you mean? all nodes have enough disk to keep all our images cached10:16
One-Man-Bucketthe only data we want to persist are the test results, which are collected from the jenkins job10:17
zykes-One-Man-hmm k10:17
One-Man-Bucketi have the object store installed, but i can't see we'll be using it in the near future10:18
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One-Man-Bucketit seems images are still transfered on the public interface10:25
One-Man-Bucketcan i change this somehow?10:25
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nubi3any body10:46
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openstacknubi3: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.10:49
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zykes-nubi3: ask your question instead :)10:49
nubi3i cannot ping my instance but i have do the tutorial
nubi3in the nova-network.log i see this Stderr: 'ERROR: trying to add VLAN #100 to IF -:br100:-  error: No such device\n'10:51
balboahnubi3: so your bridge is not up (brctl show)10:53
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nubi3this output of brctl show10:57
nubi3root@controller:/home/server# brctl show bridge namebridge idSTP enabledinterfaces virbr08000.000000000000yes root@controller:/home/server#10:57
nubi3ithink my bridge is up10:58
rosco__Can sombody tell my why the CPU of the swift replicator process is so high all the time? We got 5 nodes with 36TB each.10:58
rosco__CPU %97  0.2  47435:25 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/swift-container-replicator10:58
zykes-rosco__: > notmyname10:59
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nubi3any one can help me :(11:00
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zynzelnubi3: you have bridge virbr0 not br100.11:01
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nubi3sory my englis is poor11:02
nubi3are you mean11:02
nubi3i must changes my nova.conf11:02
zynzelnubi3: virbr0 is default libvirt bridge, and have nothing to do with openstack11:02
nubi3from br100 to virbr0 ???11:02
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zynzeldont know if nova-network can create bridge, we have all network interfaces configured by system11:03
zynzeland nova-network only add vnet interfaces (vm interface) to existing bridge11:03
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One-Man-Bucketi guess i could just bind glance on the internal interface11:05
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nubi3so what should i do, i am a bigener of openstack11:06
nubi3iam using one interface11:07
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nubi3guys ???11:12
One-Man-Bucketwhat is my_ip in nova.conf?11:12
One-Man-Bucketthe public or private ip?11:12
nubi3i am using private ip11:13
nubi3i not using the parameter my_ip11:13
nubi3this my nova.conf configuration
balboahis it tricky to expose multiple volume groups from the same server to nova volume?11:15
balboahI'm having a hard time figuring out how I want to partition my disks11:16
balboahI have 3x 1TB and 1x 2TB on the same raid interface. And 1x 2TB on the normal sata11:16
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balboahI figured I want to do raid5 on the 3x 1TB for system and volumes and have less important volumes on the other 2x 2TB or possibly software raid on those11:19
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nubi3any answer ???11:20
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Raziquehey there :)11:25
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zykes-Razique: !11:27
nubi3after i changes my br100 to virbr0, i have the same problem :(11:29
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Raziquehey zykes- :)11:31
Raziquehow are you doing ?11:31
zykes-Razique: good :)11:31
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Raziquezykes- what are you up to ?11:32
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zykes-Bufunfa and Moniker Razique > and
Raziqueawesome =-11:33
RaziqueI heard about Moniker yah11:33
Raziqueexcellent news :)11:34
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zykes-Razique: Bufunfa is a addition to Ceilometer if you will11:35
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itarchitectkevhey folks11:43
itarchitectkevzykes-, quantum...11:44
zykes-itarchitectkev: :)11:45
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Raziquehey itarchitectkev :-)11:47
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itarchitectkevRazique, how are you?11:48
Raziquezykes- sounds promising, what the status of ceilometer11:48
Raziqueitarchitectkev : doing great, thank you for asking11:48
zykes-working ok Razique, I just pull my data from it to insert into Bufunfa11:48
itarchitectkevRazique, awesome. Once I've convinced zykes- to fill in some qs about quantum I'll be laughing too ;-)11:49
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nubi3any one please help me11:57
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zykes-nubi3: make a concise explanation of your problem please11:59
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nubi3zykes : may be this my problem
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phschwartzAnyone in here using jenkins jclouds plugin with openstack? I can't seem to get it to authenticate12:02
foexleoi Razique :D .... how was you fligh back home ? It was really nice that you and your gf visit the party :)12:02
zykes-foexle: where ? ;)12:03
foexlewe should met us next year again !12:03
foexlezykes-: Razique was last week in berlin :)12:03
zykes-what's your nova.conf like nubi3 ?12:03
zykes-foexle: :)12:03
rdohi guys, any ideas?
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Raziquefoexle : yup sure :-) I planned London in december, if you guys fancy joining the party !12:07
Raziquewas great to meet you too hehe12:07
zykes-Razique: i'm hoping on going12:07
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* Razique is back to the seriouz stuff while banging my head against quantum12:07
zykes-Razique: folsom ?12:07
zykes-Razique: what's the problem ?12:07
Raziqueeverything works top notch but floating ips routing12:08
zykes-where's EmilienM when needed ;p12:08
zykes-Razique: what problem with floating ?12:08
Raziquehe did a quantum OD12:08
Raziquetoo many ovs snorts12:08
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zykes-Razique: :)12:09
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zykes-Razique: I worked with him on some quantum stuff12:09
zykes-Puppet Quantum for one with boden12:09
zykes-ehm, bodepd12:09
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RaziqueI don't know him thanks ^^12:11
zykes-Razique: didn't you meet EmilienM ? :)12:12
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Raziqueyup I did12:12
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RaziqueI was reffering to bodepd  ^^12:12
zykes-ah, he's a guy developing puppet modules for openstack12:12
zykes-from puppetlabs12:12
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zykes-Razique: what's your problem with floating ips ?12:13
Raziquezykes- well simply put I can create and assign them, yet routing doesn't work -12:13
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Raziquel3_agent contains both router and ext net ids12:14
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Raziqueovs bridges are there12:14
Raziquerouter to gateway association is done12:14
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Raziquebut once I do that, routing goes down12:14
zykes-routing goes down how ?12:14
Raziquethe outter gateway is unreacheable12:14
Raziquei can't reach the gateway of that network12:15
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zykes-can you ping the node or does it go down totally ?12:15
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Raziqueactually it's a AIO box12:16
Raziquejust a lab VM on which everything runs on12:16
zykes-Razique: cna you post your ovs plugin ini file ?12:16
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zykes-Razique: and l3 + dhcp if you may12:18
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Raziquesure, let met start the beast12:18
zykes-wonder why nubi3 left..12:18
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075931 in swift "Unable to publically access an object with X-Object-Manifest reference" [Undecided,New]
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Raziquezykes- there my friend12:22
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balboah3x 1TB hardware raid5, 2TB as single disk on the raid controller + 2TB on regular sata channel in software raid1. And together they form a volume group. How crazy is that12:28
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zykes-Razique: I guess when you do "ip netns" it's empty ?12:32
zykes- + < Note about use_namespaces12:32
Raziquezykes- it is empty yah12:32
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zykes-basically you got the same problem as itarchitectkev I think, where you have route issues on the l3 router ip and the dhcp ip (packet's go in one of them and the reply goes out the wrong interface)12:33
Raziquethat's what I thought yah12:33
Raziquethanks I'll check the links12:33
zykes-Razique: question, what doc where you following ?12:34
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itarchitectkevthe thing I notice about the docs - and this is only a problem from a user - is that the information is laid out if you know what your answer is and want to know how to achieve it - not how to achieve a set up12:34
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itarchitectkevso useful bits of information is there, but you need to know that a certain feature does what you need it to do12:35
Raziquezykes- : a mix of so many since it's kinda hard to find a clear one for single box -I intend to update the official doc aferwards12:35
itarchitectkevRazique, I am sharing your pain12:35
itarchitectkevthat use_namespaces isn't obvious that it fixes this issue12:35
zykes-I went throgu hthe same thing12:35
zykes-there should be a note that if you do AIO for networking services (l3 + dhcp) you need namespacing12:35
* itarchitectkev is just running vagrant up now to see if it works12:36
zykes-are you guys following any official docs ?12:36
One-Man-Bucketstill trying to figure out how my nodes can access glance through the private network12:37
* itarchitectkev was following EmilienM doc, mseknibilel and docs.openstack.org12:37
Raziquezykes- I tried the official one12:37
Raziqueitarchitectkev : the namespace didn't fix your issue right ?12:37
itarchitectkevHey EmilienM ;-)12:37
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itarchitectkevRazique, just trying it now - I've a VM installing now12:37
zykes-oooh, look who's here ;)12:37
EmilienMhow are you doing guys ?12:38
itarchitectkev(my set up is a VM inside virtualbox)12:38
zykes-Razique: still got a problem ?12:38
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* itarchitectkev 's brain is melting under Quantum when I know I'm just missing a stupid bit of the puzzle12:38
One-Man-Bucketi thought that was a normal scenario..12:38
zykes-Razique: what error are you getting now ?12:39
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zykes-One-Man-Bucket: are you setting different adminUrl and publicUrl for Glance and your services ?12:39
zykes-as endpoints in keystone12:39
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: i don't know, but the problem is that I can't manually assign an ip address to eth1, since openstack takes control of the interface and sets up bridging etc which removes the preconfigured address12:42
Raziquezykes- let me try :)12:43
Raziquejust need to finish that kvm stuff then i'll try :)12:43
One-Man-Bucketwould it work if i added an alias, eth1:1, on all nodes ?12:43
* Razique wonders how many hairs felt in the process12:43
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: you mean your private network uplink ?12:43
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zykes-One-Man-Bucket: let me find you something :)12:44
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zykes- < try that out for size One-Man-Bucket12:44
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One-Man-Buckethmm, i don't think that's what i'm after12:45
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: yes it is12:46
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ikke-tanyone here willing to guide me through setting openvswitch over bonded interfaces with vlan?12:46
ikke-ti'm stuck.... :(12:47
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zykes-ikke-t: I have that exactly, though I use Linux Bonded interfaces and not OVS12:47
zykes-EmilienM: here still ?12:47
ikke-twell, it worked fine with linux bridges and bonds, but now on my way to quantum i tried reconfiguring it with ovs12:47
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ikke-tzykes-, so you haven't done it either yet?12:48
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: atm you can't use the internal switch interface right because of quantum taking it over ?12:48
zykes-ikke-t: I just plug my bondX into the br-ex and br-X bridges as a plain port12:48
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ikke-tzykes-, i will default to that if I don't get this working12:49
zykes-ikke-t: I wonder if LACP support for OVS was landed just recently (though I'm not sure)12:49
ikke-tIt's likely a small misunderstanding from me12:49
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: basically what you can do is to make a "port" for your host that you set your wanted ip on12:49
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zykes-simple and done12:50
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ikke-tcould someone look here and point me the obvious error?
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ikke-tthat was ovs-vsctl output...12:51
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: ok i'll look at it again.. also i'm not using quantum12:51
zykes-One-Man-Bucket: ah ok12:52
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: but the openvswitch is still viable?12:53
zykes-openvswitch is niceness when you get the hang of it12:53
ikke-tbut it's also confusing...12:54
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ikke-tthis is the openvswitch with commands, any idea why ping won't work over it?13:00
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zykes-i'm not sure ikke-t, not used bonding with ovs13:00
ikke-tzykes-, when you setup the br-ext with ovs, did you issue the external IP directly to br-ext, or did you create additional port for it?13:02
zykes-what ip ?13:02
ikke-tlike with nova-network br100 having the external ip previously13:02
ikke-tthe ip that you ssh into to get into openstack management machine13:03
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zykes-not following, but I gtg :)13:03
One-Man-Bucketi'm not sure how to bind the mgmt0 iface from the guide to eth113:03
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zykes-One-Man-Bucket: it's if you use ovs13:05
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zykes-you can't assing a ip directly to your real interface port in the bridge in ovs, so you create a "internal" port which you use instead13:05
One-Man-Bucketbut i need to connect the ovs bridge to a real interface?13:06
One-Man-Bucketand how do i do that?13:06
zykes-so br-eth for example you have a port "eth1"13:06
zykes-or whatever that's your private network13:06
zykes-in that bridge you add the mgmt0 for example and give it a ip13:06
zykes-but I need to go, need food :D13:07
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One-Man-Buckethmm or wait13:07
One-Man-Bucketis br-eth a command to ovs-vsctl?13:07
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One-Man-Bucketi think i figured it out13:08
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unicellAny one using OpenStack + LXC ever met this message?  libvirtError: internal error The 'cpuacct', 'devices' & 'memory' cgroups controllers must be mounted13:13
unicellHowever, according to /proc/mounts, cgroup subsystem do already mounted.13:14
unicellnone /cgroup cgroup rw,relatime,net_prio,perf_event,blkio,net_cls,freezer,devices,memory,cpuacct,cpu,ns,cpuset 0 013:14
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075954 in openstack-manuals "Limitations section for Quantum is wrong when it comes to use_namespaces=False." [Undecided,New]
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One-Man-Bucketzykes-: can't get it to work. i tried creating a bridge, adding eth1 and mgmt0 as ports, but packets aren't going through13:29
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One-Man-Bucketwell i'll leave it for now.. since we can cache all images on the nodes it's not important to get them to transfer through the fast private network13:47
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kavitdoes anyone have experience with turning on hugepage for kvm with libvirtd and openstack?14:07
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: so, dhclient br100 should work right? :) I seem to have problems with the communication as well14:14
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: or did you set a static ip for on the bridge for the new compute node?14:19
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One-Man-Bucketare you talking about the open vswitch stuff?14:20
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: no about your bridge problem with additional compute earlier14:26
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balboahthat I'm setting up now with flat dhcp14:26
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One-Man-Buckethmm which problem ? :)14:30
One-Man-Bucketi've already forgotten14:30
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075971 in nova "Attach volume with libvirt disregards target device but still reserves it" [Undecided,New]
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balboahOne-Man-Bucket: basically I'm having problems getting my 2nd compute host working. As you were installing one earlier today and asked questions about bridge not working I thought you had some hints14:33
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balboahthere seems to be some timeout issues for some rpc timeout:
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balboahnot sure what I should look at, it should be able to talk to rabbitmq or else it would never have gotten the request in the first place right?14:37
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One-Man-Bucketall services run normally?14:40
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balboahyes. I've only configured a compute-node on the additional machine so far. It can ping on the bridge to the controller if I set a static ip, dhcp did not work14:41
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One-Man-Bucketand you are running flat_dhcp?14:42
One-Man-Bucketis dnsqmasq running correctly?14:42
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balboahif I could figure out what RPC call that times out maybe that would be a clue14:49
balboahor where it tries to connect14:49
gmibalboah: nova-network might have an issue connecting to rabbitmq, you can chech if there are messages in the network queue14:49
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balboahgmi: all services run on my controller machine, it has 0 messages in queues according to rabbitmqctl list_queues. My 2nd machine only runs nova-compute, and is the one with the error log14:50
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balboahthey both have eth0 to the "public" and share a bridged eth1 with private switch14:51
gmibalboah: can you check if there are established connections in rabbitmq for the compute and network services ?14:51
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balboahgmi: both machines show ESTABLISHED for port 5672 in netstat14:52
balboahnot sure which service that is established but the compute machine receives the order to start an instance, it just fails14:52
gmibalboah: try "rabbitmqctl list_connections" and look for the IP of your compute node14:53
balboahgmi: that ip has 3 connections14:53
gmibalboah: can you check the nova-network.log for any recent errors?14:54
One-Man-Bucketgmi: do you know if it's possible to use the same interface for openstacks "private" network and for glance connectivity?14:55
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One-Man-Bucketkinda like this:
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One-Man-Bucketthe IP assigned to eth1 seems to be removed by nova-network14:56
One-Man-Bucketwhen setting up the bridge, i suppose14:57
balboahgmi: yes here is the same kind of error logged again from network log:
gmiOne-Man-Bucket: I'm not very familiar with flatdhcp14:58
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balboahgmi: however launching instances on the controller machine which also runs a compute works fine14:58
gmibalboah: then just restart nova-network and see if creates a connection to rabbitmq, you will see it in the logs14:58
balboah INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Connected to AMQP server on
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balboahgmi: but got same error in both logs when I try again15:01
uvirtbot`New bug: #1075977 in quantum "Running Quantum with devstack causes installation error" [Low,In progress]
gmibalboah: is the address of rabibitmq ( correctly added in nova.conf on both nodes? can you paste the nova.conf of both servers on pastebin?15:03
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1065187 in glance/folsom "Non-admin users can cause public glance images to be deleted from the backend storage repository" [Critical,In progress]
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jimpI am trying to look at object store containers in Dashboard, and I get the following exception:    Request Method:15:25
jimpRequest URL:15:25
jimpDjango Version:15:25
jimpException Type:15:25
jimpException Value:15:25
jimpNo tenant specified15:25
jimpException Location:15:25
jimp/opt/stack/python-swiftclient/swiftclient/ in get_auth, line 30615:25
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jimpClearly, no tenant specified is the problem. But I am logged in as a user with one tenant as their primary project15:25
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jimpAny thought to why this is happening, please?15:26
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jimpPerhaps someone could tell me how the URL should read to access the buckets of a particular tenant?15:29
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childsbwhen i assign a floating IP address to a VM,  'nova list' shows the VM bound to the IP but 'ifconfig' inside the VM doesn't show it attached to an interface.  is there a setting so the VM knows its own floating IP? i'm running folsom15:51
cburgesschildsb: The floating ip is brought up on the nova-network node and NATed to the VMs address.15:53
childsbcburgess: so having the VM's interface bind to the IP is wrong?15:54
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cburgesschildsb: Correct. The VM doesn't actually see the floating IP as an address on its interfaces.15:55
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itarchitectkevfolks - quantum and metadata iptables rules to get to can someone help why I'm not seeing this in my iptables when the debug log says all is ok?15:56
childsbcburgess: so if my VM wants to talk to itself on its floating IP but the traffic isn't getting through.. what would be the problem ((i can connect to the VM and ping the VM from the floating IP on other machines))15:58
childsbcburgess: i assume it would need its IP in the interfaces to know to connect back to itself15:58
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cburgesschildsb: Try bringing the floating IP up on a loopback interface.16:00
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cburgesschildsb: That will potentially create other problems for you though. In general, you should use the floating IP to talk to yourself like that. Its not really designed for that.16:01
cburgesschildsb: *in general you should not use* sorry for the type-o.16:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #1067923 in swift "swob library does not handle empty body responses correctly" [Undecided,Fix released]
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Raziquezykes- around ?16:26
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itarchitectkevRazique, get in line ;-)16:26
Raziqueitarchitectkev : zykes- gave me two links earlier I lost16:27
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itarchitectkevwhat regardnig?16:27
Raziqueabout the namespaces I think, lost em16:27
itarchitectkevlemme check - think we've been working on the same thing16:27
Raziquehaving the floatingip working on a single box16:27
Raziqueyup totally :) I'd like to get over asap and update the doc hehe16:27
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itarchitectkevRazique, ok - maybe you're a step ahead and gives me a target to ask you qs instead ;-)16:28
Raziqueitarchitectkev sure, tell me If I can help16:28
itarchitectkevthese? -> +
Raziquethanks a ton16:29
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itarchitectkevI'm at the point my instance gets an IP, can ping its default gw but fails to get metadata16:29
Raziquewhat... overlapping ip means here ? :D16:29
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Raziqueitarchitectkev oh same16:29
itarchitectkevand noticed my l3_agent stuff seems to say the right things in the log, but my NAT table doesn't show the rules16:30
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Raziqueyou don't have the routing rule from 169... to the local ip:8775 ?16:30
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itarchitectkevhere's a paste of my log and iptables16:31
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Raziquelet me checl16:31
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Raziquecan I see the nova.conf ?16:32
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praefecthey guys, as soon as I add a notification_driver in my nova.conf I cannot delete instances any more (they get stuck at deleting), I had this problem in essex and now in folsom... anyone know what the problem is?16:33
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076019 in nova "Image perpetually in "SAVING" state if snapshot fails to create" [Undecided,New]
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Raziqueok file seems good16:37
Raziquewhat about l3_agent.conf ?16:37
itarchitectkevRazique, rest of interesting stuff here:
cburgesspraefect: I use a custom notification driver we wrote in essex without issue. What is the log showing you for the delete? There is probably some type of stack trace.16:38
gmiRazique: did you guys see this email thread that discusses metadata in a Quantum setup? (
Raziqueitarchitectkev : we have the same config actually16:38
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RaziqueI've rule, I think it's nova-network which sets it up16:39
Raziquethanks gmi16:39
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balboahgmi: the one for the server that only runs compute: and the one that runs all services:
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balboahgmi: sorry for the delay16:39
Raziquesorry I meant L316:39
itarchitectkevyou know - I originally had nova-network and quantum running unintentionally and I remember seeing metadata working16:39
itarchitectkevat some point I was trying things and saw nova-network breaking something16:40
Raziquedid it ? cuz here nova-networks runs too16:40
Raziquemaybe it also messes a bit hehe16:40
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itarchitectkevthanks gmi - will go through that tomorrow16:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #1076023 in nova "Some tests in do not run as expected" [Undecided,New]
itarchitectkevRazique, I did go through a few iterations of "playing" and at some point I removed nova-network and i got that little bit further16:42
itarchitectkevmight've been coincidence16:42
Raziquecould be16:42
Raziquei'll try to shut nova-net down and see16:42
itarchitectkevbut given that l3_agent.log shows it creating the relevant rules and then looking at iptables shows those rules not existing suggests somethings not right16:42
itarchitectkevbut nova-network does create that rule - but l3_agent should do this16:43
RaziqueI remember on the first quantum drafts guys were adding manually a route for the metadata16:43
Raziqueyes you are right16:43
itarchitectkevyeah - there is a doc for creating a route16:43
itarchitectkevbut its not the DNAT rule for 169....16:44
itarchitectkevI'm shooting off home now - so will pick this up tomorrow16:44
itarchitectkevGlad someone is in the same ballpark as me ;-)16:44
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Raziquecheck this out
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Raziquethe patch adds a route16:45
itarchitectkevbest go16:45
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Raziquesupposing we use namespaces16:45
RaziqueI wonder why the hell it's the case here ^^16:45
Raziquequite odd16:45
Raziqueitarchitectkev : let me try the namespaces and see if it gets us further16:46
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itarchitectkevRazique, cool - will look forward to you saying all is working tomorrow ;-)#16:46
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Raziquewill do my best, this thing is driving me crazy too hehe16:48
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guimalufI'm getting "Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials." with glance running through devstack. Anyone had this issue?16:49
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gmibalboah: no problem; I looked at your config files and rabbitmq has same value, so that's not the issue; you can also check the rabbitmq logs located in "/var/log/rabbitmq" to see if anything shows up, but I'm not sure what the problem might be; the fact that you can spin up VMs on the controller node where the rabbitmq and nova-scheduler service run means the problem must be isolated to your other compute node, but this only ma16:59
gmikes it a bit easier to troubleshoot :(16:59
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076035 in openstack-manuals "Wrong reference to the user name during the configuration of the Compute" [Undecided,New]
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balboahgmi: thanks for the troubleshooting help. Could it somehow be related to not getting an ip by dhcp if I try it on the bridged interface? static ip however works fine. Maybe dhcp is locked to instances?17:14
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balboahgmi: doesn't seem to give any more good feedback from rabbitmq logs either17:17
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gmibalboah: not getting an IP inside the instance could definetelly be caused by nova-network and rabbitmq, but I don't think this is the issue if it's not working on the bridged interface17:19
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cruejones_strange issue on folsom/ubuntu 12.01 ... nova-compute complains about "WARNING nova.common.deprecated [-] Deprecated Config: Specifying virt driver via connection_type is deprecated. Use compute_driver=classname instead"17:29
cruejones_even though I do not specify connection_type in my config17:30
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phschwartzHow do I find out the image id to use with the jenkins jclouds plugin?17:33
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kbringardhey guys, question about the mechanics of volume/cinder18:03
kbringardanyone familiar with the whole thing about?18:03
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076067 in nova "nova [-] Could not find driver for connection_type None" [Undecided,New]
jgriffithkbringard: I can try and help18:06
kbringardjgriffith: thanks18:06
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kbringardso basically… I'm trying to figure out the paths to a volume getting to a VM18:06
jgriffithkbringard: ahh.. ok18:06
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kbringardI get the API/scheduler stuff18:06
kbringardwhat I'm unclear on is18:06
kbringarddoes the ISCSI export go directly to the VM18:07
jgriffithkbringard: nope18:07
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jgriffithkbringard: the iscsi export goes to the compute node18:07
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jgriffithkbringard: that is then passed in to the VM18:07
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kbringardok, cool, so basically, I just need my compute node to be on the same L2 as the iSCSI export18:07
jgriffithkbringard: We use the /dev/disk/by-path device to pass in18:07
jgriffithkbringard: correct18:08
jgriffithkbringard: i think that's part of why it's that way among someother things18:08
kbringardand the cinder volume service doesn't need to be running on the compute node18:08
jgriffithkbringard: that's correct18:08
jgriffithkbringard: Just needs to have the cinder volume api setup18:08
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kbringardah, OK, so the cinder API needs to be running on my compute nodes, so it can take the calls from the volume service and do the needful on the physical host18:09
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kbringardthanks jgriffith, I appreciate the insight18:11
jgriffithkbringard: NP18:11
jgriffithkbringard: hope it helped18:11
kbringardyea, absolutely18:11
fiveateooateanyone running ceph in a production environment?18:11
kbringardI'm just trying to sort out how I need my L2 to look and where I need to run what to make this all work18:11
szaydelDreamhost certainly do.18:12
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phschwartzAnyone in the channel used jenkins jcloud plugin with OpenStack?18:13
kbringardjgriffith: sorry, one last thing… this is more or less the same for nova-volume in essex, yea?18:13
kbringardlogically I mean?18:13
jgriffithkbringard: yep18:14
kbringardrad, thanks18:14
jgriffithkbringard: pretty much exactly the same18:14
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kbringardvolume isn't split out into multiple services though, right?18:14
kbringard(sorry, it's been awhile since I looked at it, forgive my naiveté)18:14
jgriffithkbringard: no worries18:14
comptonafiveateooate: I'm using ceph, but our environment isn't thoroughly production yet18:14
jgriffithkbringard: You can have multiple volume nodes and thus services18:15
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jgriffithkbringard: in nova, you just share scheduler, manager and api services IIRC18:15
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kbringardwhat would constitute the equivalent of the cinder-api… or more directly, what needs to run on the compute nodes?18:15
jgriffithkbringard: in Cinder you have distinct services for each one18:15
kbringardjust "nova-volume"?18:15
jgriffithkbringard: yep18:16
kbringardok, coolness18:16
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fiveateooatecomptona: have you had any issues you might warn about, or does it seem stable enough?18:17
comptonait seems pretty stable, although I've found the write performance to be poor overall18:17
comptonaI haven't done much tuning though18:18
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comptonaI've got four machines running OSDs and everything seems to work reasonably well, even with doing silly things like pulling the plug on one of them18:19
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comptonaone thing I would suggest is to make sure the ceph OSD journal is on a different device than the storage, either an SSD or a really fast spinning disk18:19
comptonathat made a huge difference for me when I set that up18:19
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fiveateooatecool, thanks again.18:21
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aydin916Does anyone know a Ubuntu cloud image without the ssh/key? I just want to be able to just login with the username/password!18:24
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aydin916my metadata service is not working so default UEC Cloud image can't create the sshd host key at the time of boot so I can't login to my VMs18:25
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076083 in keystone "revocation list cache times out immeditately" [Undecided,New]
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TheBeastcan someone tell me what are the dependencies to get horizon (dashboard) working? ie. keystone? nova? anything else?18:43
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gmiaydin916: you can use the cirros image that has builtin credentials, or create your own Ubuntu 12.04 based image, or mount the Canonical image and set up credentials and then import it in Glance18:45
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heckjayoung: dolphm_zzz: looks like the auth_token PKI refresh-on-expired still needs work - something's failing in devstack with it. Will be hunting that down later today18:49
ayoungheckj, yeah, saw that in the failure in Jenkins18:49
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ayoungheckj, aren;t you glad we are hunting this stuff down at the start of the dev cycle and not the end?18:51
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heckjayoung: oh yeah!18:52
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phschwartzHas anyone seen this error with the dashboard.
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076109 in nova "nova rest /v2/ call returns v1.1 documentation" [Medium,In progress]
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daniel_IIhi here!19:59
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kieppiehello again peeps20:01
daniel_III've a dubt. Nova-volumes will create a Cluster LVM? or each copute node uses their Nova-volumes only for their instances domain?20:01
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kieppieno idea - sorry. trying to get my own system up for the 1st time now20:02
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kieppieI got into it on this channel ahout 12 hours ago - I've still not found a solution to my auth issue, detailed (from comment #7 +)20:03
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kieppieis anyone able to help me with that, please? I get an auth 401 error when trying to exec `nova list`20:04
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kieppieI'd like to reset those passwords/token, so that I can ensure that my auth should work, but I'm unable to find the relevant docco's - don't seem to exist20:05
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076114 in nova "image create fails with QemuImgInfo error" [Undecided,New]
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daniel_III've a dubt. Nova-volumes will create a Cluster LVM? or each copute node uses their Nova-volumes only for their instances domain?20:14
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kieppielifeless - you up yet?20:20
lifelesskieppie: sure am20:21
kieppiegot ur little one around your feet too?20:21
lifelessshe is with Mum :)20:21
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kieppieyou very busy atm? mind assisting with this auth issue doing my head in?20:23
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076119 in nova "VM can't connect to itself on it's own floating IP" [Undecided,New]
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bfighello, i don't know if this is the correct place to ask but i've had a hard time understanding how people make money off of cloud computing20:31
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bfigi mean, as an engineer, in theory i 'know' how cloud computing is used to make money, but in practice, suppose i wanted to set up a consulting practice to help business owners use the cloud to their benefit20:32
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kieppiebfig - moving into this space myself.20:32
kieppiethere are a number of ways - most of it service-oriented20:32
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kieppieyou can do consultency, ie advice20:33
bfigbut you don't own any cloud, you usually provide consulting services right?20:33
kieppiehanage other's system and/or private clouds20:33
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kieppiebill for dev & integratio20:33
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bfigthat's a reasonable approach20:34
kieppieor as a hosted service, similar to VPS20:34
bfigyou mean administration in the cloud?20:34
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bfigi never understood margins of developer consultancy20:35
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bfigie, developers are pretty expensive, consultancy must be really really expensive to make the investment worth it20:35
kieppiethe nice thing re openstack, as I understand it, is that the instances are fairly fluid, so you can run guests on your own hardware, do live migrations to an online hosted service (rackstace, ec2), and then down to a client-site20:35
kieppieexpense - depends20:36
kieppieyou can charge a hourly rate, or a monthly/yearly retainer20:36
kieppie& then outsource some work yourself20:36
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bfigi'm on a country where i can find outsource pay level professionals20:37
lifelesskieppie: sure thing20:38
lifelesskieppie: whats the issue ?20:38
kieppiethere are services that cater to some situations, such as oDesk. atm myself & a few other locals are planning on setting up a cooperative of FLOSS tech's, to cater to the local SMB market20:38
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bfigFree ??? Open Source Software?20:38
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lifelessbfig: Free/Libre Open Source Software20:39
lifelessbfig: Small Medium Business20:39
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bfigi think that's the best way to start, i've been thinking about that myself20:40
kieppielifeless - cheers. I've provided technical details from comment#7 on @, but the gist of it is that I seem to have an Auth issue hen trying `nova —debug list`. I'm fairly confident that the creds I'm providing is right (stored in KeePass for ref), but can't be sure any longer, so need to reset those passwords & find out what is failing where, so that I can make appropriate changes20:40
bfigand cloud computing has been a mystery. which enterprises can benefit from it? how expensive it is to get the necessary training to be an efficient consultant?20:41
bfighow big is the market for cloud migrations and support/administration?20:41
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bfig(for SMB)20:41
lifelessbfig: most consulants don't really want to be efficient20:41
bfigi want to  be efficient for myself first20:41
lifelessbfig: they want to be just efficient enough that its cheaper to hire them than for the client to do it themselves.20:41
bfigwhatever i charge the client is a whole different problem :p20:42
kieppiedon't get too hung up on "cloud" - it's really nothing new & actually only a sexy marketing term for hosted or utility computing. Linux/Unix/POSIX has been doing it for a *very* long time - from back in the mainframe days20:42
lifelesskieppie: I can't see that bug, can you subscribe me ?20:42
lifelesskieppie: actual doh20:42
lifelessI left the , in20:42
bfigbut now it is mainstream, right?20:42
lifelessits widely popular now20:43
lifelessbetter isolation of users from each other, and deployment on a massive scale - those are the key differences20:43
kieppiebfig - for me, it's more a case that I'd acually like to take control & ownership of my "cloud" & provide redundency to online services20:44
bfigso what are the different ways to make money of the ecosystem as a small/medium sized player?20:44
lifelesskieppie: which of th ecommentors are you ?20:45
kieppiebfig - Making a living/income from FLOSS is the bigger question to me. most of it is centered around services-model20:45
bfigkieppie, you seem to be more a sophisticated user of the cloud than a facilitator/service provider , so that might be a very different perspective20:45
kieppielifeless - freakalad (from comment #7 onwards)20:45
lifelessbfig: you can do for-pay development of the platform, you can do for-pay development of things to run on the platform, and you can do support and troubleshooting for deploying the platform, or deploying on the platform20:46
kieppiebfig - I'm a end-user (ie. gmail, g'docs, etc), but also a small admin - i.e. I run my own LAMP stacks (CRM, wiki, mail server) on my own VM's20:47
lifelesskieppie: so, nova volume-list barfs; do you have cinder going ?20:47
lifelesskieppie: does cinder itself run ok ?20:47
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kieppiecincer (as it's now known) was not a requirement in the installation docs, yet. but the nova-volume is OK. I can't sun any `nova $ARGS*` without a 401 response20:49
armaanhi folks20:49
bfigdo you see much people selling services like specific program APIs through internet? what kind of services do they sell?20:49
kieppie`nova-manage service list` returns:20:49
kieppieBinary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At20:49
kieppienova-compute     kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3120:49
kieppienova-scheduler   kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3220:49
kieppienova-volume      kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3220:49
kieppienova-network     kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3420:49
kieppienova-cert        kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3220:49
kieppienova-consoleauth kokkerot                             nova             enabled    :-)   2012-11-07 20:49:3220:50
armaanmy instance is active and running but i cant ssh in to it..20:50
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kieppiebfig - I think what you're alluding to are managed services. you can build systems/products/projects that interface with public API's (OpenStack, EC2) & then sell access & management to it20:51
kieppienot unlike a VPS provider20:52
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bfigwhat kind of services are sold?20:57
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bfignowadays there is a lot of open source software to perform incredible things, where is the value in those kind of services? expert knowledge? for example, complex logistics/finance algorithms?20:58
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kieppiebfig - it's such a big market, you can probably take your pick, and you'll probably find a need in a niche21:00
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lifelessarmaan: check the console, you may not have injected your ssh key successfully (e.g. cloud-init may have failed)21:03
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lifelesskieppie: ok, so if you're not using cinder, nova-volume should be doing the work itself21:03
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kieppielifeless - yea. did some reading on cinder last night, and I understand the nova-volume code-base to be ported over, as-is, into cinder eventually21:04
kieppiewill do that once the stable release+1 is ported to Ubuntu21:04
lifelesskieppie: right, so one failure mode that occured to me was the handoff between nova-volumes api stub and cinder21:05
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lifelessin fact, it may still be relevant, I haven't looked a tthe actual current implementation of nova-volume api calls21:05
bfigkieppie, can you point me out in some direction? :p21:05
lifelessbfig: you might look into Lean Startup21:06
kieppiebut that's volume-management. I understand that `nov*` is related to the -compute subset, but my nova-manage seems to be OK & keystone looks good too21:06
lifelessbfig: thats an approach to the problem of 'finding out what folk will pay me'21:06
lifelesskieppie: ah, I thought you started this with 'nova volume-list' not working21:07
lifelesskieppie: indeed, the bug is about nova-volume-list21:07
kieppiebfig - sorry; don't have the answer myself yet. you'll need to engage with the FLOSS community at-large & get involved with your local (& online groups)21:07
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kieppielifeless: no; not "nova-volume-list", but "nova volume-list" (note the space after 1st "nova"). the same error occurs with "nova list"21:11
zach_mtuanyone know why I'm getting http://x.x.x.x/horizon/auth/login/?next=/horizon/syspanel/21:11
zach_mtuif I type in the password it tells me and rejects it with a warning banner.21:11
zach_mtuif I type in my credentials correctly - I get this ?next= shenanigans.21:11
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kieppielifeless: on a hunch, I did `nova help | grep list` & dried a few21:12
kieppieseems that they're not *all* failing21:12
kieppie`nova hypervisor-list`, `nova secgroup-list`, `nova network-list` seem ok21:13
kieppie`nova --debug aggregate-list` fails21:14
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bfiglifeless, kieppie thanks for the input21:15
kieppieas does cloudpipe-list, dns-domains, dns-list & a few others21:15
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kieppiebfig - clad I could help. I'm assuming you're just starting out, so good luck. it's a long, exciting, rewarding journey. especially if you hold true to the FLOSS ethos & communities21:16
zach_mtukieppie: think you could take a look at a weird bug real quick?21:17
bfigi honestly don't understand the floss ethos but i don't go against the grain either21:17
kieppieI can try21:17
zach_mtuif I try to log onto http://x.x.x./horizon21:18
zach_mtukieppie: and incorrectly put in credentials, I get an error telling me so.21:18
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zach_mtuif I put in my admin credentials the url changes to http://x.x.x.x/horizon/auth/login/?next=/horizon/syspanel/21:18
zach_mtubut the login screen remains.21:18
kieppiebfig - much of it is governed by principals laid out under "the 4 freedoms" by RMS, but personally I don't subscribe to the more hard-line approached taken by some in the community. I'm much more Tim O'Reilly/Linus Torvalds than RMS21:19
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kieppiezach_mtu - try from the CLI with curl to check the header responses21:20
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zach_mtukieppie: can I get an example? I'm looking through the openstack docs and am coming up empty21:22
zach_mtulike this ? curl -k -X 'POST' -v -d '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username": "joecool", "password":"coolword"}, "tenantId":"5"}}' -H 'Content-type: application/json'21:22
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kieppiezach_mtu - guessing something like that, yes. I'm basing this on the debug output from my current issue21:23
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zach_mtukieppie: it's telling me http/https only21:26
zach_mtu....but I used http..fantastic :)21:26
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* kieppie wonders why HTTPS is not the default throughout the entire infrastructure…..21:28
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kieppielifeless - you still there...?21:29
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076148 in swift "swift.common.memcached client always uses absolute (unix) time expiration values" [Undecided,New]
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zach_mtukieppie: dang. still nothing.21:39
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kieppiezach_mtu - you sure you're connecting to the right IP? can you pin/telent to that IP/socket?21:40
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kieppieplease provide more detail, including (redacted) verbose output & possibly logging information @ pastebin21:42
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dennisjachi, im trying to setup openstack on fedora 18 and im 99% there21:54
dennisjacthe one thing that doesn't seem to work ist quantum21:54
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kieppielifeless - just an update21:55
dennisjacthe openvswitch agent says "Agent out of sync with plugin!"21:55
kieppiesomething weird21:55
dennisjacanyone with an idea what this is supposed to mean?21:55
kieppieI've just come across this post: (comment 4)21:55
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kieppieon a whim I tried entering the curl command listed in the debug, trying to ensure that I'm using the correct auth21:56
kieppiethe individual curl's worked, so I tried the original command, and it's working now too.21:56
kieppieI've not made *any* changes to my system @ config, so not sure what has changed or fixed21:57
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jskinnerhaving issues with cinder and rbd21:59
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jskinnergetting this error: librbd: error finding header: (1) Operation not permitted\n'22:00
jskinnerwhen trying to create a volume22:00
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jgriffithjskinner: what's up?22:03
jgriffithjskinner: Oh... NM22:04
jgriffithjskinner: can't help much with Ceph22:04
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jskinnerit's ok. Driving me nuts22:04
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jskinnerI can create volumes manually from ceph using rbd, but from cinder it fails22:05
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fleishcan someone tell me how to get my xen+libvirt instances created by openstack to use blktap instead of loopback?22:22
fleishI've tried modifying the libvirt.xml file created to change the driver to type aio instead of raw but it still fires it up on a loopback22:23
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lifelesskieppie: sorry, phone calls ;)22:41
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kieppielifeless - no worries. had to attend to my little one too22:54
kieppiegot it working, but don't know how.22:54
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kieppieI've updated the bug ticket with the resolution, but I still don't know what mechanism was at play22:55
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kieppiealso, that debug message to stdout that I mentioned before has disappeared. I understand that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but I don't like coincidences I can't explain.22:59
kieppieDefinitely seems like a bug (one I'm not keen on reproducing atm) - either in the Auth or API somewhere, or possibly in the output23:00
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kieppiewhat's the deal with OpenStack vs CloudStack?
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* rootard is really banging his head against quantum23:19
rootardquantum+ovs+flat provider networks == mystifying23:20
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076179 in quantum "400 should be returned when updating the router with dummy router vaule set" [Undecided,New]
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TheZekeDoes anyone know why this returns an error?23:33
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TheZekeglance --os_username=admin --os_password=XXXXXXX --os_tenant_name=openstackDemo --os_auth_url= image-create --name="tty-linux-kernel" --disk-format=aki --container-format=aki < ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1-vmlinuz23:33
TheZekeThe error is:23:33
TheZekeglance: error: no such option: --name23:33
TheZekeglance --help doesn't return any useful information regarding the 'name' of the image23:34
TheZekenot sure what switch to use23:34
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TheZekeIn fact just using "image-create" with no parameters gives an error too23:34
TheZekedisplays the help info then "Unknown command: image-create"23:35
TheZekeapparently the right command is "add" ?23:35
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TheZekethe documentation clearly does not match the software here - what can I do?23:37
comptonayes, glance add is right23:37
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comptonalet me look it up real quick23:37
TheZekeWhere is the up to date documentation?23:37
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comptonaglance add name=centos5 is_public=true container_format=bare disk_format=qcow2 < centos5.qcow223:38
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comptonaI don't know offhand; I just have that written down in my notes23:38
TheZekeoh no --s?23:38
TheZeketrying that23:38
TheZekehrmmm, better but...23:40
TheZekeFailed to add image. Got error:23:40
TheZekeResponse from Keystone does not contain a Glance endpoint.23:40
comptonathat one, I've got nothing23:40
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comptonahow about "keystone service-list"; is glance in there?23:41
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kieppieTheZeke - I'm struggling with inaccurate docco's too. the guide does *not* match the CLI help23:48
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kieppieglance -> "add" = "DEPRECATED! Use image-create instead."23:49
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TheZekeits fucking ridiculous is what it is23:50
TheZekeI'm pretty sure all the hype on OpenStack is just to get people interested and then when they get frustrated they go to a commercial provider and pay for help23:50
kieppieglance: error: unrecognized arguments: --dry-run23:50
kieppieTheZeke - it's an Open Community23:51
TheZekeYeah Open Community and a list of commercial support on the site23:51
kieppieI feel your frustration, but as a community project it really is up to us to help out23:51
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kieppieif you want a turnkey solution, then you could consider the Private Cloud ISO23:51
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TheZekeI'd gladly help out and redocument this crap if I could figure it out in the first place.  It's actually making me look bad here at work because the documentation is so bad.  I'm expected to just get this system up and test it out.23:52
TheZekekinda pissing me off23:52
kieppiewe're under no obligation to use the commercial services. doing the hard yard has given me a much deeper undertanding of the systems involved23:52
TheZekeI'm having to make excuses which never looks good even if the documentation *is* crap23:52
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kieppieI really do understand - I've been at it for a few days now.23:53
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sniperdCan anyone help me with a swift problem? Im getting Could not obtain services --
kieppiebut… the doccumentation is not incorrect - maybe just a bit outdated with typo's not corrcted23:53
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TheZekeDoes anyone know what this means "Response from Keystone does not contain a Glance endpoint."23:53
sniperdnotmyname: Any chance you can help me out? prod issue killing me23:54
TheZekekieppie every single switch is not a typo LOL23:54
kieppieTheZeke - it's little things, like —username & not —os-username, etc.23:54
TheZekethey are all wrong, outdated or I'm using a repo that has outdated keystone and glance API clients23:54
kieppieI'm rolling with Folsom on 12.04. I suspect if you're doing Essex on 12.04 you would'nt encounter as much trouble23:55
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TheZekemaybe I guess, I just followed the documentation23:55
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TheZekeTold me to use this REPO (rpm -Uvh
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kieppieyea…. had a buddy that helped me out initially flip out & storm off in frustration, mumbling RTFM-RTFM-RTFM23:56
TheZekeI think I might try installing from source actually23:56
kieppieoh gawd!23:56
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TheZekeat least I have a chance of using up to date binaries23:56
kieppienah! I'm sticking with Ubuntu for now23:56
TheZekeI tried it on Ubuntu first btw, same problems with documentation23:57
TheZekethought it might be better on CentOS for some reason23:57
kieppiewith bleeding edge you're likely to encounter more issues, not less23:57
TheZekeWhat version of keystone client are you using btw?23:57
TheZekeI'm using python-keystoneclient-2012.1-2.el6.noarch23:57
kieppieif you have a spare box & need something quick to show off while you get digging in the guts, then try
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nubi3any body ????23:58
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kieppienubi3 - yea. just general gripes re docco's23:59
TheZekeyeah that's a private KVM cloud though23:59
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TheZekeI want Xen and eventually it'll be public23:59
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TheZekeI hear ya though, I thought about going that route but it won23:59
notmynamesniperd: your log line is truncated. I haven't looked at swauth in a long time. I don't remember what the .services is for. maybe something with swauth-prep?23:59

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