Wednesday, 2021-10-27

rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-testing
*** pojadhav|out is now known as pojadhav|ruck02:57
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep04:16
*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel05:04
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-testing
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-testing
rdogerritMerged openstack/keystone-distgit xena-rdo: Enforce Epoch for python3-flask
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|brb05:52
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:25
*** ysandeep|brb is now known as ysandeep06:41
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
amoralejjcapitao[m], may you vote when you have a chance?07:03
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote TripleO builds to xena-release
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:08
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
rdogerritUser marios created config master: WIP Adds entry for centos9 rdo_baremetal_image
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch09:05
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep09:19
rdogerritArx Cruz created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add centos-9 information in the ruck-rover conf file
rdogerritUser marios proposed config master: Adds entry for centos9 rdo_baremetal_image
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
*** ykarel|lunch is now known as ykarel10:19
rdogerritChandan Kumar created rdo-jobs master: Added two-centos-9-nodes-vexxhost for fs10
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck10:33
rdogerritChandan Kumar created rdo-jobs master: Added periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-containers-multinode-master
rdogerritMerged config master: Adds entry for centos9 rdo_baremetal_image
*** marios is now known as marios|afk10:47
*** jcapitao is now known as jcapitao_lunch11:05
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Adding undercloud upgrade jobs to master component line
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk11:13
*** dviroel|rover|afk is now known as dviroel|rover11:15
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: Add notes about TripleO in Xena
*** marios|afk is now known as marios11:21
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdo-website master: Fix typo in TripleO in Xena doc
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Added two-centos-9-nodes-vexxhost for fs10
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode jobs for validation component
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for octavia component
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: Fix typo in TripleO in Xena doc
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:54
*** jcapitao_lunch is now known as jcapitao11:57
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel12:01
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdo-website master: Remove extra blank line in tripleo-in-xena doc
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdo-jobs master: DNM remove removal of tmp files
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/nova-distgit wallaby-rdo: Replace genisoimage dependency with xorriso and mkisofs
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: Remove extra blank line in tripleo-in-xena doc
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee created rdo-jobs master: Add C9 stream scenario001-004 job
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Add C9 stream scenario001-004 job
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:39
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Add C9 stream scenario001-004 job
rdogerritJiří Podivín created rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena13:04
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:14
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created config master: Remove removal of tmp files in cbs validation jobs
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdo-website master: Add Xena to the list of supported OpenStack versions
amoralejjcapitao, ykarel spotz_ ^13:35
amoralejrdo meeting is in 15 minutes, remember to add your topics in
rdogerritMerged config master: Remove removal of tmp files in cbs validation jobs
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/nova-distgit wallaby-rdo: Replace genisoimage dependency with xorriso and mkisofs
spotz_jcapitao: I thought you were on PTO?!!!!!13:57
jcapitaospotz_: yeah, unfortunately I was not authorized to board the flight as USA frontiers are closed until nov 8 :(13:59
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: Add Xena to the list of supported OpenStack versions
*** kopecmartin is now known as kopecmartin|pto14:00
jcapitaospotz_: the flight had an intermediate stop at Atlanta14:00
spotz_jcapitao: I'm sorry:(14:00
amoralejmeeting time!14:00
amoralej#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2021-10-2714:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Oct 27 14:00:58 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2021_10_27'14:00
amoralej#chair jcapitao spotz_14:02
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz_14:02
amoralej#topic roll call14:02
amoralejanyone else around?14:02
amoralej#chair ykarel 14:02
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz_ ykarel14:02
amoralejlet's start with first topic14:03
amoralej#topic RDO Xena GA update14:03
amoralej#info Promotion of TripleO to xena-release is merged -
amoralejcentos-release-openstack-xena is in extras with the right content, right?14:04
amoraleji tested yesterday14:04
amoralejso, content-wise we are good to release?14:04
amoralejykarel, jcapitao ^14:04
amoralej#info centos-release-openstack-xena is in cs8 stream repo14:04
jcapitaoyes we're good14:04
amoralejrdo-release is still pointing to wallaby?14:05
spotz_So we just need to finalize the announcement and make a blog from it?14:05
jcapitaono, to xena14:06
ykarel;O=D is xena14:06
ykarelyeap right14:06
amoralej#info Notes about tripleo in xena are in
amoralejso yes14:07
amoralejspotz_, i think we are ready to announce it14:07
amoraleji added a link to that page in today btw14:07
amoralejspotz_, will you take care of blog post and announcement?14:08
spotz_amoralej: Ok I'll work on finalizing after the meeting. I don't think we need anymore approvals as far as major changes so I can do it after y'all are asleep if needed14:08
amoralejsure, no problem14:09
spotz_I type slower then yoou:)14:09
amoralejtake your time14:09
amoralejwe also have xena in
amoralejanything else wrt xena?14:10
ykareli think that's it14:11
amoralejbtw, we need to send sig quarterly report14:11
amoraleji was waiting to have this blog14:11
amoralejas it's the main topic14:11
ykarelyes that's good to be included14:12
jcapitaodo we need to report in CentOS SIG wiki ?14:13
spotz_Oh oone question, the script showed some different contributors then on the page, was it without a time frame?14:13
jcapitaoI've seen some stuff in ML14:13
amoralejjcapitao, no we need to create blog post or send mail to rbowen14:13
spotz_We'll announce to rdo lists, os-discuss and centos-dev14:13
amoralejspotz_, i took the date since wallaby release iirc14:14
amoralejwas a big difference?14:14
amoralejactually, i think it's the examplo i put in the script14:14
spotz_I nooticed Treva T. Nicole Williams was in the list I ran and not on the etherpad14:15
amoralejlemme check14:15
spotz_Oh we shoould probably remove Software Factory Administrator >)14:16
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out14:17
amoralejspotz_, weird14:17
amoralejthat's from 201714:17
spotz_Maybe mine didn't have dates in the query, I was just testing what was iin the patch as is to make sure we got results14:18
spotz_See I do test patches!:)14:18
amoralejwell done! :)14:19
spotz_OOk if anyone wants to give the etherpad another look I moves Marios up and gave him a last name and removed the admin14:19
spotz_I'll make the bloog post aafter the meeting from it14:20
amoralejok, great spotz++14:20
amoralejok, so i think we are done with the topic14:21
amoralejbye bye Xena, hello Yoga :)14:22
amoralejwrt CS9 i didn't create topic14:22
amoralejas there is no much progress14:22
amoralejlet's move to open floor topic14:23
amoralej#topic open floor14:23
amoralejfirst, any volunteer for next week?14:23
ykareli can take it14:24
amoralejthanks ykarel 14:25
amoralej#action ykarel to chair next week14:25
jcapitaonow we have a good reason to do Yoga as PTG social activity ;) 14:25
amoralejso, wrt cs9, we are working to add support in dib so that we can have upstream images14:25
spotz_And I think there's a time change coming up?14:25
amoralejah, right, how was the ptg social?14:25
jcapitaoah good point for the changing time14:26
spotz_13 people signed up 6 showed up, but I think folks had fun. I've got passes if we wanted to do it as our own team building event:)14:26
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add master jobs for fs020 and fs001 to enable RBAC
amoralejspotz_, good idea! :)14:26
amoralejbut thos passes are still valid? do not expire?14:27
spotz_And they're paid for so we might as well use them. I was just a fly on the wall listening to both groups so I really have no clue on the answers14:27
amoralejdon't trick us :)14:28
amoralejcheat us would be more correct14:28
spotz_amoralej: Still valid, and ones that were assigned but not used I can just send new email addresses to be associated. We might need to give a different email for jcapitao though14:28
spotz_I reused the pass I gave him for someone else14:29
amoralejok, so it'd be cool to lood for some day and time we all have a free slot14:29
jcapitao+1 !14:30
amoralejso, we have 7 passes?14:30
spotz_let me peek14:31
amoralejok, no problem14:31
amoralejwe can follow up later14:31
amoralejno problem14:31
amoralejone thing i read from TC report in ptg is that centos9 support in yoga was unclear14:31
spotz_8 I think, definitely 714:31
spotz_I think if we lead the way it'll be supported, they weren't even sure it was available until last week14:32
spotz_Or the week before14:32
amoralej"centos9-stream release time is not clear so we are keeping centos8-stream for now"14:32
amoralejwell, i hope we can have centos9 in yoga14:33
amoralejotherwise will be a mess14:33
amoralejanyway we have py3.9 as voting14:33
amoralejwhich is the one in cs914:33
amoralejbut i understand, we can get it updated from cs8 to cs9 later in yoga cycle14:34
jcapitaowhere is the vote ?14:34
amoralejjcapitao, means voting jobs in upstream gates14:36
amoralejfor projects14:36
amoralejso all projects will be tested with python 3.914:36
jcapitaoah ok14:37
amoralejso, that's it?14:38
amoralejsomething else you'd like to discuss?14:39
ykarelnothing from me14:40
jcapitaonothing either14:41
* jcapitao reading the ML post14:42
spotz_Nothing from me, working oon the blog14:42
amoralejthose are the notes too14:42
amoralej"Update centos8-stream version to centos9-stream in yoga testing runtime if it is released"14:42
amoralejso i think we are fine14:42
amoralejso thanks all for joining!14:42
amoralejsee you online14:42
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Oct 27 14:43:01 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:43
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jcapitaothank you amoralej 14:43
ykarelThanks amoralej 14:43
mariosthanks spotz_ ;) 14:45
spotz_Thank youo all.14:45
spotz_Noone RDO question but doooes anyoone know hoow to speccify tripleo_free vs tripleo_linear in deploy_steps,j2?:)14:46
ykarelspotz_, not sure what you looking for, but it's defined like
spotz_ykarel: Yeah I found that, I guess I'm looking for how you tell iit which strategy to use14:50
ykarelso each playbook in that file has strategy: defined, and the defined strategy will get used14:51
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for tripleo
spotz_So you manually set the strategy, no cli parameters got it14:56
rdogerritJiří Podivín created rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
spotz_We forgot a Wallaby iin the etherpad but caught and updated
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:00
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for network
jcapitaospotz_: in blog post "You can find details about this [in RDO webpage](" the link doesn't work as there is the ")" at the end15:05
spotz_jcap I'll check, also fixing layoout issues15:05
spotz_jcapitao: link fixed15:06
rdogerritMerged openstack/nova-distgit wallaby-rdo: Replace genisoimage dependency with xorriso and mkisofs
rdogerritMerged openstack/nova-distgit xena-rdo: Replace genisoimage dependency with xorriso and mkisofs
spotz_OOk formatting fixed and fixed a freenode vs oftc15:17
*** pojadhav|ruck is now known as pojadhav|out15:23
spotz_emailed and tweeted15:35
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:56
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-jobs master: Add C9 stream scenario001-004 job
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:04
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:29
rdogerritDouglas Viroel created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add 'promotion_name' parameter to ruck_rover tool
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|afk22:08
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|ruck|afk22:23

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