Tuesday, 2011-06-28

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OutBackDingoJordanRinke: this nova.conf is all screwed00:01
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JordanRinke_vinay: odd, looks like glance blew up trying to get the image00:01
OutBackDingook, thats it..... reinstall fresh box, glad i have multiple systems00:01
JordanRinkeis this an all in one, or is glance on another box?00:01
_vinayglance on same box as swift00:02
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JordanRinkeOutBackDingo: Yeah, a fresh install might be a good idea, it is easy to go down a rabbit hole pretty quick with nova configs00:02
_vinaynova on another box00:02
JordanRinkeok, so you have nova pointed at glance using swift as a backend?00:02
OutBackDingoJordanRinke: lol i think ive been down this same hole too many times maybe like a dog chasing his tail00:02
JordanRinke_vinay: delete your /var/lib/nova/instances/_base folder or wherever that is for you and clean out all the previous instances and try again00:03
JordanRinkeOutBackDingo: once you get it working it makes perfect sense, until then it is a PITA00:04
OutBackDingoi think my issue is the laptop is on 192.168.1 network00:04
OutBackDingoand this page is telling me to use 17200:04
JordanRinkeyou could try this...00:05
JordanRinkenah the ips arent an issue, it created the bridge and the network internally, behind the 19200:05
JordanRinkethe images you spin up will only be accessible from your laptop since it will be a little network inside of it00:05
_vinayJordanRinke .. .nope same issue00:10
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JordanRinkegentlemen, I need to run - need to get to a store before it closes. Once I get home I will be back online to try and help if you are still having problems00:10
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_vinayI cleared out _base dir before trying00:10
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OutBackDingogrrrrrr nova-network just not functional01:19
OutBackDingo2011-06-27 21:18:46,682 INFO nova.compute.manager [-] Found instance 'instance-00000001' in DB but no VM. State=5, so setting state to shutoff.01:20
OutBackDingowelp getting further anyway01:20
thickskinhi guys01:23
thickskinis there someone who has the ideas about nova-network clustering?01:24
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evil_ei'm getting the following error when trying euca-authorize -P icmp -t -1-1 default01:31
evil_eOperationsError: (OperationalError) unable to open database file None None01:31
evil_eAnyone ever run into this?01:31
evil_ethat is the last line from a line python stack trace01:31
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berto-following the openstack docs i'm stuck at uec-publish-tarball.  it says, "Unable to run euca-describe-images."  when running euca-describe-images i get, "Access was denied to this resource".01:58
berto-any ideas?01:58
briarroseCan someone point me to information on the networking requirements for using openstack? I'm looking for a technology that will allow a distributed iaas to be created by peers willing to contribute some portion of their compute power over the Internet and want to know if openstack, or a modified version thereof, could serve that purpose.01:59
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OutBackDingoberto-: one sec02:02
OutBackDingoberto-: you got certificates, and KEYS in your environment02:02
berto-OutBackDingo: think so, e.g. berto@flyer:~$ echo $EC2_PRIVATE_KEY02:03
berto-OutBackDingo: followed instructions on how to produce a project zipfile and how to subsequently add it to my env.02:04
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OutBackDingoberto-: did you source novarc02:05
berto-OutBackDingo: yes, if i run "env" i see all the variables in my environment.02:05
OutBackDingoberto-: hrmmm02:06
OutBackDingogot me then02:06
OutBackDingoif your env is right you shuld be able to connect02:07
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berto-OutBackDingo: maybe it's an issue somewhere else, i see this in the output:  berto@flyer:~$ euca-describe-imagesWarning: failed to parse error message from AWS: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error02:07
berto-OutBackDingo: i followed this: http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/scripted-ubuntu-installation.html02:07
OutBackDingoberto-: did an image public succesfully02:07
OutBackDingoberto-: did an image publish succesfully02:07
OutBackDingoberto-: euca-describe-keypairs02:08
berto-OutBackDingo: nope, don't think so.02:08
berto-berto@flyer:~$ euca-describe-keypairs02:08
berto-Warning: failed to parse error message from AWS: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error02:08
berto-EC2ResponseError: 403 Forbidden02:08
berto-403 Forbidden02:08
berto-Access was denied to this resource.02:08
OutBackDingohrmm something wrong above my head02:08
OutBackDingoive been on this for a day :P02:08
berto-OutBackDingo: no problem, thanks for the help anyway!02:08
OutBackDingoprolly be better of pinging someone whos got deeper debug knowledge02:09
berto-OutBackDingo: how did you install?02:09
berto-OutBackDingo: did you install on ubuntu?  what version?02:09
OutBackDingoberto-: welp after 10 attemots on fresh systems, im finally at instances will run, but i cant seem to ssh to them02:09
OutBackDingoand i used the nova-install script02:09
berto-OutBackDingo: ok, me too.  on ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, or something else?02:10
OutBackDingolol im on 11.10 :)02:10
OutBackDingobuilding a lappy openstack dev env for travel02:10
berto-OutBackDingo: is that a beta?02:10
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OutBackDingoAlpha 1 only02:10
berto-HA, alright.02:11
OutBackDingoim the daring type, i like pain02:11
evil_eI get a similar error02:11
OutBackDingoitll hoipefully be a XEN 4.1 kernel 3.0 Openstack KDE 4.7 laptop for travel02:11
evil_eeuca-authorize -P icmp -t -1:-1 default02:11
evil_eWarning: failed to parse error message from AWS: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error02:11
evil_eBotoServerError: 500 Internal Server Error02:11
evil_eI'm trying a manual install on 10.1002:11
berto-evil_e: yep, that's what i'm getting.02:12
berto-it would be awesome to get a verbose output out of these tools.02:12
OutBackDingoi fought with installs over the past 2 days , did it 10 times, finally got pointed to the nova-install script02:12
evil_eI get a big python stack trace...I think I may have enabled that by the --verbose=true line in nova.conf02:12
OutBackDingogot me alot further02:12
OutBackDingojust make sure mysql-server is installed before running the script02:13
evil_emaybe I'll start fresh with the script02:13
OutBackDingoi did 2 hours ago, now ive got published running images02:13
evil_eOutBackDingo: I thought the script installed mysql for you02:13
OutBackDingojust cant seem to connect tot hem :)02:13
OutBackDingoevil_e: trust me install it first02:13
berto-evil_e: just got the error to go away.02:15
berto-evil_e: run this:02:16
berto-berto@flyer:~$ ls /etc/init/nova* | while read i; do j=$(basename $(echo $i | sed s/\.conf//)); echo $j; sudo service $j restart; done;02:16
evil_eberto-: no luck for me, thanks though02:18
berto-evil_e: check out "Setting Up OpenStack Compute Environment on the Compute Node" and "Creating Certifications" on this page: http://docs.openstack.org/bexar/openstack-compute/admin/content/ch03s03.html#d5e25702:19
evil_eyeah those two sections worked for me, its the next one "Enabling Access to VMs on the Compute Node" that I'm stuck on02:21
berto-evil_e: also, under "Creating Certifications" i think there's a bug.02:22
berto-evil_e: what does "echo $EC2_PRIVATE_KEY" say?02:22
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berto-are you running as root?02:23
berto-ah, boo.02:23
berto-running out of ideas over here.02:23
evil_eyeah default private key location was wrong, I manually changed it02:24
berto-evil_e: when you ran the loop i gave you did you see lines like this:02:24
berto-nova-api start/running, process 1474002:24
evil_eand restarted02:24
berto-evil_e: hmm, well, try this for kicks: "source /root/creds/novarc"02:24
berto-then rerun the command.02:24
berto-OutBackDingo: just read this, maybe it's your issue?  Another common issue is you cannot ping or SSH your instances after issuing the ?euca-authorize? commands. Something to look at is the amount of ?dnsmasq? processes that are running. If you have a running instance, check to see that TWO ?dnsmasq? processes are running. If not, perform the following: killall dnsmasq service nova-network restart02:25
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evil_eberto-: I'm gonna do a fresh install using OutBackDingo's advice, no luck on your idea, I get same error02:28
berto-evil_e: i did the script install; hit this speedbump and after restarting all the nova services i'm moving along.02:29
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OutBackDingoberto-: let me know if you can get an image up02:36
OutBackDingomines running just cant seem to connect to it02:37
berto-OutBackDingo: yep, it worked.02:37
berto-OutBackDingo: i'm trying to connect to mine and i now have networking issues.02:37
OutBackDingowhat im seeing is 2011-06-27 21:03:12,153 WARNING nova.auth.manager [-] No vpn data for project dingo02:37
OutBackDingoin nova-network log02:38
OutBackDingoRESERVATION     r-cynddtx0      dingo   default02:38
OutBackDingoINSTANCE        i-00000005      ami-3c74971c        running None (dingo, ubuntu)    0               m1.small        2011-06-28T02:32:00Z    nova02:38
OutBackDingobut the image is running02:38
berto-OutBackDingo: what is your local IP02:38
berto-your VM is running on
OutBackDingomy laptop dhcps from the router02:39
OutBackDingoi set the project network for
berto-OutBackDingo: right, now i think the problem you're having (same as mine) is routing to that network.02:39
OutBackDingoi wonder if i could just tell it to dhcp from the router :P LOL02:40
berto-that won't work on an airplane.  ;)02:40
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berto-OutBackDingo: looking at this: http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/configuring-flat-networking.html02:45
berto-that might be the answer to my problem.  maybe yours too?02:45
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OutBackDingosomething... anything02:49
berto-OutBackDingo: if you run ifconfig, do you have virbr0 ?02:50
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OutBackDingoi have a br100, virbr0, and vnet002:50
berto-did you create br100?02:51
berto-i don't think i had before i started this.02:51
OutBackDingoi dont think virbr has anything to do with openstack thats libvirt02:51
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berto-and openstack is a way to make VMs on libvirt.  ;)02:52
berto-i think if you put your VM on the 192.168.122 network you'll be able to access it.02:52
berto-then again, i'm just guessing here.02:52
OutBackDingothen thats odd02:52
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OutBackDingowhys it ask for a project network if its not modifying virbr02:53
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berto-not sure how this all works myself, so i'm just guessing here.02:53
OutBackDingoberto-: welp somethings getting the network info from the db and serving it02:57
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berto-OutBackDingo: you ran a command something like: sudo nova-manage network create 1 6403:00
OutBackDingosudo nova-manage network create 1 6403:01
OutBackDingothats when i started to get running instances03:01
OutBackDingoand they were getting 10.0.0.x addresses03:01
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berto-OutBackDingo: yep, so that's where the network info is coming from.03:02
berto-my idea about the 192. network didn't pan out.03:02
berto-must be something with the br100 that needs to be figured out.03:03
berto-but that'll wait for tomorrow.  i'm outta here for now.03:03
OutBackDingoim more inclined to think its iptables related03:03
berto-see you tomorrow maybe.03:03
berto-OutBackDingo: iptables/masquerading/routing/network interfaces ... the whole bit!03:03
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JordanRinkeok, I am back03:04
JordanRinkeeveryone get everything working?03:04
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HugoKuo__anyone around ?03:14
HugoKuo__https://launchpad.net/~glance-core/+archive/trunk   the latest version of glance PPA is 145 ....03:14
HugoKuo__But I still cached 142 in my environment03:15
HugoKuo__how come ?03:15
OutBackDingoJordanRinke: nope03:20
OutBackDingoi got to running instances on network03:20
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OutBackDingoJordanRinke: if my router serves to my machine, what should my project network be?03:25
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JordanRinkeoutbackdingo: it can be anything private03:58
OutBackDingoJordanRinke: can it be on the same 192.168.1/x network ?03:59
JordanRinkeyou could but i believe it is getting routed through dnsmasq so you still wont be able to see it from anything but the host machine04:00
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OutBackDingoJordanRinke: welp then at that point, if i put it on say 10.0.0.x i cant seem to connect to running instances?? thoughts?04:10
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OutBackDingoJordanRi1ke: Welp.... success, networking is extremely slow... but its there, prolly iptables routing05:49
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berto-OutBackDingo: you got networking to work?  what was the trick?05:57
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RaziqueHi all, why instances instead the same security group can't see themselves ?07:24
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802849 in nova "nova-manage network create does not properly register gateway_v6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80284907:41
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freeflyinghi, if I wanna try openstack with Ubuntu 11.04, shall I install it with package in ubuntu's repositary? or from ppa? or use the install scripts would be more easier?07:53
Fu4nyfreeflying: all of those use the same PPA07:54
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HugoKuo__release PPA = ubuntu's repo07:57
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HugoKuo__which nova component handle security group09:07
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HugoKuo__My instacne seem ignore security rule @@09:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #802878 in glance "run_tests.py fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80287809:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802883 in glance "tests/unit/test_config.py fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80288309:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802885 in glance "no unittest plugin can be used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80288509:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802893 in glance "structured metadata aren't allowed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80289309:47
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RaziqueHi, where do I change iscsi settings that nova-volumes use ?09:53
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Guest47533bonjour a tous11:18
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Guest47533je voulais savoir si quelqu'un utilise openstack avec XCP (Xen Cloud Platfom)11:19
zulsoren: around still?11:19
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Guest47533is anyone using openstack with XCP ?11:21
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ttxzul: soren is in vacation this week.12:04
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RaziqueI've a serious issue :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/80059112:42
Raziqueis anyone is experiencing that ?12:42
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kbringardsoren: you around sir?13:42
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vodanh86I have installed OpenStack Nova, network mode is VLAN. Can i install more than one network controller to have more than one gateway network for VM?13:48
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Raziqueat least :D13:56
RaziqueI've resolved my annoying issue13:56
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OutBackDingook, is there anyway to build images from an iso ? do i need swift/glance ??14:08
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annegentlekbringard: soren is out this week I believe14:18
kbringardannegentle: ah, cool, thanks14:20
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kpeppleannegentle: did you read http://wiki.openstack.org/UnderstandingFlatNetworking ? this seems to be at odds with the docs (http://nova.openstack.org/runnova/network.flat.html) as I read them ...14:21
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annegentlekpepple: haven't read through it all yet, heckj brought it to my attention though and I'd like to dig in this week. runnova/network.flat.html is the older doc, if that helps.14:45
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kpeppleannegentle: i thought the runnova/network.flat.html was the diablo doc (2011.3) ...14:47
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vodanh86does anyone have experience with nova-network? pls help me!14:58
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kbringardthat guy needs to stay longer than 10 minutes if he wants help15:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803021 in nova "In unit tests, test setup() method not called for subdirectory tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80302115:12
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bpaluchanyone know how to build a uec image so that it knows its hostname properly?15:53
bpaluch127.0.1.1 doesn't get populated a hostname15:53
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bpaluchso certain things balk when I run them, like cassandra15:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803055 in glance "'limit param must be an integer' when listing images via OSAPI" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80305516:41
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OutBackDingoheckj: ping ... alive ? what version of ubuntu have you run auto.sh on ?16:56
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heckjOutBackDingo: Ubuntu 10.10 is what we used as our base last time. Haven't switched up to 11.04 yet.16:57
OutBackDingook i tried 11..10 and it barfed16:58
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WormManI ran into a seeming bug with KVM/libvirt and 11.04 last week, of course it may be fixed by now16:59
OutBackDingoWormMan: being ??16:59
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OutBackDingoheckj: my 11.10 install using http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/scripted-ubuntu-installation.html is actually working17:01
WormManI wiped the systems, but an issue with chardev on VM startup, similar to other bugs people have with PCI passthrough, but this was just plain Openstack config. Reverting to 10.10 made it fine17:01
berto-looking for help on accessing a VM once it's running.  i think it's networking related; any pointers?17:01
WormManI didn't really have time to troubleshoot17:01
OutBackDingoberto-: mine came up, i change to FlatDHCP and it just started to work17:02
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OutBackDingoplus i noticed ssh take a bit of time probably due to dns resolution to connect17:02
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berto-OutBackDingo: so --network-manager=nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager ?17:03
heckjOutBackDingo - excellent!17:03
OutBackDingoberto-: ill pastebin my config17:03
berto-OutBackDingo: and then you just restarted the nova-compute service?17:03
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OutBackDingoberto-: well i rebooted :)17:04
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heckjOutBackDingo: That install process is a nicely settled one that uses the PPA's and packages.17:04
OutBackDingoheckj: the one you posted ? or the one i used?17:05
heckjOutBackDingo: And there's some new packaged-based installation processes coming along now - one based on Puppet called "NovaDeployTool"17:05
berto-the scripted install went mostly smooth for me as well.17:05
OutBackDingothe one i got working doesnt install swift or glance though ..... boooooooo17:06
heckjOutBackDingo: the one I posted was likely the "all-in-one-install-from-source"17:06
OutBackDingoheckj: yupp, which included glance/swift/openstack gui so thats why im attempting it on another system17:06
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* OutBackDingo is afraid to break the scripted working install by attemtping to add swift/glance :)17:09
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OutBackDingoberto-: http://pastebin.com/AAyqng1U17:10
berto-OutBackDingo: i read somewhere yesterday that the config file doesn't handle comments. just in case you notice funk.17:11
OutBackDingoodd seems to be working though17:11
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berto-OutBackDingo: ok, i made the change and when i run euca-describe-instances i see: INSTANCEi-00000004ami-74446a33networkingdev (dev, flyer)0m1.tiny2011-06-28T17:09:52Znova17:12
berto-how do you find the IP now?17:13
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OutBackDingooh wait17:14
OutBackDingowhy does it not say running17:14
OutBackDingoberto-: INSTANCE        i-00000007      ami-312bcac3     running mykey (dingo, ubuntu)   0               m1.tiny 2011-06-28T17:15:35Z    nova17:16
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berto-OutBackDingo: how many dnsmasq processes do you have?  (ps -efww | grep dnsmasq017:22
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berto-oop: ps -efww | grep dnsmasq17:22
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OutBackDingoberto-: heh ps ax | grep dnsmasq17:23
OutBackDingoshows 317:23
berto-3 minus grep ?17:23
berto-hmm, i only hav 117:23
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OutBackDingoyupp 3 minux the grep17:24
berto-OutBackDingo: i missed some of the flags in your config.17:26
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MarkusWPHRorgGood morning17:32
MarkusWPHRorg(or evening as the case may be)17:32
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berto-OutBackDingo: found it!  nova-network was failing.17:33
berto-OutBackDingo: https://answers.launchpad.net/nova/+question/14654517:33
berto-i now have three dnsmasq processes as well.17:33
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OutBackDingoodd i didnt have to do that17:34
OutBackDingothough i am on 11.1017:34
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berto-OutBackDingo: that might be why.17:34
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WormManso, if I make a larger instance than normal, is there any way to use the extra instance disk space without actually uploading a 100GB disk image?17:52
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MarkusWPHRorgHmmmmm has anyone else had a problem with dashboard? I'm getting this when I run run_test.sh:17:56
MarkusWPHRorgfatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection timed out) While:   Installing django-mailer. Error: Couldn't clone git://github.com/jtauber/django-mailer.git into /opt/openstack-dashboard/django-openstack/parts/django-mailer Error: Could not import settings 'tests.testsettings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named testsettings17:56
MarkusWPHRorghow can I install this "testsettings" module?17:56
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MarkusWPHRorgnow I'm getting: ImportError: No module named django.core.management18:06
MarkusWPHRorgAny ideas?18:06
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MarkusWPHRorgOk different question:18:09
MarkusWPHRorgWhen I run euca-describe-images, I get the "UnknownError: An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again." error18:09
MarkusWPHRorgnova-api.log shows the following:18:10
MarkusWPHRorg Unexpected error raised: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED18:10
MarkusWPHRorgAlong with lots of other gobbledeegook18:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803091 in nova ""Unknown column 'instances.image_ref' in 'field list'" " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80309118:11
MarkusWPHRorgeuca-describe-availability-zones verbose shows scheduler, network, and compute all running18:12
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amorganWhile I really love what I am seeing in Stackops/Openstack, I do find it a bit odd that there isn't a base image collection.. Does anyone know of a collection like the short list on eucalyptus's wiki but for stackops?18:16
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_vinayI am hoping someone can help me with my problem ...18:29
amorgananyone know of non amazon ami resources for base images?18:29
_vinayI have nova on one machine ... and swift+glance on another one18:29
_vinayI try to register the tty image from glance(it goes into swift.. I confirmed it)18:29
_vinaythen I try to spawn a vm from nova(euca-run-instances)...18:30
WormManamorgan: ubuntu has UEC images that seem to work fine18:30
_vinaybut the instance goes from building --> failed to spawn --> shutdown18:31
amorgank, so thats the first couple of links on those pages rather than the list of amazon sourced images? (Thanks WormMan)18:31
_vinayI have pasted the compute and scheduler logs in the paste --> http://paste.openstack.org/show/1778/18:31
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_vinayJordanRinke was helping me yesterday.. wonder if he is still here18:31
amorganvinay, if your trying out a single node like me you might want to try stackops, it bundles and properly configures everything really well and I was able to load the tty image in a snap..18:31
WormManamorgan: yea, or just scroll to the bottom of pages like this: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/karmic/current/18:32
_vinayamorgan okay... stackops havent tried it.. willing to give it a spin18:32
WormMan(I use the tar.gz and euca-publish-tarball)18:32
_vinaywhere to find it18:32
amorganThe one thing I think I'd like to see is a bundled package like euca had at the tail end of stackops18:33
amorganits funny this is such a strain to setup by hand..18:33
amorganthat end of things really should be simplified if openstack is going to fully clobber vmware in the cloud18:33
amorganone more question if you don't mind wormman, any good writeups on creating persistent instances? aka survive reboots and s3 or ec2 backed ?18:34
WormManamorgan: not that I'm aware of, I'm trying to figure that stuff out myself right now18:35
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amorganIf any openstack devs are in the room I'd suggest something akin to proxmox.. the web UI at the end of the install is pretty much spot on with what I am looking for.. a good cli scriptable backend / api but also a slick WUI and guest image repo18:36
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: Make sure you have django installed on your local system - sounds like you dont. For dashboard, a quick install is "easy_install pip && pip install django".18:37
amorganWromMan, I saw a bit about making storage available / binding it to an instance but haven't found anything on keeping the guest going after reboot/ mapping that storage either to the root mount or another mount.. I suppose amazon docs would be a fair point to start..18:37
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amorganheckj)At least on stackops spin bzr seems missing and likewise the dashboard stuff isn't a .deb.. But maybe tonight I'll add the right repo / enable that too..18:39
amorganheckj)It actually shocked me on stackops, after such a slick installer you get dropped off a cliff strait into euca-tools18:39
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heckjamorgan: stackops is a packaged distro, but not part of the openstack core. Dashboard just moved to a formal incubator project in OpenStack, and there's still work to do to get it all packaged18:41
amorganstill though, I really like the consistency in the stackops installation, I tried Eucalyptus and it seemed millage varried from update / distro version too widely18:42
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MarkusWPHRorgheckj:  Thank you!18:43
amorganWith stack its basically boot, fill out forms,, reboot go..18:43
MarkusWPHRorgStill getting this when I try to sync the db: ImportError: No module named django.core.management18:44
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amorganbut now if stackops isn't part of openstack core (or at least using it) that concerns me a bit.. should I reinstall some other base to get the better / most current openstack experience?18:44
heckjamorgan: there's a lot of things sort of awash as the project is still relatively young and moving18:45
heckjI haven't used the StackOps distro myself, but there's nothing to say it's bad or wrong or anything. It just doesn't have all the very latest pieces...18:46
heckjamorgan: I don't know the StackOps guys personally, but I'd definitely recommend reaching out to them and relaying what you just called out - that dashboard isn't integrated, and you're dropped down into euca-tools command line after a great install experience18:47
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amorganTrue, though to be honest I would suggest a joining of forces..18:48
ttxamorgan: stackops is a distribution.18:48
heckjamorgan: Here's a reasonable link: http://www.stackops.com/contact-us/18:48
ttxamorgan: so it's one option you have to get a packaged version of openstack18:49
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ttxamorgan: but yes, they should have dashboard packaged -- probably soon, with dashboard now being an incubated official project18:49
amorganThe way I see it there are a handful of issues (or goals) as I see it in spreading openstack.. repeatable installations / os recommendations. Unattended (aka kickstart esque ) installations and lastly guest base images. .  After tooling around the basics (while I am sure there are bugs etc.) I think the base is fairly healthy..18:50
_vinayamorgan.. is stackops something I can download and try right away? or do I have to contact them first?18:50
amorganopensource vinay18:50
ttxamorgan: the "openstack deployment" space is getting more and more crowded. Think Dell "Crowbar", or Ubuntu "Orchestra".18:51
amorgandownload, burn iso (or boot in vm) install and try.. but it sounds like they maybe behind the main openstack projects updates..18:51
heckjamorgan: they're likely behind the latest in trunk, as we're just hitting diablo-2 release, but I expect they're perfectly up to date with the last stable release (cactus)18:52
_vinayhmm so with that image I get a nova installation18:53
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amorganbasically yes.. tip though don't let it auto format.. manually format and leave an lvm partition for images18:54
_vinayhmm I already have a working nova installation ..18:55
_vinaydoes the image have other openstack projects... swift? glance?18:55
_vinayI think its nova only.. from what I can tell from docs18:55
amorganthen you have to go through all the instructions to get all the various layers working right.. re swift, glance its hit and miss18:55
amorganglance seems to be there but I haven't gotten that far yet18:55
ldleworkDoes anyone here use openstack.compute (the Python binding)?18:56
amorganI'm still sorting through importing / making images and getting them to be persistant aka survive reboots / keep filesystem changes18:56
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huslageanyone played with the mediawiki plugin?19:02
huslagei'm curious about it19:02
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_vinayERROR nova.scheduler.manager [-] Driver Method schedule_run_instance missing: 'ChanceScheduler' object has no attribute 'schedule_run_instance'19:05
_vinaythats the error I get when running euca-run-instances19:05
_vinayany ideas ??19:06
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MarkusWPHRorg_vinay: Sorry - pretty new to openstack19:23
MarkusWPHRorgSo I ran " easy_install pip && pip install django"19:24
MarkusWPHRorgand I'm still getting:  File "dashboard/manage.py", line 2, in <module>     from django.core.management import execute_manager ImportError: No module named django.core.management19:24
MarkusWPHRorgAnyone know where I can get this module and how to install it?19:25
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: try something for me. Run python on the command line and in the interactive shell type "import django" - tell me what you get19:26
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MarkusWPHRorgheckj: Nothing - just a cariage return19:27
npmapnIs there some up to date guide for setting up a cloud? All I've read on the wiki and in many places looks like fragments of a setup, not a full one.19:27
MarkusWPHRorgIt didn't complain though...19:28
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npmapnI'd like to set up a development cloud in a VM for now.19:28
MarkusWPHRorgnpmapn: If you find one that actually works, please let me know19:28
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: That means that it loaded Django OK and it seems to be installed. Try "import django.core.management" and see if it just returns...19:29
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MarkusWPHRorgyeah, it returned ok19:30
ttxGeneral team meeting in 90 min in #openstack-meeting19:30
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: It may be that you have more than one copy of Python installed, or that the environment the dashboard is trying to run in doesn't have what it needs (using a virtualenv or something)19:30
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MarkusWPHRorgya it does look that way19:30
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: how did you install Dashboard, and how are you running it? What are you invoking that gives the error?19:31
MarkusWPHRorgI ran  git clone https://github.com/4P/openstack-dashboard.git19:31
MarkusWPHRorgand then run_tests.sh19:31
OutBackDingoheckj: same error on 10.10 that i got on 11.10 seems the script you posted no longer functions19:32
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: That script is just for the jenkins/CI build setup. You want to use "python tools/install_venv.py", "tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb", then "tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver"19:34
MarkusWPHRorgBefore I did: bzr branch lp:openstack-dashboard /opt/osdb19:34
heckjMarksuWPHRorg: Check out the README in that root directory for those details19:34
MarkusWPHRorgBut that seems to br broken now, and get a message telling me to use the git method instead19:34
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MarkusWPHRorgI tried that - hang on and I'll do it again though19:35
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MarkusWPHRorgthe first command is hanging on this:  Cloning git://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git to ./.dashboard-venv/src/openstack19:40
MarkusWPHRorgcan't seem to find that one19:40
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MarkusWPHRorgI think that's the same thing that it was hanging up on when I ran run_tests.sh19:42
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: the machine has free access to the Internet, yeah? That repo is there and should be able to cloned without issue...19:43
MarkusWPHRorgIt gets other repos no problem, but that one errors out19:43
MarkusWPHRorgYeah it just failed/errored out19:44
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: I ust cloned it without issue on my desktop. Try cloning it locally to make sure you can access it - "git clone git://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git"19:44
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: I'm doing a fresh clone of that repo on my ubuntu system and trying out the sequence.. let me watch it for a sec...19:46
MarkusWPHRorgok cool19:46
MarkusWPHRorgyeah, mine's haniging on that command, but it worked before19:47
MarkusWPHRorgI can ping external sites, so I definitely have connectivity19:47
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MarkusWPHRorgI can ping github.com ok....19:48
MarkusWPHRorgbut that git command is just hanging19:49
MarkusWPHRorgif I run: git clone https://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git19:49
MarkusWPHRorgIt works fine19:50
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MarkusWPHRorgbut  git clone git://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git19:50
MarkusWPHRorgjust hangs19:50
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: Markus - if you do that git clone manually, does it hand?19:51
heckjer /hand/hang/19:51
MarkusWPHRorgyou mean just running "git clone git://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git"  ?19:51
MarkusWPHRorgyes that hangs19:52
MarkusWPHRorgbut if I change it from "git" to "https" then it works19:52
MarkusWPHRorgon the url that is19:52
heckjoh lovely - I wonder what subtle thing changed then...19:52
vishyheckj: I can clone it19:53
heckjI'm cloning it and setting it up just fine.19:53
dolphmor try `git clone git@hithub.com:jacobian/openstack.compute.git`19:53
vishyI've seen git have issues like that sometiimes19:53
vishywhere it can't resolve git::// links properly19:53
MarkusWPHRorgdolphm: thanks - but that is hanging too19:54
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dolphmMarkusWPHRorg: definitely an issue then!19:55
heckjvishy: any thoughts on what to do to get around them?19:55
heckjOkay Markus - try this - in openstack-dashboard/tools/pip-requires, let's do some editing and see if that fixes things19:56
MarkusWPHRorgsince https seems to work, I wonder if I could just change all the "git" addresses to https in the dashboard setup script?19:56
vishythat was what i was about to suggest19:57
vishyjust change git to https in pip requires19:57
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MarkusWPHRorgDone. Anywhere else to make the change?19:57
heckjMarkusWPHRorg: change it to match this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/1782/19:57
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: hopefully not...19:58
MarkusWPHRorgchange What to match that?19:58
heckjthat's the pip-requires file with git:// changed to https://19:59
vishyprobably is a firewall issue19:59
vishygit:: is port 9418 i think?19:59
MarkusWPHRorgok done20:00
heckjNow retry that install_venv.sh script20:00
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MarkusWPHRorgInstalling dependencies with pip (this can take a while)... --editable=https://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git#egg=openstack should be formatted with svn+URL, git+URL, hg+URL or bzr+URL Storing complete log in /root/.pip/pip.log Command "/opt/openstack-dashboard.old/openstack-dashboard/tools/with_venv.sh pip install -E /opt/openstack-dashboard.old/openstack-dashboard/.dashboard-venv -r /opt/openstack-dashboard.ol20:03
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: Oh bugger. pip doesn't like that formatting...20:03
MarkusWPHRorgWeird thing is, it IS formatted with bzr+https://github/etcetcetc20:04
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heckjMarkusWPHRorg: Naw, we just changed it to straight up https:// which it doesn't know how to deal with. Maybe git+https:// as a prefix instead of git://... like this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/1784/20:05
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MarkusWPHRorgOk, that seemed to work20:10
MarkusWPHRorgNow there's a new problem20:10
MarkusWPHRorgDEBUG:django.db.backends:(0.075) CREATE INDEX "django_comment_flags_9b3dc754" ON "django_comment_flags" ("comment_id");; args=() DEBUG:django.db.backends:(0.058) CREATE INDEX "django_comment_flags_111c90f9" ON "django_comment_flags" ("flag");; args=() No fixtures found.20:10
MarkusWPHRorgwhat does "No fixtures found" mean?20:11
MarkusWPHRorgsorry - this is after running  tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb20:11
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MarkusWPHRorg\so running "tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb"20:20
MarkusWPHRorggets me a bunch of Debug output and this:20:21
MarkusWPHRorgInstalling custom SQL ... Installing indexes ... No fixtures found.20:21
MarkusWPHRorgWhen I sold the house to openstack, I told it I would be taking all the fixtures with me, so I don't know why it's complaining....20:22
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803141 in swift "charset bug(s)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80314120:31
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murkkwhen using the nova boot command I get the following error: Cannot find requested image 1: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment (HTTP 400)20:40
ttxMeeting in 15 minutes in #openstack-meeting20:45
vishymurkk: is that a XenServer install?20:45
murkkit is20:45
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murkknova image-list works so it is obviously able to talk to glance20:54
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NashTrashHello Openstack'ers20:55
NashTrashAny dnsmasq experts out there?20:55
MarkusWPHRorgHello NashTrash20:55
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NashTrashI want to get the nova-network service to push out an in-cloud DNS server as part of the DHCP for instances.  Could this work?20:56
vishymurkk: haven't hit that one yet.  But my standard install is using ami images as opposed to ovf20:56
vishythere is a flag20:56
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vishy60:flags.DEFINE_string('dns_server', None,20:56
vishy61:                    'if set, uses specific dns server for dnsmasq')20:56
JordanRi1keNashTrash: vishy is more than a dnsmasq expert.20:57
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NashTrashCool.  I will give it a try20:58
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vishyNashTrash: btw, by default dnsmasq uses the dns server of the nova-network host20:58
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vishy+ does dns for the hostname of the instances20:59
NashTrashmy nova-network host has our global DNS server20:59
NashTrashWe want to run a DNS server for instances within the cloud20:59
NashTrashShould I run my DNS server on an IP address internal or external to the cloud?21:00
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vishyanything hitabble by nova-network the instances should be able to route to21:00
NashTrashOk.  I think I will try running the DNS server on the nova-network machine.21:01
vishyNashTrash: but you might have to be careful with your SNAT rules if it is internal21:01
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vishyNashTrash: there is a flag called --dmz_cidr if you specify it21:01
vishynova-network will not snat anything going to that range21:01
vishyso they will maintain their internal addresses (usually 10.x)21:02
vishyyou can route back to the vms by specifying nova-network as the gateway for that range on the other host21:02
NashTrashOk.  Thanks for the speedy response Vishy.21:02
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vishyfor example: ip route add -net gw <nova-network ip>21:03
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vishyNashTrash: keeping in mind that security groups might get in the way21:03
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NashTrashAh.  Good call.21:04
NashTrashThanks Vishy!21:05
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murkkI have updated http://paste.openstack.org/show/1787/ with an error from nova-api.log21:23
murkkI don't think it is a problem with glance  since glance details works21:24
murkkAlso nova image-list clearly works as well21:24
vishymurkk: http://paste.openstack.org/show/1787/21:26
vishythat is actually masking the real error21:27
vishybug 80305621:27
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vishyah we don't have the reporter in this channel :)21:28
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vishymight want to throw a logging statement above that line21:29
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MarkusWPHRorgI'm trying to add the milestone ppa to my sources but getting an error:21:39
MarkusWPHRorggpg: requesting key 2A2356C9 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com21:39
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MarkusWPHRorg?: keyserver.ubuntu.com: Connection timed out21:39
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MarkusWPHRorgWhy does it need to grab a key from ubuntu for an openstack repo?21:41
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creihtjmckenty_: do you have a github link to the swift stuff you were talking about earlier?21:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803165 in nova "Old scheduler fanout queues are left behind after scheduler restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80316521:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803168 in nova "Response Queues for RPC Calls aren't being torn down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80316821:56
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Davor`I upgraded my Nova packages and now the database schema doesn't match what the new code expects. Is there a way to cleanly migrate the db to the new schema?22:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803188 in nova "Error booting image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80318822:21
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Davor`I get "Unknown columns" in network and compute services, and other errors in api and manage logs.22:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #803186 in nova "possible_topdir removed from nova-api" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80318622:26
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antonymDavor`: did you try nova-manage db sync?22:29
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Davor`That helped, thanks!22:32
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Davor`antonym: what's the correct procedure for upgrades like this one? The correct sequence for shutting down Nova services, updating the packages, upgrading the db schema, and then restarting everything?22:38
antonymDavor`: yeah, that would be a good approach to use22:41
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Davor`And the order of shutting down services?22:43
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_vinayok so I just discovered something22:50
_vinayI do telnet <glance_host> 919122:50
_vinayGET /images/8 http/1.022:50
_vinayand I get a bad request error22:51
_vinayThe reason is http/1.0 is in lower case22:51
_vinayGET /images/8 HTTP/1.0 ... works perfectly fine..22:51
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_vinayany idea where is this coming from??22:52
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_vinayany glance expert around??22:53
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dhersamHow do I get a new middleware (one I created for testing) into the swift egg?  It's in swift.egg-info/SOURCES.txt and I ran python setup.py develop but when I restart main (swift-init main restart) it fails with this error: LookupError: Entry point 'dan' not found in egg 'swift'22:59
dhersamNever mind, I figured it out - I had to add a new line to setup.py specifying the new middleware element23:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803226 in glance "Filter being None causes _extract_params to raise (dup-of: 803188)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80322623:21
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reedhello all23:28
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