Wednesday, 2022-08-24

rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-release
rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.16-release
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: openstack-neutron: failed to build 67aab582dc
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep04:25
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck05:50
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed openstack/tripleo-validations-distgit wallaby-rdo: Remove the tripleo-ansible-inventory script
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-release
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.16-release
jpodivinjcapitao[m]: so. the do you think it needs a release bump? imho the code in source repo is the same but if you really feel like it.06:52
jcapitao[m]hi jpodivin, no I don't think so too, I just wanted to confirm with you06:53
jcapitao[m]let's merge06:53
jpodivinjcapitao[m]: thanks06:58
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Revert "Revert "Update rdo-openvswitch to 2.17 in RDO Xena""
rdogerritMerged openstack/validations-libs-distgit xena-rdo: Man pages for validation framework
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk07:00
rdogerritMerged openstack/validations-libs-distgit yoga-rdo: Man pages for validation framework
rdogerritMerged openstack/validations-libs-distgit wallaby-rdo: Man pages for validation framework
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: Add binary neutron-remove-duplicated-port-bindings
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-jobs master: Added mixed os compute component job
rdogerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations-distgit wallaby-rdo: Remove the tripleo-ansible-inventory script
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed openstack/gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena07:34
rdogerritUser karolinku created rdoinfo master: Pin train-eol source branch
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed openstack/gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Pin train-eol source branch
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|lunch08:09
rdogerritMerged openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: Add binary neutron-remove-duplicated-port-bindings
rdogerritMerged openstack/gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
rdogerritYatin Karel created gating_scripts master: Updated url for validated-nfv-ovs repo
rdogerritMerged gating_scripts master: Updated url for validated-nfv-ovs repo
*** soniya29|ruck|lunch is now known as soniya29|ruck09:37
rdogerritUser karolinku created openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing-distgit train-rdo: Dummy rebuilt commit
rdogerritUser karolinku created openstack/kolla-distgit rpm-master: Dummy rebuild commit
rdogerritUser karolinku created openstack/kolla-distgit train-rdo: Dummy rebuild commit
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep|break10:16
rdogerritMerged openstack/neutron-distgit wallaby-rdo: openstack-neutron-18.5.0-1
rdogerritMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing-distgit train-rdo: Dummy rebuilt commit
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*** ysandeep|break is now known as ysandeep11:03
*** cloudnull1 is now known as cloudnull11:06
*** open10k8s_ is now known as open10k8s11:06
*** knikolla_ is now known as knikolla11:06
*** rpittau_ is now known as rpittau11:06
*** vkmc_ is now known as vkmc11:06
*** TheJulia_ is now known as TheJulia11:06
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds a periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-9-multinode-mixed-os
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk11:14
rdogerritMerged openstack/kolla-distgit train-rdo: Dummy rebuild commit
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|rover11:26
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Adds a periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-9-multinode-mixed-os
rdogerritUser karolinku created openstack/gnocchiclient-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/glance-distgit rpm-master: openstack-glance: failed to build 5c675bddc
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav12:35
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed openstack/validations-libs-distgit yoga-rdo: Callback workaround removal
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed openstack/validations-libs-distgit xena-rdo: Callback workaround removal
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed openstack/validations-libs-distgit wallaby-rdo: Callback workaround removal
apevecspotz: I tried to login in centos wiki to check if I have access to  but now seems to be down, isitjustme?12:54
spotzapevec: checking12:55
spotzNope not just you12:55
apevecthat page needs some more updates, not just for coreos joining us12:55
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed openstack/glance-distgit rpm-master: Add python-boto3 and -swiftclient as BR's
spotzYeah there's been talk of it going away but we should update it in the meantime. SiGs are actually in 2 different locations which adds to the out of date issue12:58
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rdogerritUser karolinku proposed openstack/gnocchiclient-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
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jcapitao[m]spotz: the new location should be there isn't it ?13:30
spotzjcapitao[m]: hehe so we still have stuff in 2 places so until we get it down to one in theory we should keep both updated13:35
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck13:40
jcapitao[m]I requested the cloud namespace here
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ironic-inspector-distgit wallaby-rdo: openstack-ironic-inspector-10.6.2-1
jcapitao[m]the idea is to have the doc like Hyperscale SIG
jcapitao[m]and others SIGs
jcapitao[m]rdo meeting is in less than 10 minutes, please add your topics in
jcapitao[m]meeting time14:01
jcapitao[m]#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-08-2414:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Aug 24 14:01:06 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jcapitao[m]. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_08_24'14:01
jcapitao[m]#topic roll call14:01
jcapitao[m]#chair spotz kkula14:04
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: jcapitao[m] kkula spotz14:04
jcapitao[m]let's start with first topic14:08
jcapitao[m]#topic Update about new DLRN builder for centos9-master-head14:08
jcapitao[m]which is related to new DLRN builder14:08
jcapitao[m]chasing latest commits14:08
kkulathe builder is up and running, im in middle of bootstrapping process14:08
jcapitao[m]yeah and as we are building latest commits, we're hitting failures that need some changes14:10
jcapitao[m]so it might take a bit longer14:10
jcapitao[m]but still good progress14:11
kkulaits a priority task for me right now14:12
spotzLonger now but faster in the future so all good!14:12
jcapitao[m]right, with that effort we're catching issues earlier14:13
jcapitao[m]so more time to fix14:13
kkulayes, in fact im fixiing now issues, which would appear in feature14:14
jcapitao[m]so no rush14:14
jcapitao[m]we are in good shape14:14
jcapitao[m]I think that's all for this topic14:16
spotzI can open topic about SWAG but still catching up from last week14:17
jcapitao[m]IIRC SWAGs should be delivered soon14:19
spotzThe bags are in Raleigh at the Tower, we have to figure out how to distribute without me personally needing everyone's addresses so we're still working on that. 14:20
spotzWe don't have the new store front yet14:20
spotzI've requested the Zed version of Spencer as that can take a while based on Tiger's availability. I will try to add some options to an etherpad then we can narrow down and have a vote like last time14:21
jcapitao[m]thank you spotz for the heads up14:24
spotzI can't wait to see them myself14:24
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jcapitao[m]#topic Chair for next week14:27
jcapitao[m]any volunteers?14:27
spotzI should be able to do next week14:28
jcapitao[m]thank you spotz14:29
jcapitao[m]#action spotz to chair next week14:29
jcapitao[m]#topic Open Floor14:30
jcapitao[m]if you want to share something else14:30
spotzCentOS Dojo went really well as well as the SCOS presentation. Probably why folks pointed out the wiki was out of date14:31
spotzI think that's it for me14:32
jcapitao[m]ah right..14:33
jcapitao[m]I'm working on the new doc location14:33
jcapitao[m]as the automotive SIG
jcapitao[m]which will point on
spotzYeah that's the discussion taking place on the centos-dev list. When you're done we can port the stuff back to the wiki but it sounds like it's days are numbered14:35
jcapitao[m]ah, I didn't see the last mail from arrfab14:37
jcapitao[m]good thread idea14:38
jcapitao[m]I'm going to close the meeting in a few sec if we have no more to add14:41
spotzThanks jcapitao[m] for leading and everyone for attending!14:43
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Aug 24 14:43:17 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:43
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|dinner14:46
rdogerritJoel Capitao created rdo-website master: Updates to the contribute pages
rdogerritJoel Capitao created openstack/gnocchiclient-distgit rpm-master: DNM build gnocchiclient
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|out15:18
rdogerritMerged openstack/gnocchiclient-distgit rpm-master: Exclude tests file from gnocciclient-tests
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|lunch15:24
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: Updates to the contribute pages
*** ysandeep|dinner is now known as ysandeep15:36
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out15:58
*** dviroel|rover|lunch is now known as dviroel|rover16:21
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:42
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:32
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|brb22:30
*** dviroel|rover|brb is now known as dviroel|rover23:26

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