Wednesday, 2023-02-15

rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-openvswitch2.17-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for antelope-9s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-testing
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rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added molecule tests for new infra roles
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added moleclue tests for ssh, nginx
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rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: openstack-neutron: failed to build 26762506ad
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Drop reference
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added molecule tests for new infra roles
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Drop reference
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Drop reference
rdogerritMerged config master: Drop reference
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for antelope-9s-testing
*** sandy__ is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:04
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Print username for container login
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Print username for container login
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rdogerritMerged config master: Print username for container login
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Drop rdo_registry secret usage from tripleo-rdo-base
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added moleclue tests for ssh, nginx
rdogerritMerged config master: Drop rdo_registry secret usage from tripleo-rdo-base
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-infra/ansible-role-dlrn master: Prepare for Antelope release
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rdogerritDaniel Pawlik proposed rdo-infra/ansible-role-tripleo-ci-zuul-runner master: Change nodeset to Fedora rawhide; add bindeps
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-testing
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Run go mod on meta operator
amoralejjcapitao[m], is ready to merge, right?10:36
jcapitao[m]amoralej: yes10:38
jcapitao[m]ensure-tox works btw10:38
amoralejyep, i was checking in the dnm reviews, lgtm10:41
jcapitao[m]it ensures pip is installed and so on, good value10:45
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Run go mod on meta operator
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rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Disable execution of validations catalog tests on master and enable them only in wallaby
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdoinfo master: Retire Glare
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rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit rpm-master: Bump wsgi_intercept test requiremient to match upsteam
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rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Run go mod on meta operator
rdogerritMerged config master: Run go mod on meta operator
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Replace ansibleee quay image with image
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rdogerritMerged config master: Replace ansibleee quay image with image
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karolinku[m]RDO meeting time!14:02
karolinku[m]agenda for a reminder:
karolinku[m]#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2023-02-1514:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 15 14:03:04 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2023_02_15'14:03
karolinku[m]#chair:  amoralej spotz 14:04
opendevmeetWarning: Nick not in channel: :14:04
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: : amoralej karolinku[m] spotz14:04
karolinku[m]#chair jcapitao[m]14:05
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: : amoralej jcapitao[m] karolinku[m] spotz14:05
karolinku[m]I'll give you a moment to update agenda if needed14:06
spotzkarolinku[m]: Did you give a FOSDEM update last week or do we still need that?14:07
karolinku[m]wdym FOSDEM update?14:08
karolinku[m]let's go back to it on openfloor14:09
karolinku[m]#topic How to manage TripleO deprecation14:09
amoralej#info TripleO informed they are deprecating all branches after Wallaby14:11
karolinku[m]#chair dasm14:11
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: : amoralej dasm jcapitao[m] karolinku[m] spotz14:11
amoralejin terms of RDO that means we will be retiring tripleo packages from the repos14:12
amoralejmy proposal is to maintain tripleo packages in RDO Trunk master while there are tripleo jobs running14:13
amoralejbut remove them from antelope repos as soon as we can14:14
dasmwhat's going to happen to zed pachages. is it decided with TC?14:14
jcapitao[m]or maybe setting a 6/12 months depreciation ?14:14
amoralejfor the time being, we will be keeping packages in zed14:15
amoralejat least until it's clear what's happening with zed branches14:15
amoralejtbh i didn't heard back from TC14:16
amoralejthe recomendation for zed14:16
amoralejcurrently, i'd say the most important is to decide what to do with antelope, as we will be preparing the release shortly14:16
amoralejand apparently, it seems clear there will not be branches nor tags for antelope14:17
spotzI would have assumed there would be tags for Antelope but nothing for Bobcat14:19
dasmbased on the email, my understanding was: no more tags after zed, with the intention to remove zed.14:19
amoraleji understood there will not be in antelope, lemme reread it14:19
amoralejthat's also my understanding14:20
spotzOk and it's true Antelope releases after the announcement was made14:20
jcapitao[m]amoralej: re: but remove them from antelope repos as soon as we can - you mean after antelope branching ?14:22
amoralejso, i think the best option for us is not create antelope branches for tripleo packages14:23
amoralejso, no builds in cloudsig antelope14:23
jcapitao[m]so we'd build commit release ?14:23
amoralejno, we wouldn't build anything in cloudsig14:23
amoralejand retire it from rdo-trunk as soon as we create new tags for bobcat in rdoinfo14:23
amoralejas we may need to provide tripleo packages for master branch for some short time, afaik14:24
amoralejmy understanding is that there will be some jobs running in master14:24
mariosfrom ci side, we will continue to run jobs for master and zed for some time14:24
mariosjust reduced set14:24
marioslike container builds, and scenario standalones14:25
amoralej#info TripleO-CI will continue to run some jobs for master and zed for some time14:25
amoralej#info TripleO CI will not run jobs for antelope14:25
amoralejmarios ^ is that correct?14:25
mariosamoralej: cant sign off on the antelope bit as i heard some rumours about antelope vs zed ... but for the first bit yes14:26
mariosand we *currently(* have 0 plans to put down ci for antelope14:26
opendevmeetRemoving item from minutes: #info TripleO CI will not run jobs for antelope14:27
* marios joins call in 3 mins so will be slower to respond 14:27
amoralej#info TripleO CI currently has no plans to run CI on antelope14:28
amoralejso, i'd plan the release based on current information14:30
jcapitao[m]amoralej: IIUC you want to retire them in rdo-trunk for *antelope*  as soon as we create new tags for bobcat in rdoinfo (which will be master), is that correct ?14:30
jcapitao[m]okk sound good to me14:31
amoralejso, initially we will have tripleo packages as we will bootstrap centos9-antelope based on antelope-uc14:31
amoralejonce we move master to boobcat-uc14:31
amoralejand recreate antelope tag, we will remove the undesired packages14:31
amoralejthat'd be my plan14:31
jcapitao[m]got it +114:32
amoralejso we maintain the packages on rdo-trunk master but not in antelope14:32
amoralejand a later point, once/if master branch is finally EOLed, removing them from master14:33
jcapitao[m]that way we'll be able to still provides OOO packages in master if someone wants to pursue OOO development14:33
amoralejall this plan is based on the current situation, if someone steps up to maintaing the projects upstream, we can maintain them, of course14:33
amoralejactually, we always can reconsider if the upstream situation changes14:34
amoralejanre re-add packages in that case14:34
amoraleji.e. if needed we could always add the packages to antelope tags14:35
jcapitao[m]CI might breaks in the meantime though14:35
jcapitao[m]but yeah14:36
karolinku[m]#info RDO maintain the packages on rdo-trunk master but not in antelope, while on later point, once/if master branch is finally EOLed, removing them from master14:37
amoralejs/the packages/the TripleO packages/14:38
amoralejmaster and zed14:38
opendevmeetRemoving item from minutes: #info RDO maintain the packages on rdo-trunk master but not in antelope, while on later point, once/if master branch is finally EOLed, removing them from master14:39
karolinku[m]#info RDO maintains TripleO packages on rdo-trunk master but not in antelope, while on later point, once/if master branch is finally EOLed, removing them from master14:40
karolinku[m]is it all in this topic?14:40
amoralejnop :)14:40
amoralejsecond question is what "TripleO packages" means14:41
karolinku[m]ah, we are after half time14:41
amoralejyes :)14:41
amoralejif you check the packages in tripleo component, there are some packages we still want to maintain in RDO14:41
amoralejas puppet modules, heat, etc..14:41
amoralejand i have doubts for others14:41
amoralejso we need to think how to redistribute packages in other components14:42
amoraleji'd put all puppet-* to a new component puppet in antelope14:42
amoralejfor the rest we'll need to figure out14:43
jcapitao[m]+1 for puppet component14:43
jcapitao[m]heat mistral zaqar14:44
jcapitao[m]to figure it out14:45
jcapitao[m]and kolla14:45
amoralejalso we need to check if make sense to provide the ansible roles14:45
amoralejand os-*14:45
amoralejthe entire list of packages in tripleo component is in
karolinku[m]I like the idea of  new component 14:46
amoraleji'll send a mail to the ML with a poposal for antelope14:46
amoralej#action amoralej will send a mail to RDO MLs with a proposal for tripleo-related packages in Antelope14:47
amoralejwe'll need to provide per-release components14:47
amoraleji think we already tested it in the passt, so there should be no problem14:48
amoralejso, i think we are done with this topic14:48
amoralejfrom my side14:48
amoralejsorry for cannibalizing the mtg14:48
jcapitao[m]good for me too14:49
spotzNo worries, that's what it's here for14:50
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit rpm-master: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
amoralejso we can move on to next topic14:50
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit zed-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
karolinku[m]#topic antelope status14:51
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit yoga-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
amoralej#info a jira issue has been created to track antelope release preparation
amoralejand jcapitao[m] has started doing stuff :)14:52
jcapitao[m]we're going to start reqchecking14:52
amoraleji've created the initial etherpad but didn't add the packages yet14:53
jcapitao[m]and bootstrapping the DLRN builder14:53
amoralejwe can start rechecking libraries and clients i think14:53
amoralejlet's distribute the load among the team14:53
karolinku[m]my faaaaavourite part <314:53
amoralejyeah, it's very enjoyable :)14:53
amoralejlet's add them to the etherpad and distribute it14:54
amoralejbtw, i'll move the tripleo part to a new etherpad14:54
jcapitao[m]yep we'll sync off mtg14:54
amoralejor we will have too much on it14:54
karolinku[m]im working on brmaching script14:55
amoralejincluding reqcheck ?14:55
karolinku[m]and I think the feature of "not" tripleo" will be handy14:55
karolinku[m]no no, without reqcheck14:55
amoralej#info RDO will update the definition of done for cloudsig release based only on puppet and packstack job14:55
amoralejok, so we can start doing reqchecks anyway14:56
amoralejwe are almost finishing, i think we can move to next topic14:56
amoralejand we will coordinate about antelope post-mtg14:57
karolinku[m]#topic Retiring glare14:57
jcapitao[m]so we're proposing to retire glare and its client14:58
jcapitao[m]the discussion is opened on ML and the review itself of course14:58
jcapitao[m]that's it for this topic I think14:59
karolinku[m]#topic  FOSDEM report14:59
spotzJust wanted to report back that Cloud Sig had 2 talks at CentOS Connect one from Karolina and one from Christian and Alessandro both went well I thought.15:00
spotzOver at FOSDEM itself we gave out all the SWAG I'd bought and it was nice seeing some of the older bags being carried around through out the weekend and even someone wearing a t-shirt15:01
spotzThat's it if no questions15:01
amoralejdid you get any feedback about RDO ?15:01
spotzWe got lots of What is RDO, so we'll need a rollup or a handout next time. But we didn't get any I thought OpenStack was dead questions:)15:02
karolinku[m]#info CloudSig had 2 talks at CentOS Connect 15:02
spotzThat's it for me15:04
karolinku[m]#topic Next Chair15:04
jcapitao[m]I can take it15:05
karolinku[m]#action jcapitao[m] is chairing next week15:05
karolinku[m]quickly #topic Open Floor15:05
amoraleji found a new cool tool this week15:06
amoralejtake a look if you have a chance15:06
amoraleji'll be sending a patch to add support to query cloudsig repo too15:07
amoralejso, from a single tool we can query fedora, centos and cloudsig15:07
amoralejwhich is pretty convenient for us15:07
amoralejit may go to the rdo-toolbox15:08
amoralejah, and i started using rdo-toolbox15:08
amoralejwhich is a pretty cool way of using rdo scripts and tools15:08
jcapitao[m]interesting fedrq15:09
amoralejnote we can do stuff like, what packages depends for any of the subpackages of other one15:09
amoralejand stuff like that15:10
amoralejjcapitao[m], wrt rdo-toolbox, did you include the scripts in releng repo in the container?15:10
jcapitao[m]yeah that's good value15:10
jcapitao[m]we can't provides shell scripts with setuptools :(15:11
jcapitao[m]only python script15:11
jcapitao[m]so right now, I added the dir script in $PATH15:11
jcapitao[m]btw maybe I should add it in RDO cgit and Gerrit15:12
amoralejyes, i'd say so15:14
amoralejwe could add it in releng project? or create a new one15:14
jcapitao[m]let's add it in releng15:15
karolinku[m]if thats all, I will close the mtg15:18
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 15 15:19:40 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:19
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
karolinku[m]thank you all for participating!15:19
jcapitao[m]thank you karolinku for chairing :)15:20
amoralejthansk karolinku[m] !15:21
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit xena-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit wallaby-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit victoria-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit ussuri-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
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rdogerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/placement-distgit train-rdo: Bump wsgi_intercept test requirement to match upstream
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav15:36
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-infra/releng master: WIP Add Containerfile of rdo-toolbox
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:17
artom_Hey, so the above patch bumps the requirement for wsgi-intercept, but looks like the new version isn't packaged:18:25
artom_2023-02-15 15:35:01.478853 | rdo-centos-7 | 2023-02-15 15:35:01,478 INFO:dlrn-build-mock:DEBUG: Error: Package: python2-placement-tests-2.0.1-0.20230215153225.ff55034.el7.noarch (/python2-placement-tests-2.0.1-0.20230215153225.ff55034.el7.noarch)18:25
artom_2023-02-15 15:35:01.479230 | rdo-centos-7 | 2023-02-15 15:35:01,478 INFO:dlrn-build-mock:DEBUG:            Requires: python2-wsgi_intercept >= 1.7.018:25
artom_2023-02-15 15:35:01.479622 | rdo-centos-7 | 2023-02-15 15:35:01,479 INFO:dlrn-build-mock:DEBUG:            Installing: python2-wsgi_intercept-1.2.2-1.el7.noarch (delorean-train-testing)18:25
artom_I guess I need to file paperwork to package the newers wsgi-intercept? How does that work?18:26
artom_Hrmm, the oldest branch in deps/python-wsgi_intercept is xena18:33
artom_I guess I'll stick to 16.2 downstream18:33
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-jobs master: WIP: Reduce the zed line - container build + scenarios
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-jobs master: WIP: Reduce the master line - container build + scenarios
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: WIP: Reduce the master line - container build + scenarios
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: WIP: Reduce the zed line - container build + scenarios
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:56

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